They keep announcing partnerships, giving interviews, going to conferences to network, but the truth is there's NO FUNCTIONING PRODUCT.
They say their smart contract processed $300 million, but that's people who bought and sold bancor with ETH through their website.
The token changer is useless without the front-end. I can't believe that's all they have to announce after 2 whole months.
Jackson Fisher
>You can't understand the white paper and don't know what smart tokens/changers are. How the fuck would you know? They're supposed to release a website where people can exchange any token for any token without spread. Alpha has been up for 2 months but it simply doesn't work. Eyal said:
>While it’s very simple to purchase BNT tokens by sending ETH to the contract address (which then automatically returns BNT to the sender), the fully-featured process of purchasing and liquidating Smart Tokens (with optional price limit) is still cumbersome to use.
In other words, the token changer doesn't work! After 2 fucking months. The language he's using is deceptive, investors are smart enough to see through the bullshit.
Jason James
So its just all fucking bullshit.
They raised 300 million for this piece of shit?
Dylan Myers
They raised $153 million.
Carter Watson
How is it deceptive to say the alpha is cumbersome to use?
>We are working on integrating web3 to our web UI, which will enable users to use Metamask, Parity and imToken as external wallets, and to trigger token conversion transactions from an easy to use web service—to be executed through these wallets.
Aiden Martinez
>How is it deceptive to say the alpha is cumbersome to use?
It's not cumbersome. It's simply not functional. You CAN"T DO ANYTHING WITH IT.
Levi Gonzalez
It currently only allows BNT to ETH yeah. You can see what's coming on the page
Andrew Moore
Nicholas Wright
>You can see what's coming A product that hasn't been released isn't "cumbersome", it simply isn't functional. There's no product. An alpha testnet is good for nothing. They need to start setting deadlines and tell us when the token changer website will be up and working. Bancor is useless without the normie-friendly token changer. They had two months to get it to work, why is it taking so long?