Yes yes goyim

yes yes goyim
dont drink milk
drink powdered protein from the milk

be a good goyim

but most of those things are completely safe. especially vaccines and gmos

Yeah fuck the FDA!, handling raw chicken is finger lickin' good!


if you think vaccines and gmos aren't safe you're an idiot. vaccines have literally eradicated lots of diseases that used to kill millions and literally no one has died from eating gm food

"Fresh milk" means non boiled milk, drinking non pasteurisated milk is a bad idea

>i'm fine with buying seeds with a copyright on it
Corporations really need to find a way to get a patent on air and water, I'm sure it would be very profitable with consumers like you.

>but most of those things are completely safe
>but most of those things are completely safe
>but most of those things are completely safe
>but most of those things are completely safe
>but most of those things are completely safe

All food is genetically modified in someway, ever seen a wild banana?

just use non-gmo seeds if you don't want to deal with their bullshit

thats called selective breeding of plants not GMO shit

fuck off

"Non-GMO Seeds" are still genetically modified. If you've selectively breed a crop then it's a GMO

you are aware that gmo food can be used to eradicate third world hunger? we don't need them here in the first world, but creating higher yield, disease and drought resistant crops could literally feed the planet
>but most of those things are completely safe
but they are. read the science

Selective breeding is GMO,

Genetically modified organism, by selectively breeding things you are genetically modifying things. There's no difference

>selective breeding
>not GMO
that is literally selecting the best genome for the best yield

>implying corporations or the government give a shit about third world hunger


you should readjust your tinfoil hat bro, looks like it's slipping

GMO is a broad term, 90% of fresh food we buy has been genetically modified in some way, be it selective breeding of cattle over generations to produce an animal that will yeld more meat, to the 'frankencorn' monsanto monstrosities that some experts condemn as poison.

>to the 'frankencorn' monsanto monstrosities that some experts condemn as poison.
>monsanto monstrosities that some experts condemn as poison.
>some experts condemn as poison.
>some experts

all corn you eat today is GMO, there's no exception. Even 100% organic mom and pop hobby farm corn is GMO.

Want to see what non-GMO corn looks like? Its the one ontop

>so far only one disease, smallpox, has been eradicated by vaccines, saving approximately 5 million lives annually.
>Polio could be next.

>there's no difference between a functional ear and a cochlear implant
>there's no difference between a natural leg and an artificial one

Of course there's a difference.

>that is literally selecting the best genome for the best yield

Literally? Really, you thought you'd throw that in there just to reaffirm your stupidity? It's LITERALLY selecting from animals, not genomes. We've been selective breeding since before genomes were even theorised to exist.

I'm not anti-GMO, but there's a reason GMOs are subject to rigorous testing before they hit the market. To try and underplay it and say it's LITERALLY the same as selective breeding just shows how uninformed you are.

>Things that meet the criteria for what I consider to be a GMO: Anything with a genome.

non-gmo seeds can also be patented. not all gmos are patented.


>SSRI antidepressants are comparable to unpasteurized milk

They don't have fish dna inserted in them, though.

What they currently select for in GMOs is for ability to resist an specific brand of pesticide - their own. That's it.

on a protein to calorie ratio, the powder is light years better

25g of protein in 130 calories. it's too good. FF milk I think is 90 calories per 8oz serving. and you get I think 8g of protein. nah son. it's good to mix it with protein if you're on a bulk though.

>mfw retards who couldn't place oxygen in the period table even if they tried have strong opinions about GMO's and vaccines

>you are now realising that the same people who would ban GMO's and vaccines would sign a petition to ban dihydrogenmonoxide

>drinking milk that has not gone through pasteurization and is linked to the probable cause of salmonella and other harmful bacteria

TOP KEK enjoy your disease.

>implying every animal on earth doesn't have varying genomes
>implying that the animals and plants that you selectively breed have genomes that are preferable to meet your end point
your lack of education is showing
>We've been selective breeding since before genomes were even theorised to exist
just because the genome has been a more recent discovery, doesn't mean it hasn't existed since the first life on earth

>drinking non pasteurisated milk is a bad idea
It's tested, its regulated, and when used according to proper food safety standards it is absolutely safe.

>What they currently select for in GMOs is for ability to resist an specific brand of pesticide - their own. That's it.
nope, that's not it. actually do some reading and make an effort to understand what you're reading

>not overcooking everything

babe you only need to milk to a temperature of 62.3ºC for 30 minutes or a temp of 71.2ºC for 15 seconds and it is considered safe enough for drink. if your too lazy to do this and are so mentally ill that you need to drink it straight from the tit of the cow then go ahead.

You have obviously never been on a farm if you think that you can milk a cow without getting cowshit and all kinds of bacteria into it.



Fuck off.

You're beyond retarded, there's already enough money and resourses and food to feed everyone on earth

Gmo's aren't going to eradicate hunger anywhere

No its not. Its much more likely to have bacterial contamination.

This is coming from someone who actually drinks raw milk too.

>If you've selectively breed a crop then it's a GMO

t. never finished high school

>M-muh words

>I am too ignorant to know what words mean, therefore definitions no longer matter!

>Selective breeding (also called artificial selection) is the process by which humans use animal breeding and plant breeding to selectively develop particular phenotypic traits (characteristics) by choosing which typically animal or plant males and females will sexually reproduce and have offspring together.

>GMOs (or “genetically modified organisms”) are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering, or GE.

This applies to all the retards ITT that don't know the meanings of the words they insist on having opinions about.

enjoy you're bovine tuberculosis

Yes... Anything sounds scary to normies if you phrase it like that. I have a friend who reads food labels (good start) but anytime He sees any sort of trisulfidedibingobango type stuff he loses his shit and won't go anywhere near it.

I guarantee I could totally fool him with the water vs dihydrogen monoxide thing.

>normies cooking their milk

>Coming soon to a frathouse near you

Not gonna happen breh

>bu...buh that was made in nature and not in a lab

You're stupid

>but anytime He sees any sort of trisulfidedibingobango type stuff he loses his shit and won't go anywhere near it.
have you ever told him "hey if you actually understood chemistry you would realise it's not dangerous at all" ? If you have and he still acts like this I want you to repeatedly slap him silly from me

Is this you bro?

What does that have to do with their safety?

90% of what Monsanto does is normal selective-breeding shit. Genetic manipulation through shit like CRISPR is expensive and only used for more difficult projects

Jesus fucking Christ you people are retarded.

>I'm not anti-GMO, but there's a reason GMOs are subject to rigorous testing before they hit the market.

>they're subject to rigorous testing
>that means they're unsafe

Daily reminder that if you hold an uninformed yet strong opinion about anything you should fucking kill yourself

looks like a shit i took earlier

I am not well

I took a mudshit yesterday that literally filled up the toilet

What the fuck happened?

What are concentrations?

Keep it simple: eat natural and only consume or use anything from a lab when you really need to.

Milk is not bad for you, but don't consume a gallon each day.

Meat is not bad for you, but it's not necessary to eat meat everyday

Eat in moderation, workout and sleep well. There's nothing more to it. There is no international conspiracy to steal your gains, but there are a lot of companies looking for a profit. Just make sure you know where you food is coming from and keep it as natural and unprocessed as possible.

>Milk is not bad for you, but don't consume a gallon each day.
>Not going GOMAD
>Being stuck behind with the rest of humanity


Selective breeding is pretty much the same thing. Controlled evolution.

Enjoy your fatbody

I don't understand the GMO debate. Given enough time, you could selectively breed any trait you want into a plant, gmo just does it way faster.

2 sides of the same coin imo.

there's demonstrably no human or animal health risk from consuming GMOs but I think it's important to make a distinction between selective breading and introducing new genes. There may be some environmental risks of using some gmo/pesticide combinations and the biggest company that produces them does some shady shit overseas. I think the argument that it will have some effect on your health and cause autism or celiacs really distracts from any actual dangers

smallpox isn't acutally dead, just removed from the population. There are still two reserves, one in the CDC in Atlanta, and one in Russia.

"fish DNA" makes no fucking sense to say. All DNA fulfills the same purpose, regardles of the source. It codes for mRNA, and that's all its going to do, regardless of where it comes from. Having a gene isolated from one organism for a specific protein will not cause the modified organism to develop traits similar to the organism the gene came from, aside from producing an additional polypeptide.

Any trait? Seems unlikely. Could we breed bird-like wings on plants given enough time?

Selectively breed is still different from GMO even though they have the same end goal.

It's like saying line fishing is the same as net fishing just because they catch fish.

I think that this is somewhat beyond what the poster meant, but I agree with your point. The limits we have are set by expression. Breeding blue plants? Easy, just get them to produce some blue pigments. Getting plants to grow thorns where they never have before? that would require much much more work, and may not be possible in some cases.

Its a matter of efficiency. GMO just makes organisms better, faster. Same with your fishing analogy. Results, just faster

>Still thinking MSG has any negative health impacts
>Believing in the pseudoscience