Dont try to catch a falling knife. Wait a few days.
China isn't going to give a free pass to the companies that already finished their ICO. They're going to find a way to give a proper fucking to anyone in that space.
you're so fucking stupid LOL
OP is pathetically protecting his lamborghinis.
Fuck you OP I dont care.
I dont know how the Chinese system works but you cant prosecute someone for a law that went in to effect after you broke it.
It's China, the laws are just a tool to help them do what they want.
They can decide that the money raised by ICO isn't legal to keep. That the initial fundraising wasn't legal in the first place. etc.
i love how Veeky Forums loses its shit every time a broader dip happens.
like this is the first time
>omg its all over
>BTC is done
you never learn right? you never see the pattern? there is no infinite growth.
but yeah, please go on selling with your pussy hands. see you next month. this is the time to buy.
I dont think most of Veeky Forums is selling. I think most are buying. Its China thats dumping because they are to stupid to understand what got banned.
Well it's China dipshit. It's run by a fucking mafia just like Russia and they'll do whatever the fuck they want. You think the UCLA is gonna intervene or something?