This board has become nothing but crypto threads. There's no actual discussion about business and investing. How the hell do we fix this?
The crypto shit has just gotten out of control. It wasn't too bad at first but now it's just about every thread.
I'm not necessarily blaming crypto investors. I get it, the shit is skyrocketing right now and I'd be lying if I said I didn't think this was exciting too but this board has gone to shit.
I'd like to recommend a separate board for crypto discussion. I think this would be best for everyone. What does Veeky Forums think?
Isaiah Hall
>What does Veeky Forums think?
i honestly think im going to have to check into a hospital for this ETH gainz erection
John Young
What would you talk about? Your burrito stand idea? Stocks with 3% annual returns?
Veeky Forums is for guys who actually want to get rich while they're still under 40, sorry. Crypto is the best way to do that right now.
Daniel Morris
Veeky Forums has always worked best when users dictate the content. Guess what? If people wanted to discuss the things you want to discuss, your threads would be popular and stay on the first page.
Christopher Cruz
>Veeky Forums wants to become rich >board used to be a bunch of "hurr durr i've 10 dollars how can make it 10 billion in 1 month" >"Original idea donut steel" >"How can i profit from my kebab smuggling shitshow?" >Suddenly crypto allow these very same retards actually profit big time by just being autists >"Remove cryptos reeee!" Fuck off
Jeremiah Thomas
Zachary Jenkins
kys gramp
Kevin Rivera
This. Newfags coming in here looking to discuss stocks and mutal funds is tolerated, but man when they think they can take OUR board away from US.
Pro tip: BIZ is all about crypto and will always be, Veeky Forums is an ecosystem for expression of whatever the collective niche is. If you don't liek this you have to go back.
Oliver Kelly
Veeky Forums was always a containment board for the cryptofags that were shitting up /g/. At the time, it made /g/ marginally less shit.
Andrew Rivera
And now /g/ stays poor while pretty much everyone who has been on Veeky Forums for a month has a couple of 10k's
Zachary Barnes
>"Original idea donut steel" >"donut steel"
Adam Rodriguez
>buy memes on robinhood and make -1000$ in three months of misery >buy 50 eth and makes $5000
Caleb Williams
Luis Parker
Andrew Cox
Im okay with it. Veeky Forums finally found a way to make serious money.
Ian Murphy
I support a /crypto/ board, but desu Veeky Forums is always just going to talk about what's most profitable, and for the moment that's cryptos. Who knows what it'll be in a few months? a year?
Ethan Baker
Go away pls I'm actually having fun and making money
Angel Gutierrez
I think we should keep Veeky Forums the way it is, and make a section called /nocoiner/ for all you fucks who keep complaining.
Angel Garcia
Jayden Evans
well, start a forex general or a stock game or just fuck off nocoiner