Fuck you shillers who shilled this coin
Fuck you shillers who shilled this coin
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whats wrong op
RElax you weak handed pussy, patience............ eth went from 20 - 5 before bitcoin from 1200 to 200 ...... wait
Bought this last week ATH at 17 sats.
Where is the fucking moon mission?
You guys did it again :^)
>you actually bought this meme
HAHAHAHahahaha, you need to cut your losses mate. this coin is NEVER going to do anything. Blatant pnd if ive ever seen one.
have you read the whitepaper? you're legit an idiot.
wouldnt be surprised if you're a DGB investor lmao
wait there's a whitepaper for this coin? I've been following it for a few weeks and havent found a whitepapaer for it. Please do user a favor and link it.
here's a >blue/ one
What? its 15 sats.
Weak hand faggot
alright i read both the whitepapers on the cryptocoderz website already. those are about 2 specific protocols the coin has running on it, not what the coin is attempting to do or already has implemented.
What does this coin have oven BITB besides ESP being an obvious PnD and having a broken wallet?
what part of the wallet is broken?
If you cant wait a week for a coin to moon, you're not for crypto. Come back in a month or two faggot.
hahaha I'm so sorry I didn't mention you have to hold to make profits... also didn't mention to do you f* research.
This is 15 sats. And can explode any minute. This week, next, or in a month, or two..
cya there ;)
I was trying to use it and then it got all glitchy. I restarted the thing and when it came back up it said I had 4294967296 tokens so I started selling them on coinexchange not sure if that's how it's supposed to work but seems broken if someone can just get more tokens free
>having 4.2 billion tokens
anyone who knows how to use a blockchain explorer doesnt believe this shit.
ok lol don't know what that is I'm new. do you want the tokens? I'm not gonna use them i guess you can have them
yes, please gimme
This is ridiculously under priced you fucking cuck.
I am sure glad I spent all the ETH I cashed out in BTC on FCT
ok whats ur wallet address
I've got 10 million of this.
Everyone who invests 1 BTC at this stage will be a whale in 3 months time.
I'm very willing to help you lift this burden of your shoulders: ERAB3VX7xskDK1F8pYexzHuSc2WjUyyZ3F
Send me some ESP2 pretty please?
Please give me some ESPERS.
Im a good sire
Well, if you're willing to part with them, I will greatly accept.
have used the wallet :/
prove me wrong user :)
Gimme some fucker, prove that 4channers arent LARPers.
>broken english from an actual pajeet is proof that the developers are scammers
try harder
>bought at ATH
>can't hold for the real moon mission
this just went from a consistent 4-5 sats to 15 sats twice. was being held down by whales but its going up in future as others have said.. (l2hodl)
Share the love brother
Bought 50000 of this coin for 20 bucks. Not even gonna touch it for a year, maybe one day I'll look and it'll be a dollar. I see it as a lottery ticket. Essentially worthless, but a small chance of being worth thousands.