White Paper is out


if you read section 5 where they blather on about measurability of oracle reliability you get deep into the fraud

it isn't the case, and never has been, that the oracle problem was hard under normal circumstances. oracle functionality for smart contracts is economically useless because the edge cases don't work. your oracle can be correct about the stock market prices 99.999% of the time, but if 0.001% of the time it fucks up and destroys billions of dollars, it isn't worth using

this is the same sort of bullshit that caused the 2008 financial crisis. the tail events are the most important ones in automated financial models. your oracle is either 100%, or worth $0. pick one.

if you find some faggots pretending to have a "solution" to the oracle problem that is less than 100% reliable, their solution should be valued at ZERO

Stay poor faggot. I knew idiots like you wouldn't understand fuck all after reading the whitepaper.

nothing wrong with buying to flip, but if you think this is an oracle solution you are mentally retarded.

>can be correct about the stock market prices 99.999% of the time, but if 0.001% of the time it fucks up and destroys billions of dollars, it isn't worth using
Pretty sure that's a better success rate than whatever investors are using today. Or ever.

wrong. my broker has accurate stock price responses 100% of the time because if the data feed looks fucky, he uses human intelligence instead of faulty code to recognize edge cases and halt action

how can you be so fucking stupid that you dont get this immediately?

What the fuck is the 'Oracle problem'


Holy shit you massive autist, please be bait.
You gave some russian on slack almost $200k without a whitepaper or any form of communication except with 2 or 3 biztards on slack?


I don't even care about my money anymore I hope you all suck a major dick and the russian escapes with all of our money to the Bahamas.

>giving money to ICOs without working products


>my broker has accurate stock price responses 100% of the time
This is very likely the dumbest fucking thing I have ever read on Veeky Forums. Bravo.

Also, you haven't responded to yet.

You are full of shit, holy jesus.