
I've been a fat autist most of my life, and i just recently started getting Veeky Forums. I am finally in a decent shape and I started going out often to fix my autism. The problem is, I can't dance for shit. I have rhythm, but I have no moves at all. Considering I mostly frequent dancehall and edm parties, this is quite a problem. Any tips, how did you learn?
>inb4 just do reload animations from various games

Other urls found in this thread:


drink a few beers and focus on footwork and hip movement

most people at parties just stand still and swing their upper body a bit

Requesting that guy that danced reloading invisible guns

I don't wanna be that guy, I wanna actually learn some moves so I can feel comfortable going with the flow

I tottaly think fat ppl should btfo but damn, that pic always makes me feel sorry

learn to do the carlton

>doing the carlton on dancehall/edm



anyways, dancehall/edm is for fags, sorry, can't give you any advice

jump around like an autist maybe?

that's all that i'm doing so far
also, not sure how it's for fags, considering that there is a 3-1 ratio girls-guys and that even socially retarded people like me can pick something up
also i like the music desu

god this t b h to desu filter is so cancerous i feel even more autistic now


With edm music the shuffle goes well, it also works with house and all the bassy music. Basicc moves you can learn for this are the charlestone( dm variation) , the running man , and side step. Just google "how to house shuffle/shuffle cards "

Not the other user but I myself enjoy "EDM" music as you called it, I just call it house or techno

A little bit of shuffling goes a long way, from my experience though every scrublord at events can cut shapes which for some reason people think looks cool but imo it's boring to do and looks even more autistic than running in place but meh, learning how to shuffle and running man helped me learn how to stick to a beat and keep time but most of dancing is having a good time F A M

I've had girls (and possible homo) come up to me and tell me how good I am ect which made it easy to progress conversation from there, even hooked up with a friend of a friend because she told me how sexy it was to see a guy just having a good time and not giving a fugg, she also said I have a "smooth as butter" style of dancing

TL;DR shuffle a little, groove a lot and have a fun time

Bumping for OP.
Some black bro tell us how to dance. Every black guy I know can dance good.

true, black guys somehow always dance perfectly
thanks a lot for that reply! i had girls come up to me a few times because of how funny i was (thought i was doing it intentionally, AUTISMO MASKED)
i'll try and learn it, it doesn't look too hard
alright man, thanks a lot, gonna try my best!

God speed user

This. If it's EDM you're either bouncing, grinding on someone, or shuffling. The better you shuffle, the better you look desu.

Source: I danced in one of those circles at a concert and immediately became someone's personal pole.

I learned how to dance from Swing and Ballroom classes. Sounds gay but all dancing is dancing, once you learn one style it's super easy to apply the same concepts across different styles

i get confused when girls wanna dance with me, i just keep doing my thing and occasionally put my arm around their hips and bring them closer
when they automatically start grinding i know what to do just reverse their movement but when they keep dancing close i get so confused
ye i know a chick that knows samba or smth, works fucking everywhere, but i'm currently spending all my money on music festival tickets, so i really can't afford classes
also my social autism would probably eat me there

Are you in Canada?

Also I generally never grind with girls at events, it looks low class and scummy to me

if a girl goes to grind on me I will try and spin them around to face me and make it more of an actual dance, do the whole twirl thing or general stupid shut to make them laugh, again here the key is confidence and having a good time

Learnt to dance from WoW animations

At a club where everyone drunk no one really gives a shit, trick is to dance like your having the most fun

Once it's been long enough turn her around and face her breh. Or just appreciate that ass.

I need help with this

a grill invited me to stay in a hotel room with her for a rave so I need to know how to dance cause I'm fucking autistic and self-conscious as fuck about dancing

na mate, europe
if i appreciate that ass too much i get a diamond dick mate
are you me
i have a lot of fun but it looks like absolute shit

Black bro here. Learn this, it's way easier than it looks. Practice on wood/tile in your socks, since that's what the floor at those shows are.

This gets me covered in bitches.

...and then after I'm done petting their dogs, the women are more drawn to you, too.

confidence, ha ;-;

1: I would never consider a legal event a rave, raves are illegal and in warehouses

2:read above posts

3:she's probably a slut if it's just the 2 of you in the rooms so just go drink a little or use sparing amounts of amphetamines and have a good time


forgot to put the link, my bad.

If shes into it, I doubt she'll care. Most of them grab at it after a while anyway.

>tfw memorizing obscure reloads so that I can do this on the next level one day

God fucking damn I hate dancing. I have no rhythm at all. People say let your body move to the music but my body just wants to stay still and listen to the music. That or wander around aimlessly.

There's a webm some guy made pham.

I feel that man, why can't I just chill and enjoy the music?

EDM concert then

* a hotel that her and her brother got to stay at for the concert

can't use any drugs either

i found that i felt that way too till i learned to relax a bit, then i started to bob and stuff, and after a while it just came to me
alcohol helps with the anxiety, but don't overdo it or you'll get the opposite effect of what you want
also, i listen to most probable songs at home and sometimes dance infront of the mirror, that way i feel more prepared and less anxious

oh, yeah. I haven't saved that. I get more of a laugh out of the screencap to be h with you.

Thats genius.
I get relaxed as fuck but never feel it.

maaaaan you do realise this will take me like 3 months to learn
though i will try, for that punani

>tfw nobody in your country is able to dance
>tfw you are still worse than everyone else
At least foreigners dig the accent.

The greentext is still fucking hilarious so I dont blame you

If you practice enough it wont take too long. Just take bits and peices that you know you can do to start then make it your own breh.




these should help you get into it

people here are either like bobbing and doing random shit or doing that geometric stuff
those who can dance are mostly girls

Ya I'm definitely gonna get some alcohol

Theres no way I would be able to attempt to dance or hook up with this chick if I haven't had my inhibitions loosened a bit (she's hot as fuck, I'm just a pussy)

i gotchu phamily

Cant say it doesn't work.

I've been dancing for 7 years OP. My biggest advice to you is if you're serious about dancing is
Find a style of dance that speaks to you. Since you mostly go to EDM parties I would learn how to Melbourne Shuffle because it's easy as fuck (literally 4 different moves that you do in different combinations). Once you get good enough at that you can branch off into Popping or Electro-Swing.
>AMA about Dance

love these, though i'm more used to a faster beat
saved em

Thanks Famborghini!

I tried this and did the animations while bobbing my knees. Way less obvious, just as hilarious.

Lel, edm parties are just a bunch of drugged up chinks flailing their arms around. I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Even the girls arent very good here. But they can get away with it because tits and/or ass.

Dang was hoping to have a fellow autist to make green text stories with at events

Yeah, it'll be much faster at a show, but those are just the right speed for practicing shuffling so you don't trip yourself up learning.

They're also my favorite songs, so I appreciate that.

is it possible to learn it right without any instructors and just youtube?
maaaaaaaaaaaan i'd love to live in canada, i live in a third world country in europe (fken serbia)
if you are planning on coming here for exit fest hit me up mate, we can be autistic together

>I have no rhythm at all
Nigga just count the music. Most EDM tracks have a count of 4 with a Phrase at the beginning and end of each count. A phrase could be an 808 bass hit or anything really. Once you learn how to count music and predict phrases you aquire rhythm

oh so i should use these for practice, alright
guess i would break my own legs trying to do it full speed at the start

the hardest part about dancing is knowing what the fuck to do with my hands

seriously, the fuck are you supposed to do?

Take classes OP
Note: dance classes are packed with chicks. Outnumbering guys at least 2:1

Lmaooo I have a serbian friend who wants me to go with him to his hometown and hit up exit fest because he has a house like an hour or 2 away

>is it possible to learn it right with just YouTube
Yes, especially shuffling. Once you get into more complicated dances, YouTube is a good base, but try to find your own style. Dancing is about expressing yourself and giving music shape

this is so true, and i haven't thought of it
i do wavy patterns and i guess i look like shit lel

Random anything honestly, I do stupid shit like the wave or the typical 70s disco thing for the laughs

Is it possible to shuffle to something like this?

I feel like girls have it easier fampatchi

I find that the best thing to do with my hands is just angle them opposite of whatever my elbow is doing. If my arm is at a 90 degree angle with my forearm parallel to my body, then my wrist is at another 90 degree angle perpendicular to my forearm



You COULD shuffle to that, but because of the nature of that song, you'd have to focus more on kicks / slides rather than Running Man and T-step

this thread has me in tears. Just go with the flow you know swing your arms side to side and shit?

Wear a tight dress and move your hips a bit.
You are now a girl who looks good dancing. Lazy sluts have it all their way.

how does this work in practice though?

If I saw a video of someone dancing with a passable, easy technique I could just copy it

so, depending on the nature of the song, i should change up my routine?
good to know

Honesty if you care this much about dancing then you're a fag

Unless its a legit passion but then again, you wouldn't ask this question if it were. Odds are you're an insecure faggot who wants to try to impress women.

What's wrong with wanting to know how to dance? It's fun

I legitimately believe that dancing is an expression of one's soul and spirit. Happy dancing is a happy life

Those trips earn my story Famicist.

>Be me
>Go see Excision in Tulsa because I was bored and saw it on Facebook
>Go with best bro, was so hyped and it was such short notice I bought his ticket
>I didn't ask, but he paid me back anyway. This line has nothing to do with the story. So.
>Get to show
>Opener is breddy gud, everyone's already hella hyped
>Crowdsurf twice, make tons of bros
>Now, for the autism.
>Turns out friend knew a girl there, so they spend the night dancing
>Don't really give a fuck, since I already made some bros and I'm usually the life of the party anyway.
>Excision takes the stage
>Excision has three big ass screens with visuals on it
>I have some weird-ass color fetish. Colorful games, art, you fucking name it and I'm drawn to it
>Staring at this visual like a moth to a flame
>Chest-high qt snags me from behind
>She's either high as fuck, or drunk as fuck
see , for that's who I meant made me their pole
>I'm not used to anyone ever making a move on me, ever. Thanks Veeky Forums I have no idea what to do
>Friend is right in front of us while this girl fucks the living shit out of my knee
>I'm staring at friend the whole time is disbelief while I hold onto that ass
>He looks at me, laughs his ass off, gives me thumbs up and leaves
>She's grinding me so fucking hard that it's actually pushing me back
>People behind me just shove me back into this savage while I feel her poon lips lliterally wrap around my thigh
>Didn't realize I was making this face but apparently you could see confusion and fear in my eyes
>Someone who must be her friend because they were vaguely dressed alike pulls her off because we're going from "you're mine' to "I'm about to rape you on this dance floor" in a matter of seconds
>I stand there and process what happened for about 2 minutes with a blank expression.
>Look to my left and the two girls are grinding
>4 or 5 betafags and one really high dude swarm this girl and try to get what I got

i just don't want to look autistic desu
i think of it as another step on my path to self improvement, idgaf about your oppinion
everything you do to improve yourself, regardless of the reason, is a good thing.

Fag incapable of dancing detected. Welcome to the no dance party.

>Sit there and look for a moment. Some guy is grinding her at nowhere near the intensity she grinded me
>I turn 360 and walk away
>Think back to it, I probably could've fucked her in my car
>She probably got bukkake'd that night
>Go grind someone else

Them's the breaks. Or something.

The problem isn't wanting to learn its the motivation behind it

And that is just pure faggotry what you just said. That sounds like something a high school girl would say

I don't wanna get raped or catch aids from anything in that hell-hole

Simultaneously the best and worst place I've ever been

>5 years competitive dancer here
>quality content inc

First: Don't try to hard or to difficult steps. You will never nail them like in the vids.

As always confidence is key. Just bounce your knees and hip a little with the beat (natural bounce back and forth) and do the sidestep until you look relaxed doing it. Thats what I do 95% of the time in the club.
Don't put your hands up unless you actually mean to. Never go for the half hand up it looks weak.
If a gril wants to dace with you, go very close (back or front doesn't matter) stop the sidestep, bend your knees a little, move your hips with the beat from left to right and put your hands on her hips (not ass).

Lastly save your energy never go crazy and most important enjoy it.

Don't do it like in the pic tho its unrelated to much arms n shit

You sound like fun.

You can move to this
Boom you just learned half an arm wave

Damn the vid is awesome. Thanks bro

That thing is sweet.
Not wanting to look like a retard is an old and noble motivation.

See this is your real problem. You care too much what people, mainly women, think about you. Do you honesty think putting on a dance show for girls is gonna help you in the long run? You're focusing on the wrong shit

Breh its crackhead central and still a good time

only time i lift up my arms is to fist pump
is that alright

You enjoy being a prepetual bore and your pretentious girlfriend who cucks you while you're at work

I just move them in the same direction as my legs. Example: I shuffle, kick my leg out to the left, I also slightly throw my left arm out. Really anything that doesn't look like flailing/spasming/at your sides

Definitely for practice, then move on to faster songs. They're still 10/10 would recommend in any scenario, though.

Or you can do this. Or anything really. Experiment with arm movements

>out with college housemate and friends
>he is pretty much just fist pumping in the air
>does it so hard he dislocates his arm
Good times.

No I think he just wants to look good on the dance floor. Literally nothing wrong with that. Nobody wants to look like an idiot

my self confidence is ridiculously low, and has prevented me from doing a bunch of shit in my life
reverse approach may help
by going out, by getting better, and yes, by getting approval, i feel better about myself
eventually i'll feel good even without the approval, but for now, i feel that it's necessary for me

sure thing man

When has being good at dancing ever not helped a dude out. Its like being good at guitar or some shit.

You're wasting your time if you really think learning how to dance is gonna get you pussy. Especially if your confidence is so low you can't even approach women in the first place

But whatever, you faggots will learn it the hard way

No worries, friend. Thought it nailed the basics and showed just enough advanced shit for someone who wants to be more of the center of attention. Like in those circles that we all know the bitches stare at. Literally saw a guy kill a shuffle in there and some girl was all over his dick. He was a lanky 6/10 at that.

i never said i couldn't approach women lol
sure, i need to suck up my gut yea, but i do it
have been relatively sucessful as well
and how exactly can learning how to dance be bad for me? as i said, it's self improvement, like learning any other skill


You're at a show, you can either be the guy that stands in the back like he's never been picked for anything his whole life, or some guy's dad, or the guy that's the life of the party and people are naturally drawn to him.

Literally everyone knows dancing alone won't get you any pussy but it makes you a shit load more approachable.

>this nigga thinks you cant get pussy by being good at dancing
Next you will say you cant get pussy by being rich or something.
Name one person who is good at dancing who cant get laid.

That brings up hopes. Thanks again man. This is exactly what I was looking for (dance moves)

Being good at guitar and playing in bands made me popular and got me laid back in high school. It doesn't work so well as an adult (I'm 32), although I just joined a band that'll be gigging this summer so we'll see.

Being swole got me laid once, and she was ugly and the sex was awful.

As for dancing, I've been taking tango lessons for six months. It's a horrible place to pick up women unless you're into middle aged +. I'm getting hella good though, and that feeling of progress keeps me going.

I've gotten so much fucking pussy literally just cause of my dancing. Stop typing while you're ahead you salty fuck