What's the best fitness advice you have?

What's the best fitness advice you have?

>Get MyFitnessPal
Literally the only sound advice I've gotten out of this place

Diet is more important than anything in regard to fitness

Don't compare yourself to others too much and don't ego lift. Who cares if some guy benches more than you or squats more than you when you can bench more than you could or squat more than you could in the past

This, pretty much.

If you are lifting for girls or to look better, do not do SS, GOMAD, or the vast majority of the garbage advice spewed out by this inbred forum.

perseverance and zero egoism

Consistency and discipline
Progressive overload
Eat sleep lift repeat

Don't be a douchebag about it
>don't talk about your routine unless someone asks
>don't wear deliberately revealing clothes
>don't brag
>don't develop that hypermasculine "tough guy" attitude towards other men
>don't be condescending when people ask for advice
>don't be outwardly mean to people who aren't in shape

Basically everyone will hate you, but then you'll write it off as "oh their just jealous/intimidated that I worked for what I've got" and will proceed to be even more of an asshole out of spite, making the whole process self repeating.

People will give you way more praise if you're humble about it.

5 3 1
W e n d l e r

Most of the people on this board are obese shutins. Disregard 95% of all "information" posted here.

This. What are you thinking? I'm thinking beginners lifting for those reasons should do 4days/week upper/lower hypertrophy. And pre-hab should be written into the routine.

*they're, my bad.


> Trying to be the good boy to get compliments like how a dog behaves when he wants biscuits, instead of being authentic

Go outside. Get off 4chins

so the only thing fatties have to look forward to is death

Reduce your meat consumption

Being vegan is the only way.

Best advice I've taken out of this scandanavian seal-clubbing forum

Nice Kool-Aid.

so what do you do?

+1. If you're concerned about muh data, use a fake account and use Orbot (transparent proxying may required a rooted device) or a VPN (does not require a rooted device)
Always double check the food data in the repository if you're scanning barcodes
Quite, it also depends on your goals. Sleep is important as well. Eat, sleep, lift - doesn't require a genius to get the gist of it.
The only championship that matters is the one with yourself
Quite correct. SS could really be followed by *total newcomers* for no more than 4 weeks. After 4~8 weeks, it's a waste and a meme.
>Consistency and discipline
4chins isn't exactly the Valhalla for these qualities.

My two cents: add Veeky Forums to your hosts file
You will lose nothing, and you'll very likely benefit from it.

ATG depends mobility and blindly following the ATG BRUH meme without knowing and improving that area will pop your fucking shit

Latvian womens may be cute, but they will murder you for the slightest infraction.


>add Veeky Forums to your hosts file
>You will lose nothing, and you'll very likely benefit from it.
>Advice on how to get out of Veeky Forums from someone in Veeky Forums
Wasted trips

If your back or shoulders are in pain, stay the fuck away from lifting until the pain is gone.


A mild lower back pain will go away in a couple of days or weeks. If you ignore it and keep deadlifting/squatting those two weeks easily become two years

Consistency. Both in diet and lifting.

Get the hell out of here if you can, and don't take pity of us stuck in this bottomless cesspit

Fly, you fools!

the only thing ive learned is to lift at my own pace. Im not a huge guy, but my physique has improved substantially since I started lifting with how my body feels. Sure you can argue im not getting that perfect 5lb per session increase, but im also not fucking myself up by ego lifting. I try to up all my lifts 5lb a week and deadlifts 10lb, but if it doesnt happen.. I just eat more, sleep more, and go at it another time. I think people literally beat themselves up over not upping the weight, and its where they lose the drive to continue in the gym. If it isn't fun, you arent going to stick with it. Make it fun.

Also interested

reddit's PPL


The "GOMAD+SS meme" is a meme.
If you want to build as much muscle as fast as possible it's the best routine.

no, the '"gomad+ss meme" is a meme' is a meme


When In pain.. A physiotherapist can fix it!


Pushing through "pain" is a mindset you develop, but don't let it reach to a point where you think you have to push through an apparent injury to progress. Don't do another set to see if you can power through, if you think you've nicked something, stop right there, go home and rest. You can always pick up on where you left off after you've recovered.

t. sum lil bitch wit no gains

His legs are too small and his arms too big for said routine. Don't get baited and do your assistence exercises - they take like 5-10 minutes max

> lifting without cardio is a mistake. I don't care what your body type is

> proper diet is absolutely essential

> don't overdo it. You have your whole life for fitness. It's a marathon, not a sprint. You wanna look good at 60, 70 etc... If you are pushing yourself to the absolute limit in your 20's you'll be burned out by your 30's.

> variety. Have to switch things up. Run, play sports, swim, bike, lift, do plyo, try Yoga. Just keep trying new shit. It's part of our life enjoyment psychologically. Fitness, and activity are supposed to be fun things that engage our childlike spontaniety. Dont just keep pushing the run/lift routine year after year.

People love dogs and often feed them biscuits.

t. sum guy with a bad back.


You too my man. Fly!

Make your own routine to hit the muscles that you want to grow.

Also the easiest thing to overlook

False modesty is for the weak and needy.

Just be you and do whatever. If people don't like it then that's their issue. Spending this much time worrying what others might say and think about you is unhealthy. Trying to moderate your personality and accommodate everyone around you may get them to like you but no one will ever love you, because you'll have zero personality and there'll be nothing exciting about you.





If this is why you are lifting. Just do bench and curls and what not.

when did you get this from Veeky Forums ?
are you even sure you're on the same board

Why? Yeah most of the time its a cesspit but every now and then there is a gem. There is a guy who made it. There is some inspiration.

This is my wind down after a long day of work, rugby, lifting, and all the other crap that goes along with life. This is where I come when I'm in a waiting room and see some fat disgusting piece of shit with 5 kids that are obese like them. This is where I come when I need to feel better about myself. Or worse.

The anonymity is freeing. If I called everyone in my everyday life faggot as much as I do here I'd lose my job. I wouldn't lose friends but I don't always have time for them. So I have Veeky Forums. Plebbit is for faggots and fagbook is for the worst kind of narcissistic voyeur normies.

This is my internet zen garden. Its freeing and there is no place like it. If you hate it so much then get some friends and fucking leave. Or don't and just kill yourself faggot. I come here to get away from the world. I come here because I'm a faggot and so is everyone else and this is the only place where everyone understands how much of a faggot everyone on this planet is.

If you want to leave then fucking leave. Don't come back. You aren't wanted.

You're desperate for validation on how you waste your time, aren't you :^)
>The anonymity is freeing. If I called everyone in my everyday life faggot as much as I do here I'd lose my job
>zen garden. Its freeing

>basic manners makes you an unlovable NPC

I'm not desperate for anything. I'm a well adjusted adult that doesn't have to criticize others to make myself feel better. If I'm validating anything, and thats a big IF, its which social media I use.

>false modesty

Maybe I was misunderstood. I am not saying "pretend to be modest so that people mire harder" I am saying be modest because it's the right thing to do, and nobody likes douchebags. Being modest should be a trait that all grown ass men have, getting additional praise is just a perk of it. But if you are being modest just for the additional praise, you're defeating the purpose. The point is that it's about character and integrity.

i hate niggas who repeats this shit, i bet you compare yourself every fucking time and just put this bullshit on internet to make you feel better about it

>Trying to moderate your personality and accommodate everyone around you may get them to like you but no one will ever love you, because you'll have zero personality and there'll be nothing exciting about you.

i'm trying to please god no other people

so if they find me unexciting so fucking what

>I'm a well adjusted adult
>If I'm validating anything, it's my social media of choice
>Veeky Forums
ahahahaha come on
autismo or serious?

1g/kg of LBM for maximum gainz

If I went on facebook and called everyone faggots I'd have a hard time finding a job or even keeping my current one. I get some of it out with my friends, but sometimes I like talking shit about fatties and seeing other people's progress. i come to Veeky Forums because it is anonymous. There are people here who are well adjusted. Ive had girlfriends, many jobs, and a moderate level of success. For all intents and purposes, I'm a fucking normie. But I enjoy schadenfreude. And I like seeing other people's progress and sometimes helping newbies. And I fucking hate obese people and stupid niggers (not to be confused with blacks) Theres a fair amount of rugby players on here too. My experience with them is that they are odd ducks that like to party and fuck bitches but were never chads because they were atypical. If your shit is that fucked up that you can't believe this then I just feel sorry for you.

there are maybe a dozen people regularly on Veeky Forums who are advanced enough that 5/3/1 is an efficient use of their training time

2.5g/1kg of LBM

I just rewrote it myself in python, took me like 10 minutes.

Slightly modified python shell with pre-defined objects for each food, small food "database" that I can add to whenever I want to eat something new.

>>> 2*yoghurt_doublezero + apple + yoghurt_doublezero + banana + oatmeal_100g*0.6
2 × double 0% yoghurt, golden delicious apple, double 0% yoghurt, Banana, 0.6 × Oatmeal (biological, 100g):
| Macro | Amount |
| calories | 531kcal (29.53%)
| fat | 5g (6.59%)
| carbs | 96g (111.32%)
| protein | 24g (13.91%)
| fiber | 16g (42.72%)
| money | 15NOK (15.38%)

you get the idea

Literally takes like 10 minutes to program something like that, and it's way more flexible anyway.

Even if you're complete newbie 531 works. Wendler himself said such thing he talks about a 1 guys that ran his program with a lmao1pl8 bench as max and in about 4 cycles he reps his max for 17 reps

using wendlers calculator
135*1.5333 = 205
So this guy put 70 pounds on his max in about 16 weeks even at that point is a really good increase

>be modest because it's the right thing to do

nobody gives a fuck

get out, moralfag

If you're a fat fuck, lose weight before lifting. Otherwise, 90% of people should be lifting A LOT before the decide to start cutting. It doesn't matter if you're a skinnyfat or whatever the fuck you want to label it; you will want a large base amount of muscle before cutting. Otherwise, you will keep cutting until one day you realize "holy shit, I'm a fuckin skeleton."

I get it though, you want abs, you want the be ripped, you want the aesthetics. They will come after you get strong first.

>What's the best fitness advice you have?

Be consistent. Do it every motherfucking day.

Even rest days?

Don't fuck up your back

Es mi casa, y yo vivo aquí

>I've facebook
>I'm a wagecuck
>I've friends
>I pay taxes
>I conform to social standards
>I've had gfs
>I'm not virgin
>I'm a fucking normie
>I tolerate niggers
>I believe there are rugby players here
>I just come here to express my edgy hate against - uh-oh! - "fatties" and "faggots" without the fear to face social disapproval nor the fear of being fired

Just kill yourself already, my negro. You're already dead.

>Mfw reading that post

Seriously, you should get some help. You seem incredibly unhappy.

Follow the fucking program. Rippetoe/Tate/Simmons/Wendler/Wesley Smith/Sheiko all know better than you.