Bancor will literally be above $100 next year. The number of projects using the protocol will be in the thousands.
Bancor will literally be above $100 next year. The number of projects using the protocol will be in the thousands.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm not opposed to picking up a few BNT. But some other user said they can just "print" new BNT tokens if they needed too. Effectively, the price never actually mooning, but staying low. Just want a little clarity before buying maybe 100-200 of these. Any insight?
Bancor is not yet trustless and decentralized. They claim it's to prevent exploitation like the DAO. You either believe them or don't.
Read the whitepaper and understand how the price/supply works through the smart token. More tokens = higher ETH value.
All using Bancor.
This project will turn y'all antisemitic.
Bancor was a keynes idea, does this try to emulate his original idea?
Official Announcement:
Our US legal counsel has come back to us with a very positive legal opinion, that the Stox token does not constitute a security.
That is, the token does not fail the Howey Test, and hence is not in violation of the US securities law.
This will allow Stox to operate smoothly and openly moving forward.
Everyones avoiding this bancor thing like the plague.
>double coincidence of wants
>muh price floor
Bancor is literally gibberish
>Bancor is literally gibberish
Only to absolute retards.
>Everyones avoiding this bancor thing like the plague.
Yeah just ignore this list and the partners they have.
Why dont you prove me wrong by explaining in plain english what the point of this piece of crap is?
I'll wait...
my dick can only get so hard
so gains barely comparable to what Ethbet investors will get?
sounds about right
So is bancor its own blockchain?
What is the point of people "partnering" with bancor? Isnt this just pointless publicity guff?
If you don't understand it by now it's obviously beyond your comprehension. Gas yourself.
Bancor is unstoppable
token changers and smart tokens
Saved this a few days ago
If its so great then why is the value constantly falling?
It has the price action of a flawed convept badly executed
LOL @ the poor virgins in denial at their shitty investment. The market sees bancor as a total joke. You're down 50% on your investment while others are up 500% just from OMG or 1000% from ANS. Just fucking kill yourself for missing August's bull run ROFL
Is It because the free market is anti semitic? Or is bancor complete nonsense smoke and mirrors from start to finish?
>past performance means it will never rise
Remember to buy high.
>Or is bancor complete nonsense smoke and mirrors from start to finish?
Nah, you're clearly to thick to understand it,
Bancor team don't even started with hype - right now anons you can all laugh and joke but next year will be owned by BNT...
...and then it will be fucking too late for you to jump in
- you can also screencap this
Well you seem to be too thick to even explain it so we're even
I could, but what's the point? You can't read a whitepaper or search for a dumbed down article explaining it. DYOR
The whitepaper is incomprehensible nonsense my friend. If you had half a brain you would discern this fact for yourself
This isn't the explain to nobancs why they should buy or what bancor is thread. I want you all to remember these threads when it's $100.
It's fine, maybe an ARK thread would be more suitable for you.
So im correct, bancor is nonsense and even their shill in chief struggles to explain its use.
When hell is an icerink
Nah, you can't understand it from all the available information then I'm not going to explain it.
I was the first person to bring ark to Veeky Forums attention and i made good money from ark (the coin has no future though unless it is extremely lucky)
I was also the first person to bring bitbay to Veeky Forums (i regret im sorry) but i made good money
I was also the first person to bring ethereum to Veeky Forums back in 2015 no regrets made everyone here rich.
You're talking to the biggest fucking shill on Veeky Forums right now, and probably one of the biggest whales.
If you can explain to me why bancor is worth giving a shit about then i will buy some of it and evangelise it to Veeky Forums all day long, you will have actually made progress with your publicity campaign because you will have gained a valuable convert. But instead you squandered the opportunity by refusing to explain the utility of your coin.
I don't want you to buy it desu. I want you to leave this thread and never buy. I want you to remember that you didn't because of me when bancor is $100.
I need to hear one of you convincingly explain it. If it's biggest proponents (you) cant even explain it in plain english then how am i supposed to believe in it's future? I need to invest in a coin with convincing shills, because if the shill isnt even convinced enough in its own coin to convince other people then how can i expect other people to be convinced enough in its future to buy it if you get what im saying.
So you DONT want me to buy bancor?
Man this bancor shit is destined for tge trashbin it has the weakest shills ive seen.
You're too annoying, I have no desire to explain anything to you. Don't buy bancor.
0.00790058 Eth. Yikes.
Im annoying to you because im pointing out some hard truths.
If you want to shill a coin you have to shill it from your geart and soul, no one is going to buy your coin if you arent willing to even put forth an argument in it's favour.
This is shilling 101.
Refer to as the most basic of basic rundowns. There are global implications the UN are interested in that aren't even listed here. The shitcoin liquidity component coild lead to things like : Cities in Zimbabwe have their own separate currencies, fully liquid and trafeable on the network at any time. The more tourists/business/whatever the fuck comes to their city, the more currency is purchased, and the more it is worth. Now they have incentives to invest in infrastructure instead of personal enrichment, law enforcement cracks the fuck down on anything that scares away visitors, the people thrive, and third world shitholes become viable places to live/contribute to the world economy instead of just being a drain. If Zimbabwe as a nation's currency fails, the individual cities are not fucked to death, because their currencies are based on their own success. It's quite darwinian, really, very libertarian. This is the aspect the architect of the Euro (with all his grand ending povery talk) is focusing on. It's what the UN is focusing on. It's likely why Tim Draper et al have invested. Their ambitions are global, and they have serious entities backing them. Take it as you will.
Try typing something that isn't utter nonsense
>hard truths
>can't understand the whitepaper, doesn't know what token changers and smart tokens are
You literally know nothing about this token.
Oh, okay. You don't understand so it's nonsense. Nevermind then.
You just rekt your own point with mentioning africa. it seems like you lack experience, kiddo!
Well, try and educate me, i am willing to learn
A screenshot of a chat about marketing that ive seen posted here a thousand times isnt going to cut it im afraid.
I want to know the why and the what of bancor and you have about 20 minutes to come up with the goods before i mentally file it under "rubbish"
file away..
Utter bollocks. Did you even read this? The guy is literally sniffing his own farts
Bought 200 more at 1400 now, but I heard Galia isn't impressed with anyone holding less than 2k so I'll have to work on it
And? What is that supposed to show? That someone typed words?
LOL you're acting like you're some hotshot investor that we're dying to impress. Nobody cares if you jump in with your measly 1btc.
lmao nothing rustles people harder than a bancor thread
more words
dont buy bancor
this is how you get your hands on good info...
nobody need to convince you user in anything
no need to write my own words - I'm not native english speaker
but check this out - what BNT smartoken is used for
there are listed main usecases for Smart Tokens and Bancor Protocol
also NILU
What im gathering is that for bancor to work it requires all other tokens to hardfork to accomodate this function, which is the same problem that multiple projects have tried and failed to do such as blocknet.
Seems like an uphill struggle to me.
Good luck though, im out.
>What im gathering is that for bancor to work it requires all other tokens to hardfork to accomodate this function
Wrong. So fucking wrong. Just give up.
Ok explain how bancor functions, like ive been asking for a long time
Could this be the moment i´ve been waiting for?
Doesnt seem so, it looks like these shills have gone.
i feel steamrolled by some kind of agressive marketing campaign. at least mr. 24 posts sticks to the plan.
Im just trying to get to the bottom of this like you. But none of these tired cunts will give me a straight answer. If they're getting paid for this then they are defrauding their employer
Faster than their telegram channel.
Been on twitter 20 minutes.
there's no long (or short) term value in the token itself. if anything they didn't use ethereum because they simply cant print more ethereum when they need to, for free. with their own token they can, and the system is designed to.
Business Development
We have a heavy focus on collaboration as part of our desire to integrate various initiatives and build a truly healthy ecosystem. Below are technologies we are exploring:
Cosmos—Making BNT a cross blockchain token, reducing number of required hops for converting any token to any other.
Waves—BNT on Waves blockchain and smart tokens on Waves upcoming smart contracts
Lykke —New opportunities made possible thanks to the recently announced Lykke Ethereum Integration.
Smart tokens deployment
There are many Smart Tokens in various stages of smart contract implementation. They are all independent ventures that have chosen to use Bancor protocol technology. Some of the use cases include:
Asset Tokenizers (Similar to Digix, for other types of assets)
Decentralized Messaging Platforms
Blockchain-related hardware and devices
Token-based Venture Funds (Similar to ICONOMI, TaaS)
Financial Services
Game Tokens
User-Generated Content
Payment Gateways
Loyalty Marketing
Community Currencies, existing and new
And many more…
So nonsense basically.
this is some abstract shit. you know that theres potential investors out there that use these buzzwords to fuel their cringe threads?
at least keep it simple one time and tell what the next big thing will be and how it will profit investors.
It's really you can see it's already happening.
What is? Literally what is happening?
Please enlighten me
In other words, the font-end for the token changers still doesn't work... Their tech is still useless. That sucks.
Seems so. Like i said earlier the concept is flawed and the execution is worse
>Like i said earlier the concept is flawed and the execution is worse
You can't understand the white paper and don't know what smart tokens/changers are. How the fuck would you know?
They keep announcing partnerships, giving interviews, going to conferences to network, but the truth is there's NO FUNCTIONING PRODUCT.
They say their smart contract processed $300 million, but that's people who bought and sold bancor with ETH through their website.
The token changer is useless without the front-end. I can't believe that's all they have to announce after 2 whole months.
>You can't understand the white paper and don't know what smart tokens/changers are. How the fuck would you know?
They're supposed to release a website where people can exchange any token for any token without spread. Alpha has been up for 2 months but it simply doesn't work. Eyal said:
>While it’s very simple to purchase BNT tokens by sending ETH to the contract address (which then automatically returns BNT to the sender), the fully-featured process of purchasing and liquidating Smart Tokens (with optional price limit) is still cumbersome to use.
In other words, the token changer doesn't work! After 2 fucking months. The language he's using is deceptive, investors are smart enough to see through the bullshit.
So its just all fucking bullshit.
They raised 300 million for this piece of shit?
They raised $153 million.
How is it deceptive to say the alpha is cumbersome to use?
>We are working on integrating web3 to our web UI, which will enable users to use Metamask, Parity and imToken as external wallets, and to trigger token conversion transactions from an easy to use web service—to be executed through these wallets.
>How is it deceptive to say the alpha is cumbersome to use?
It's not cumbersome. It's simply not functional. You CAN"T DO ANYTHING WITH IT.
It currently only allows BNT to ETH yeah. You can see what's coming on the page
>You can see what's coming
A product that hasn't been released isn't "cumbersome", it simply isn't functional. There's no product. An alpha testnet is good for nothing. They need to start setting deadlines and tell us when the token changer website will be up and working. Bancor is useless without the normie-friendly token changer. They had two months to get it to work, why is it taking so long?
nobancs can't handle the bnts