Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/


>Seems like smash is useless anyone with IQ higher than 1 easily dodges it
hold it until somebody gets hit by cc
bit harder to miss when they can't move

– Have setup CC or against melee-heavy teams? Smash
– Big map or against splitpush? Wave.

>pick bw solo support
Brightwing is useless and shit.

Did Zelot really expect to win with a draft that bad?

>HotS team is swole as fuck

>lo-rez has a low res image

>Implying Bw was the issue
You really think Tyrael can hold his own against a frontline that heavy? Li Ming is also a poor answer to Uther, they should have picked Gul'dan to melt the frontline or Chromie to nuke the backline

>Gul'dan against a stunlock team
>Chromie nuking an inexistent backline

I'm plat 1 NA and could draft smarter comps than those "pro" EU teams
