Alright guys listen to me. Quick money guaranteed. Here is the clue. Jubi, Etherdelta tomorrow

You guys say tommorow, I'm in a different time zone. Please give a date and Timezone? And a source too please this is very important. I can't find it anywhere. I am going to buy shitloads when it hits the exchange I don't want to miss this please.

But I did buy

Thanks user

nice to hear that giving some proper tips here also lead to that.
Most topics i created about icos were like "buh faggot scam shiller blabla"

keep up the good work
best of luck
i actually got in thanks to you

Its appreciated my man

People think they don't need to do their DD; its just the start here ya know?

Only got 125. This is a HODL for sure. I don't be surprised to see $10 first day, $20 at the end of the week with long potential.

Guys date and time please I don't want to miss this I'm going to pump the shit out of it.