It WAS a worgen area, until January 30th 2018,
It WAS a worgen area, until January 30th 2018,
best ally race confirmed
>[citation needed]
Too scary
Anduin is going to find a lovely Void Elf princess and get VOIDED and the new heir of Stormwind will be a half-Void Elf.
I hope the worgen updates make them look more bestial and evil. They should look like these fuckers.
>try out blood spec
>tank a heroic to get the hang of it
>some 966 ilvl enhance shammy likes to pull on his own, idc tho makes it faster
>he pulls the 2nd boss in CoS with all 3 mini bosses
>gets one shot and causes us to wipe
>vote to kick him with the note "retard"
>nothing happens
>"You have been removed from the group".
>The child of Light and Shadow
Can the ChadIron Dwarves save us bros?
>that bugged as fuck spy quest in Redridge
please kill me