How to mathematically beat the stock market?
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How to mathematically beat the stock market?
>there are people dedicating their lives to working on complex algorithms & statistical analyses to beat the market
>literal math PhDs working 24/7 on this
>this fucking guy thinks some pleb on Veeky Forums knows how to mathematically beat the market
>implying they would tell you even if they knew
why do I even bother
He's probably just some jungle nigger
yeah sure lets do it
just take the top 17 public companies starting with the letter K
ok divide that by 3
and theres your answer
>literal Nobel Prize winners almost caused the global economy to collapse in the 90s
Weak-handed fool, you win, you lose, only thing that matters is when you're gonna give up.
over a long enough time frame no one beats the market
I got what you want user, I'll tell you how to use math/statistics to find the winning stocks. Send me 0.01 bitcoin and I will send you my email so we can get into contact. 17rqHig46CKa5gdpiwbVERuie8gRt6ct89
> Ride stock market on the way up
> Pull out
> Wait for it to crash
> Buy Back in
> Mathematically higher return over the same period of time
> ?????
> Profit
Did I win?
lol no fuck off cheater
you just wanna steal my dank ideas
well you'll have to suck my dick you cia nigger
Play the stock market, but with other people's money.
You cannot predict the future very far with math. You need to learn statistics and science. When you have a good system you need to borrow money.
the real, reliable way is to follow principles of value investing and pick stocks with high margins of safety
but that requires actual finance and accounting knowledge and a lot of time. In the meantime, BUY REDDIT COINS
Find the addresses of 1024 wealthy people across the US.
Pick a big name stock at random; send 512 of them a letter saying that you predict it will be over $price, and 512 one saying it will be under that price.
For the 512 for whom you were correct, split the list into two lists of 256; pick another stock. Repeat the process.
128 people will have now seen two correct predictions. Do it again, and you have 64 people who have seen three
Next step, you have 32 people who have seen 4 correct predictions.
When you are down to 16 people who have seen 5 correct predictions in a row; ask them to send you money to invest for them; then dissappear.
Why beat the market? Learn price action + Andrews Pitchfork and you will be set.
holy shit why has no one thought of this before?
You can't.
Just start a business buddy. When you've made a few million, then you can throw your money into SP500 and laugh at poorfags wasting their time fighting institutions and algorithms.
THIS is the one that's going to make me millions
You can optimise your winnings by adding in some index shorts, gold and silver when pulling out.
>adding in some index shorts
that sounds good until the market doesn't have a big correction and you're losing money.
You absolute madman
also this should be rather obvious but for the dummies out there, remember to use different aliases for each prediction group. you don't want groups finding each other online.
What does beating the market even mean ?
You cant beat something that is manipulated at will of few.
t. few