Tell me about Zen.
How is it different from Chan?
I've been a Chan practioner for several years now and when we chant the heart sutra, its similar to this:
Yet I came across this Zen variation of the heart sutra:
Tell me about Zen.
How is it different from Chan?
I've been a Chan practioner for several years now and when we chant the heart sutra, its similar to this:
Yet I came across this Zen variation of the heart sutra:
I know there are two or three major sects of Zen in Japan and they tend to be very different in their methods.
Embrace white buddhism mate
Tony Samara, author of ‘Shaman’s Wisdom,’ ‘The Simplicity of Love Meditation,’ ‘Different Yet the Same,’ ‘Discover Your Inner Buddha’ and 10 other titles, spent his early years in England, Egypt and also in Norway, where he discovered the Zen Buddhist philosophy.
This discovery eventually led him to the Mount Baldy Zen Centre in California, USA, where he received the spiritual teachings of Roshi Sasaki.
His first spiritual teacher, at the age of 12, was the question – Who Am I? – and for a few years, he immersed himself more deeply into this question.
He had the curiosity to explore further the essence of spirituality and ventured to many different countries, learning much about the various spiritual traditions and cultures, in a non-dualistic and open-minded way.
Whilst making pilgrimages to numerous sacred sites in India and other parts of the world, Tony was able to dwell deeply upon the ancient Vedic and Jain philosophies and various mystical practices and work profoundly with the essence of these teachings.
Now people from all over the world visit Tony Samara to take spiritual guidance and experience being in his presence.
Tony Samara believes that: “The vast majority of people go through life without directly experiencing the depth of their true self or understanding their connection to life or their relationship to others and to the world at large.
We are often taught to only relate to the world through our senses. We think, we reason, we feel – but we do not know from our hearts what it means to be connected to what is beyond the senses.”
Question of pronunciation.
Your video is in Mandarin Chinese.
Rituals vary lightly according to the schools involved, including by country. Chan/Zen are part of mainstream Buddhist monasticism and the outer trappings and rituals reflect that to a certain degree. Techniques vary somewhat too. But they all point to the same mind.
sorry: first video = Madarin Chinese; second video = Japanese (i.e. Japanese pronunciation of Tang-era Chinese pronunciation of Sanskrit, to make things fun...)
chanting is such a load of pseuso-spiritual nonsense
just sit there and babble the same shit over and over thinking you're deep
>never heard of mantra/japa practice
>never heard of chanting sutras either
What a charlatan
>actually believing any of this
Zen is a Buddha's traitor sect. They arrogantly refuse to find the Buddha teaching in sutras and with illusionists words they lead the people to the hell
what arrogant judgment....please reconsider it
which is why these different schools of Zen and Chan all happen to be chanting the Heart Sutra, you ignoramus.
>believes in b/s spouted by equally ignorant 60s hippys with a fragmentary knowledge of Zen/Chan.
>which is why these different schools of Zen and Chan all happen to be chanting the Heart Sutra
Your ignorance is immeasurable as your arrogance: "Christmas Humphreys, one of the leading pioneers in the history of Buddhism in Britain, wrote that "Zen is a subject extremely easy to misunderstand." He was right.
Zen is something a person does. It's not a concept that can be described in words. Despite that, words on this site will help you get some idea of what Zen is about. But remember, Zen does not depend on words - it has to be experienced in order to 'understand'.
laughing right now at this display of arrogance: Christmas Humphreys didn't know the first thing about Zen. That's for starters.
Next, we are speaking of the schools of Buddhism known as Zen and Chan, which you claim do not study Buddhist sutras. But since we have seen videos proving they do, you are quite obviously in the wrong.
Now, if you want to invoke a different definition of Zen, you are free to do so - there are many - but they will not accord with your initial proposition.
If you are the samefag (traitor sect), your mental contradictions have not gone unnoticed.
>Hinayanist detected
So you're not arrogant, you're a grand master that can affirm Mr Humphreys is a
I'm a fierce enemy of zen buddhism but I can't stand misinterpretations
>Theravada is Hinayana
Wee lad
Humphreys has his merits, yes of course. Zen/Chan was not one of them.
1. He did not know any of the texts in the original.
2. He never underwent any sort of Chan/Zen training.
3. He personally had little interest in that form of Buddhism.
Contrast with John Blofeld, who fitted all the above criteria, although was too modest to claim any great knowledge. (Protip: most of Humphrey's knowledge of Chan came from Blofeld, but you knew that already, right?)
So, you've revealed your true colours, and that's fine. You're just misreading this thread spectacularly to suit your own agenda, and that's not fine.
as above your arrogance is higher than Sumeru mountain..You think to understand something but your delusion didn't let you able to comprehend the reality I'm not Hinayanist I'm member of Soka Gakkai.
I strongly recomend you to study Nichiren's writings
No thanks, I have little interest in your sectarian spouting.
But I will add that I have studied a work on the Lotus Sutra, written by a contemporary member of the Nichiren sect, some Japanese monk whose name escapes me right now. It was quite comprehensive and very useful. But it contained nothing overly sectarian or polemical in it, unlike your messages.
about time someone broke it to ya.
here, give this a lash if you're interested, it's a great read:
Another time a superficial judgment that is not related to any buddhist teaching but only upon your precooked ideas.
That's really disappointing from a grand master
I understand that English is not your native language from your shaky grasp of its grammar, and your poor reading comprehension does you no credit either. But that's ok.
What is not ok is tis kind of trolling, since you are now arguing for now arguing against varying interpretations of what Zen and the Zen school actually mean. In other words, if you are not a troll, you are certainly acting in bad faith, and from the very beginning.
You understand very well I make no claims, and am merely pointing out the very obvious. (Video, texts, Humphreys himself etc).
You, on the other hand, are content to repeat your little contradictions sarcastically and in bad English to boot. I think we've run the course here.
Exactly as I wrote in my first post zen sect is full of arrogance peoples and any word you wrote is full only of your ego. I'm very interestes (not as you) to know what Zen school actually mean...but buddhist sects are not a pair of shoses that will change in according to fashion.
I'm sorry my english level is not comparable to speaking with you.
Chan practitioner for 13 years ask me something
Zenfags go back to >>>/zenith/
please quote me where I claim to belong to the Zen/Chan school, and post an example of my arrogance, thank you.
Let us return to the subject of this thread, and not to your imaginary ramblings.
If you are not a troll, you are a particularly misguided character, and I do not mean that on account of your linguistic expression or choice of sect, but on account of the cavalier fashion in which you barge in without understanding what it you are criticising.