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Uncle Chen Edition

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where the FUCK is Mei ?

1st for protoss

#1 resource for hots information
in depth game discussion
high overall player skill
creative content
innovative memes
professional games highlights

OP is a mess of links no one reads
shitposting 24/7
plat 3 general
me unga team bunga
what's in this box??
bets on this gold 1 game?
blog about quick match

Why do we hate reddit again?

Is Chen still "if they have no stuns, you win"? Or has the meta and power creep even ruined that?

He's feast or famine. If they have no stuns then you win, if they do, you lose. He's a lot like Illidan in that sense. The reason why he's not buffed to relevance is because when he's meta he's broken OP because his kit is so cancerous.

>3 dead threads instead of one

basically. Not known as "fat illidan" for nothing

Spotted the homo

>post anything other than circlejerk/hivemind
>get downvoted into oblivion
neat site dude

can we get another blizzard dev or gilly appreciation thread in here

LOL this reminded me so much of ranked in hots

Maiev was a mistake.

this is terrible

Off to jail fag


Hero searching on twitch when? LoL has it, Hearthstone has it, Overwatch has it, CS:GO has map searching. please give

What do you mean?

Johanna loli is cute and fun and she tries her best to tank for you!

If you go to one of those games directories on twitch there's a drop down list where you can select a certain character and you'll just see streams with people playing the character you selected, or with CS:GO you'll only see matches played on the map you picked.

That's a big blindfold.

we're just not that big user. HGC is hitting 10k in views consistently and thats a pittance compared to lol

fukken ded

Stop posting that gnome or else

>tfw dota 2 is just as dead

wish there was a high mmr spectate
and/or a place where replays were just publicly available

>game has issues
>never address them
>here, have more cosmetics
>continue to ignore them
maybe next year


well, it is the first qualifiers where it's mostly filler teams duking it out while dignitas/fnatic/tempo storm sweep, but yeah hots has never been super big.

anyone complaining about the stale meta of pro hots and how only 20 heroes seem viable at the top should read this


at least we have like 4-5 supports to play around, not one


>game has issues
>they address them
>people still asshurt
Nu gamers are the problem

volskaya aint that bad. Its not so irredimably shit that it got banned from tourney play like blackheart's or haunted mines, or outright taken behind the shed like hanamura

I really wish the merc camps werent wet noodles though. That map has like, inverse push power

Monara when?

yes user, everyone knows overwatch is garbage and its pro scene is on life support even harder than SC2 at its worst.
Hots is one of those rare cases where blizzard has to put effort to succeed and it didnt turn out bad at all, after some years of polish

1. token camps are boring
2. not enough bushes that block paths and allow for traps
3. conveyor belts move too fast
4. just plain ugly

>I really wish the merc camps werent wet noodles though. That map has like, inverse push power
The main complaint about Volskaya was that the objective was too weak, leading teams to ignore it in favor of regular split pushing. And you want the mercs to be stronger. As far as I'm concerned, it's nice to have a map without a boss to throw.

Does anyone wanna play with a silver noob boi (me)

fresh hots sprays and emoji, maiev edition
now with significantly better quality on animated sprays as well as separated emoji
pass: blackthorne when

Just because there is a "safe meta" of like 20 heroes doesn't mean that most aren't viable. HGC has only been out for like 3 weeks and only 10 heroes haven't been picked out of 76.

>b-but they aren't picked every game
Doesn't matter, most heroes that have under 10 games played this tourney have positive winrates. Heroes are niche in this game so it's working as intended.

People are overreacting as usual.


Yes, the game is pretty well-balanced all things considered. It's a balance/design failure on OW to have 6 supports and only one being considered good and miles ahead of the rest.


about as cursed as you will be if uncle chen finds out about your li li folder

Thanks, man. I always appreciate your rips.

its probably a lot harder to balance an fps since mechanical skill is a more contributing factor, like when mcree was a sniper.
But the overwatch team is (thankfully, since they dont bleed into hots) full of diversity hires that cant balance for shit

tfw ow gets neko kawaii d.va and hots gets azmodan tints

Tips for not having a negative winrate with Alex in QM?

you're welcome guy
desu i'm really happy with how the emoji and animated sprays look now

>in QM
Might as well ask how to win a coin flip every time

Don't go for E build, even in ranked.

Take your /pol/ somewhere else

>tfw people below master, where Genji has a

Stop playing her

is that the lunar pack only or every existing spray


Popularity is still insanely high so player perception is skewed.

all sprays and all emoji that are within the game's files at this point in time, converted to common file types
i completely redid my whole converting .dds files to .gif thing, so all animated sprays look significantly better now
also, emoji are finally split up instead of just being piled up in emoji sheets

Shut the fuck up nigger

I bet you:
- Place W right under teammates every time. Especially when they're overextended.
- Take lots of poke damage while trying to get E stacks and then can't heal for shit
- Pick Lifebinder
- Don't know that dragon form is basically her best ult
- Don't know that while in dragon form, flight has no cast time

I will if you can recall the great white man's Blizzard balance, where only 3 classes where viable in PVP.


Statistics are fairly meaningless for high ceiling high impact heroes like Genji. 20 bad genjis doesn't change the fact that one good genji will get 15 kills and just make the game unfun.

Who gives a fuck about WoW

Have you considering investing in Raynor?


>have permanent -15 - -20 adjustment points for over 50 games be it on winning streaks or losing streaks
is it a bug?

>tfw you make a comeback with your meme team after losing all the game

holy shit this fucking game drained me

You're right, tell me instead of the great white man's Blizzard balance where Raynor, Thrall and Diablo was on every team and you won by pressing R.

I want to know Murky's damage tanked.

blizzard said fuck it this season and gave everyone a legendary chest so we dont complain

'zah, cold beer and HGC
life doesn't get more comfy than this bros

>doubting /ourteam/

tanked a lot, had kahuna at the end, him and me held the line on a 50% core like 3 times

Bottom pic is (was) accurate for WC3 Dota.

they said it's not but who knows
maybe they're finally doing something about the rank inflation/distribution

damn even the women in the hots team can fuck your shit up

i know that feel

Lmfao why is the LoL team so fucking big? They can't be serious with this shit. League is mobile game tier at best, there's no way they actually need all those people

I stopped picking E build. I place W's pretty far away, but they still manage to punish the circle.

And I didn't know that, but that explains why I sometimes managed to survive shit. Thanks.

they need a million community managers

ring of frost or elemental?
Seems like ring of frost is useless anyone with IQ higher than 1 easily dodges it

>dat team

HOW, the other side got a balanced team

usually elemental
ring if your team can set you up for it
or the enemy team just seems prone to clumping in chokepoint maps

wow it's almost as if you can chain ring with CC so people are unable to dodge it

i like frost elemental when they have a support that has problems disengaging like Ana, a good ring of frost win games though

it was a hero league game, people just picked whatever

RoF needs a little setup but landing it on most nonwarriors means you 100-0 them. you can also use it extremely well for zoning, where they take a gamble retreating through RoF or re-engage your team.

Its mostly in your type of comp. If you feel your team has a lot of kill pressure RoF, if they dont and the fights are more sustained go for elemental

draft spergout probably
people make too big a deal about picks/comp


viKANGZ remove one of the more punishing aspects of ToD: the 3 man split

sulfuras smash or lava wave?
Seems like smash is useless anyone with IQ higher than 1 easily dodges it


>Seems like smash is useless anyone with IQ higher than 1 easily dodges it
hold it until somebody gets hit by cc
bit harder to miss when they can't move

– Have setup CC or against melee-heavy teams? Smash
– Big map or against splitpush? Wave.

>pick bw solo support
Brightwing is useless and shit.

Did Zelot really expect to win with a draft that bad?

>HotS team is swole as fuck

>lo-rez has a low res image

>Implying Bw was the issue
You really think Tyrael can hold his own against a frontline that heavy? Li Ming is also a poor answer to Uther, they should have picked Gul'dan to melt the frontline or Chromie to nuke the backline

>Gul'dan against a stunlock team
>Chromie nuking an inexistent backline

I'm plat 1 NA and could draft smarter comps than those "pro" EU teams
