Know Your Enemy edition
>Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
prior grimoire
Know Your Enemy edition
>Beta tome and grimoire locations
This is for the previous beta's levels, needs to be updated
prior grimoire
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Hang elves
Best weapon set up for Bounter Hunter?
Axe and Brace of Pistols
Sigmar, save me from those Natsuki flashbacks.
Lone, frightened little clanrat cornered by a blood-maddened slayer
thick calloused dwarf meat ravaging a tight little rodent hole
Rapier because can save your ass in horde.
Repeater pistol or repeater crossbow.
BUT maybe some strong melee than can kill chaos trash in oneshot, to faster reset your crit ability .
Melee weapon and repeater. Get the free ammo level 15 talent and fire free volleys at shit every couple of seconds.
Seriously. Why? Why do you think she deserves a nerf?
Her best weapon was already significantly nerfed.
If the answer is "m-muh h-health regen wahh" then you really need to git fucking good and go play on champion.
>Conveniently forgets about "press F clear half the screen"
Fuck off, elf.
>reddit shade is the best career for doing boss damage
>backstab+stealth+str pot it's fucking garbage damage
pls explain this stupid class
have fun
So let's add a class that has
>Double ammo
>Health regen
>An ability that autoaims
>AND launches three projectiles
>AND kills every special in one hit
>AND gives EVEN MORE ammo with a talent
>Oh and let's give her some of the best melee weapons in the game
Are people braindead?
Only Waystalker is strong, and that's because most Careers are fucking shite as they are right now. Her regen is near irrelevant on champion and it shows who only plays on Recruit
Elf overall doesn't need nerfs. As Handmaiden is fucking garbage.
Just think about that soft fur against you body as you impregnate the panting mess in front of you.
>8 enemies is half the screen
This is how I know you're a Recruit baby.
Her ability is nothing compared to Pyromancer's flame lance. It charges twice as fast for about the same damage and can clear her over charge for even more nuking
Because I want elfshit players to suffer
This. Fuck the elf and fuck everyone who plays the elf.
Nobody fucking cares elf apologist.
>ree females scare me
t. incel
I woke up from my nap to say all knife-ears must fucking hang.
Veeky Forums here. Daily reminder that elves are only good for being ground to dust and used as food seasoning.
>Veeky Forums here.
Isn't that a given?
Nah. Sienna is pretty chill. Fuck the elf though. Shes shit.
what do they taste like, can I buy just elf feet powder?
I really suggest you stop playing on recruit.
Oh wait, you're garbage so you cant
> sienne is chill
I c wut u did
No its not. Most people here are redditors who think Kirito is the best ever and also play Elf for the leet skillz.
Why would you want your food to taste like shit
Elf players are garbage no matter what difficulty its on. Its a disease at this point
yes and? still doing shit damage on boss.
Reminder that the elf's only response to valid criticism is
Their tears will fill entire pools, and the salt distilled from them will be enough to smoke every ounce of beef on the planet.
If you suck, yes
if you expect to do kruber damage you are braindead
Newboi here. How is it? Is it worth buying for someone to play with randoms online?
>Get a blue with crossbow with an illusion
>Game crashes every time i try to equip it
Guess that's what i get for opening two commendation chests at one time.
rune forged or tunnel fighter
>If you suck, yes
it's fucking garbage even if you're good so stop lying
shade is dog shit
One is i think temp hp so i went for tunnel
Best class for two-handed sword?
Mercenary probably. Dat extra cleave plus a fuck off shockwave in case you get too deep in ratties.
and thats daggers, not glaive
>elf is garbage
>but elf is also overpowered and clears half the map with a single tap of F
Can you already choose one?
>Play Elf
>Veeky Forums neckbeards shit themselves to death in a rage
Has there ever been an easier way to farm salt?
Use hitscan in a /tfg/ in-house.
Elf PLAYERS are garbage. Case in point; you can't even fucking read.
Will our progress from beta carry over to full release?
Giant axe or giant hammer for Ironbreaker?
>level 14 doing recruit/veteran content
fuck off retard
Yes. When does beta end?
Yes. But Elf players get demoted back to level 1.
>Saltzpyre: "Your crime: Your foul existence, Your sentence: is death!"
Whats your favorite battle shout?
>Play Sienna (main/first character leveled)
>consistently get the most green circles, even compared to people much higher level than me besides huntsman meming people for damage dealt
>decide to get everyone to 10 to unlock everyone's keep rooms
>start with elf
>consistently get the most green circles, even beating out level 22 Sienna's/20 Krubers
I think other people are just bad.
I wish they'd get rid of the health regen and replace it with something else so CoD shitters stop running elf.
Axe does more damage, hammer hits more targets
their lmb are both pretty good although I like the hammers better, somehow easier to bonk heads with it
Is the leveling unlocks in this game one of those of, its useless until you unlock the whole talent tree so you might as well play the first class until you're max level kinda games?
>steam forum shitters still complaining about elf when unchained fireball exists
> unchained fireball
What's this?
Outside of the lowest difficulty, yes. Most shit is balanced around having all your talents unlocked
Havent seen anyone post this yet, but sienna's beam staff allows you to cheese critical hits with left click attack.
Every time you begin the cast, it rolls a crit or not. if it crits, it stays critting until you stop casting, and the legendary trait -4 overheat on crit makes it free
>doing much harder champ when you didnt hit veteran Power Level limit and chests are the same till the cap
Hammer 1-shots, does good arc and penetrates armor
Is it just me or is rapier actually the best crowd weapon Saltzpyre has? Even the big twohanders seem to stop halfway through a decently thick mob and get you assfucked when the other half attacks you, and flails keep forcing you to use the overhead. Rapier just swishes back and forth to stun everything and has three shields, on top of the absolutely dumb cheese that is crit pistol + healing.
sienna unchained with fireball staff, solo the entire game basically
Congratulations, you found out the truth.
You can easily top every chart with every career with any loadout. The only thing you needs is a moderate amount of getting good.
Something the vocal minority in these threads going on with an autistic rant about elves are clearly unable to do.
People always try to put the blame on someone else. Its the same when people cry how bots are garbage, but they themselves got downed and placed the bot in a place where it would need to clutch.
Similarly shitters who cant carry go on how the elves are shit and THEY are the reason the group failed.
Its hard to admit when you are wrong, but please, dont run to the beta forum and cry.
Flail is better, allows for infinite charge attack and armor break.
So I had no idea that you can block while reviving. Are there any other major tricks that a player should know but the game doesnt tell you about? Can you start blocking in the middle of a revive if you werent when you started?
The hp regen is basically worthless on higher difficulties and after lvl 20
Correct. Twohanded sword is shit. Flail is the only one that has more control than Rapier.
The charge attack takes so long to wind up and execute though. Feels like suicide trying to use it back to back instead of just as an opener.
How can do you know when you get crits with Sienna's staves anyway? It's pretty obvious when you can see the numbers on a dummy but during an actual game I can never tell when I get crits.
the charge attack is weak is shit compared to the light attacks in terms of dps, but half the light attacks don't pierce armour.
i really don't see the appeal of the weapon.
>on top of the absolutely dumb cheese that is crit pistol + healing.
Can you elaborate?
And? That doesn't stop CoDfuckers from shitting it up.
>wade into a crowd as Bardin
>shield bash - charged M1 - shield bash - charged M1 - shield bash - charged M1
>every enemy is forced to sit on their ass and just watch as my team slaughters them
Bardin is the absolute chad class
crying about what? your shitty carrer doing shitty damage?
I'm fucking laughing but keep trying retard
If they get in your face shove and dodge away, if you got reach start hitting stuff.
Crafting items is cheap and gives you good power level.
Use similar moveset as with Rapier
Light attack -> light attack -> block cancel
This gives you wide swings that are easy to headshot with and control.
Not really a trick but you can quickly tap block to get a "block cancel" which resets your attack pattern. Makes certain weapons much better.
well in my case my staff has the -4 overcharge on crit, so i can tell i'm critting when my casts rapidly vent my overcharge. right click attack into a horde can clear all overcharge too and does so often.
No. I dont fucking care if Sienna or Kruber is more op. I just fucking hate elves. They need to be deleted from the game.
It must be used with zealot. Faster charge, faster attack speed, uninteruptible heavy.
>Hammer 1-shots
it depends on which attack you use, where you hit, and which difficulty you're on.
I thought it was funny you mentioned that, because I was watching this where the guy uses that exact combo.
So, for BH talents, what do you take at 25? 30% CDR seems like a nobrainer, but do the other two change it much, and if so for the better or worse?
I mean Sienna can just light everything on fire with one or two fireballs which causes them to do the 'aaah i'm on fire' flailing for a while.
Well on veteran clearing the trash is quite easy with a single swing and hammer also breaks shields on chaos shield mobs.
double blunderbuss puts at you huntsman kruber tier memery for boss killing, otherwise you take the cooldown.
>monolith map
>pugging with newfriends
>showing them pickup locations
>at the camp before nurgle path
>jump from ramp to ledge for grim
>grab it
>packmaster wallhacks behind me
>nobody else can make the jump
Oh I see now, I wasn't thinking hard enough when I read your first post.
how do I be a good sienna?
hard to tell if fireball or conflag is better since they both have the same role/crowd control
So as I understand each difficulty comes with a power level cap, as in it will stop giving upgrades any higher. Is there a benefit in say, running veteran difficulty content when recruit can still give upgrades?
Fireball is near brokenly good.
Don't charge the alt-fire ever unless you're waiting for enemies to line up/group together. Alt fire on fireball does far more damage than conflag, which really only just lights stuff on fire.
you are not a dedicated wizard mage class, use your melee
the basic sword is really strong with charged attacks
>Bardin: The assassin longs to feel my Az