Rate my legs, faggots

Rate my legs, faggots


Read the sticky.
Lurked for months.
Grinded in the gym for over a year.
Fell for the SS meme.
Finish workout one day. Look in mirror, make sure no one is around, pull pants down and snap selfie.
I'm gonna show my friends on fit I made it.
I'll post at 3am. I don't want to crash the server with replies.
It got bumped. Awesome! People mirin'??
..click click..

damnnnnn that's depressing

nice legs!

thick, tight & juicy. no homo



Post ass, bare if possible. We need it for reasons.

Who are you trying to impress?

Nice legs. Fat and shitty upper and horribly ugly non-white face. Keep working.

You look Greek.

Your legs are ridiculous. Probably too big.

Yasou bitch

Not true about upper body u look good

How much is ur 1repmax for diddy squat and bench?

Hello you


You can move on from SS now, user.

You cant be more than 5 foot tall. No one gives a fuck about your manlet legs.

step on me anytime

>friends on fit

What is up with that bulge dude?


No homo, breh

If that face is ugly, i want to be ugly.

lel if you think he's a manlet you have the spatial reasoning and ability to compare of a woman.

Why the leg hate, bros? Everyone on Veeky Forums constantly goes on about functional strength, aren't legs a huge part of that? There's all this t-rex mode talk, 'SS Meme' and how big legs look shit, I think this guy's legs look pretty good.

OP, what routine are you on, what are your stats? How long have you been training?

This shit is why I come to Veeky Forums

Can I be your faggot?

Wrap those legs around my head and crush me daddy

found the manlet