DYEL hungry skeleton call me maybe mode

>DYEL hungry skeleton call me maybe mode
>literally beats everyone unconscious in the ring

I seriously don't get it.

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Maybe because training to be a professional fighter and training for strength are two different things you fucking retard. How's your first month of SS going?

> Athletic power =/= aesthetics

Why the fuck would he do any hypertrophy training, he trains with the sole intention of furthering his ability to smash your brains into a bloody pulp.

I bet you also start threads asking if doing weights makes you a better fighter lol

While strength training might not be very useful for striking, it does help tremendously while wrestling and ground fighting.

New to Veeky Forums, is this what you fags really call DYEL?

for about 45 seconds then you are gassed

He literally has perfect footwork and punching technique

Learn how to throw a punch

He trained to fight. You trained to suck dicks. One day you'll stop being a raging homosexual.

Just take a look at high level wrestlers and bjj guys, most of them are ripped as fuck.

There are weight classes anyways. Otherwise some big ass fucks would beat him

get on the GGG regime


True. Weight classes favor the skeletons with height and reach.

what? he's a fucking fighter, he has to be the most efficient killing machine possible FOR HIS WEIGHT CLASS. that isn't dyel, that's dedication and a level of fitness no one on this board will even attempt to approach. if this is b8, you got me. if this is autism, i am impressed.

>this guy who is trained to knock people out is somehow able to knock me (a man with no cardiovascular endurance and big oxygen-sucking muscles who has spent his whole life picking up heavy stuff in an air conditioned gym) out.

> Spend 6 days a week 8 hours a day exercising
> Be ripped as fuck

Whoda thought.

why does being good at fighting = jacked or vice versa? In powerlifting there is something called specificity, which states that to get good at the competition movement (ex. low bar squat, max width grip bench, sumo deadlift) you have to actually do those movements. You can't dumbbell bench all day and expect to be good at bench pressing. and that's actually 2 very similar movements and they both involve lifting. how crazy is it to say that if you're jacked you'd be good at fighting? they are so completely different.

also at my last meet i squatted 419, benched 292, and deadlifted 440 at a body weight of around 172. i have found myself in situations where i couldn't pick up a 90 pound drunk girl out of a car or open a bottle or can of something. I'm not the strongest guy but i'm not weak either but clearly if you train to do something you get good at that something and you shouldn't expect there to be carry over to something completely unrelated. i'm good at lifting a barbell, not much else.

> Professional fighters only do cardio

No wonder you deleted your comment.

Look at guys like Andre Galvao, Pablo Popovitch, Abdusalam Gadisov or Jordan Burroughs. They are all big guys, especially for athletes. All talk about doing strength training 3 times a week or more.

Are you actually retarded?

You seem to be.

Explain your comment and why you seem to think it made sense then.

They are all martial artists, do strength training and do not gas in 45 seconds, which according to you isn't possible and makes me retarded.

Why isn't Yoel Romero the king if Veeky Forums? He's huge, jacked and a world class fighter.

> do strength training and do not gas in 45 seconds, which according to you isn't possible

Funny, don't ever remember saying that.

> makes me retarded.

You are.

So is ggg

if i wanted get back to kickboxing should i attend personal classes? i lift 4 days a week and work 2shift job so i would be able to go every other week on standard classes.



ill never stop

thank you for saying I have big muscles :3

>DYEL hungry skeleton

cute hyperbole

that man has quite a bit of muscle

Not necessarily. I knew a guy in college who was an absurdly good wrestler but could also bench 330 for reps (idk what his other stats were his bench day just always happened to line up with mine)
He was also capable of running 2 miles in under 12 minutes. I know this because we met through ROTC.

He has a decent amount of muscle. Most fags on bodybuilding forums massively under estimate their bodyfat. GGG could probably eat big for a few months and get to a watery 200 and not even look that fat.

It doesn't though. Heavy lifting is good for only one sport: Heavy lifting.

Americans think that max strength is some kind of magical trick that increases all your athletic traits. That's totally and absolutely wrong.

Nope. Punch force and punch speed aren't that different between weightclasses unless you really compare flyweights and super heavyweights.

>also at my last meet i squatted 419, benched 292, and deadlifted 440 at a body weight of around 172. i have found myself in situations where i couldn't pick up a 90 pound drunk girl out of a car or open a bottle or can of something. I'm not the strongest guy but i'm not weak either but clearly if you train to do something you get good at that something and you shouldn't expect there to be carry over to something completely unrelated. i'm good at lifting a barbell, not much else.
I know that feel.

In antiquity, people did all kinds of wrestling exercises instead of lifting to avoid this, by the way. Stuff like: I hold an apple in my hand, you try to take it away from me. Or, I lay down on the ground, you try to lift me up.

I can tell you these exercises are a lot better for "real life" strength than what we do today. But good luck finding a palaestra nowadays.

>GGG going all the way up to heavyweight and chopping down Tyson Fury with body punches

I'd like to see that

>americans think that max strength is some kind of magical trick that increases all your athletic traits
>that's totally and absolutely wrong
yeah keep telling yourself that with your 225lbs squat record


> i have found myself in situations where i couldn't pick up a 90 pound drunk girl out of a car

shouldn't this have some carry-over though. of course, it's nothing like a barbell, the centre of mass will be way forward, which means moment arms, but 90 pounds?

>i squatted 419, benched 292, and deadlifted 440
>claims couldn't pick up a 90 pound girl
lmao fuck off, you probably haven't even fucking talked to a fucking girl let alone touched one so stop with your bullshit stories

when I was squatting what you bench 90 pounds felt like nothing, even when drunk and high as a kite carrying around a passed out 120lbs girl didn't even feel like a struggle. like seriously how the fuck could you have problems lifting a 90lbs person when you do fucking bicep curls at higher weight for reps

so stop your e-stat bullshit

>I don't get how a pretty ripped middleweight boxer who got silver in the Olympics knocks everyone out.
Mind boggling

Yep, he needs at least 4 solid months on SS + GOMAD

U can look good and be a beast bruh

pic related

Luis King Kong Ortiz

hey kris nice botnet faggot

>train to perform fully anaerobic activity for 36 minutes
>hurr why doesn't he look like a bodybuilder

Nooooo for gay Jesus!
