Best techniques to quit bad habits?

Best techniques to quit bad habits?

Don't be whiny bitch

imagine seeing yourself from a third person perspective and control yourself as if you were playing an RPG game
now fuck off because you won't get any better advice and this isn't even Veeky Forums related, we discuss steroids, scoops, fat women and autism here

sexual health related

>imagine seeing yourself from a third person perspective and control yourself as if you were playing an RPG game
how to personality disorder

find other stuff to do, keep yourself distracted.
you on nofap?
in that case do pushups whenever you want to fap.
also start meditating.

it is very simple: to quit a bad habit, simply replace it with another worse habit that is bad in a different way

stop visiting this board
or the internet

BPD reporting

don't dissociate to take care of your problems lmao get some help or practice smaller sets of self-discipline that will spiral into it

Wow thanks

Anybody who knows the answer to that isn't here anymore

Just quit. Cold turkey.

have some fucking willpower and tell yourself not to next you're about to

exercise. i was a pack a day smoker for years, started lifting + cardio again, within 2 months in i said "i should actually stop" havent smoked since. easiest time quitting too.

dont think you need to quit before exercising, just start exercising and after a while the desire to quit will come and you will be shocked how easy it is to quit. something happens neurochemically, it doesnt take as much willpower to stop when youre exercising every day.

Read The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg. It's short and explain how to end or create habits. Basically you need to identify what triggers it and change the action to something else.

I ask myself WWIPD?

They say that dropping habits isn't about forgetting old behaviour, but rather learning new behaviour.

Replace it with something worse. I replaced binge eating with smoking and I've been shedding weight ever since.
Still depressed and apathetic as before but at least I'm not fat anymore.

not gonna make it


Bill Evans? Very Nice.
To be completely honest Bill, if your heroin addiction isnt the key to your talent. Put down the syringe and feel the ice cold soberity

>don't do it again

It works senpai.

There are none, you just have to do it.

Put rubber bands around your wrist and snap yourself whenever you feel the urge to [habit]

If you stay at home all day and dont do shit with your life, then do it on hardmode and put it around your balls

Seriously, if its smoking, orange juice is supposed to help somewhat ive heard. Ive never quit smoking, ive only ever replaced it with other foms of nicotine.

Ill tell you the worst part in TRYING is when it makes you up in the middle of the night

read the power of habit.

Basically, in habit there is a point that triggers the habit, the habbit process, the reward for completing the habit and something else i forgot.

One of the best ways to make a good habit is to transform the existing bad one. For example transform computer=porn in computer=drawing little anime girls or girls=pain into girls=fun(lel as if it's going to happen).
There are different psychological techniques involved but basically you identify your trigger for a bad habit, change the process into something good, promise yourself some kind of reward, for example a solid snack or even a "good job pal" and be content with little victories, stick to them and they will transform you little by little.

Oh I think the last ingredient is belief: you have to believe that you are going to make it, they have taken this from the AA meetings and it seems to be working.

They also recommend stuff like pomodoro technique (google it) to get you going.
Anyway, it's a very simple process, really. The one hard part is sticking to it through the initial rejection faze which may last for some time. Good luck!

So you're telling me the best way to quit orange juice is to start smoking?

Based Bill Evans. He respected guys who worked hard for what they wanted, so there's that.