/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #356

Do it. Fucking do it.
You won't. I know you won't. Because you're not actually depressed. You just want (you)'s.

You people are worse than tumblr, you know that?

I don't like avatarfaggotry but you know what I like less? Whining about avatarfaggotry. Stop actively shitting up the thread already.


it's unnecessary, deviates discussion almost all of the time on pretentious blogposters, even more apparent as more join in and start faking stories for attention. Wanna talk about your issues? sure, but you don't need to portray yourself as some character either, you will lure the shitposters in and drag everything with you.

You know, it was really surprising for me as well. Guts revealed some deep, personal stuff, too, but in a way it makes me happy. The "cult of personality," if there is one, is scarcely more than a mirage. Knowing that the "avatarfags" have problems of their own should hopefully prove that we're not here just to cultivate these perfect images of ourselves and bask in all the glory that that sort of godhood would entail. We're still Anonymous. You don't know my name, my address, hell, not even my hair color. And ultimately, if we weren't a special kind of deranged then we wouldn't be up at 5AM on a Taiwanese spear-fishing forum to talk about cute 2D girls.

I just like cute lolis, man. And I admit I've gone too far at this point, but at the beginning, I really did use the avatars only while posting my critiques. I'll rethink which contexts are acceptable for them in the near future.

But you're wrong about one thing, . Even if I give up the avatars you still have me; I'm not going anywhere. More importantly, you have us. Through all the bullies and shitposting in the last thread I hope you also saw the overwhelming support that Anons offered each other. You don't have to focus on all the bad, all the time.

Yuri lookin kinda like a big adorable dork

You too, huh? On both counts. How many submissions do you think there will be? (Either per girl, or as a whole)

What's funny is that by /ddlc/ standards the post and image counts synched up pretty well. That was actually a SLOW thread for images by our standards. We wouldn't have even hit the image limit without avatars. I just found it funny that the bitter newfag showed his true colors so easily.

People like you are the ones that make the bad times worth enduring.

I'm not jumping ship. I love you guys.

Does anyone have any one-off enemies of user from greentexts?
I know it's a strange question but I though it might be fun to compile a list of outrageous and intolerable people user knows that the dokis grant him solace from


>the avatar whining shitposters wouldn't exist if the rule breaking avatarfags didn't exist either

You sound like that guy who hates all wojaks. The cancerous ones that /v/ and /pol/ use I can understand, but the original that was about the feels should not also be blamed for the actions of his unfortunate descendants.