Hip pain

I've been doing squats and deadlifts with my routine for a few months now, and I thought my form was fine, but lately I've been experiencing pain in the back of my hip when doing them, which leads me to believe I might have some buttwink going on.

I thought it might be a problem with my hip flexors, but the pain is where I've drawn the pink in circle in pic related, and my understanding is my hip flexors are in the front mostly. It's not quite my lower back or my hip or even my tailbone, but right in between all of them.

I have a bit of lordosis going on, which might be part of it, but I'm not sure. Before you say "go see a doctor" I already have an appointment booked, and I don't feel comfortable posting a video of my form or anything, I just wanted to know if anyone has had the same thing happen to them and if their shit got fucked up or not.

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Muscles-Testing-Function-Posture-Kendall/dp/0781747805/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1461616031&sr=8-2&keywords=Posture and pain

Pain in that area is generally issues with the SI joint.
Definitely go to the doctor.

s t r e t c h

Fuck sakes lads, I just wanted to lift why did this have to happen? Lifting is one of the few things I enjoy in life...

Relax, you probably didn't actually injure it. It can easily be fixable.

The doctor will be able to orient you a bit better once you're there and he can test you.

how much are you squatting?

Before going to a doctor, have you considered researching/identify/locating the source of the problem?

The area you circled can only help us so much.
>>Oh its the xyz area and is a direct results of the abc area of the body, do exercise Z and this will fix your problem in approximately 10 days.

It doesn't work like that, and seeing a Doctor might not have the same experience as a licensed physical therapist or another licensed doctor that works with athletes.

I can think of 5+ problems that results in "hip pain" and they all individually stem from many different areas of the body. Is there any other information you can provide?

Had the same problem

It's hard to identify the problem, so you just have to fix the entire chain

Foam roll your entire body every single day. Make sure to pay special attention to your calves, hip flexors, hamstrings, and IT bands.

Do static stretching everyday for your entire body

Work on improving your ankle mobility. Watch videos on how to do dynamic and static stretching.

Have someone record your lifts and make sure your form is correct

As in how much weight or how often?

Thanks trappy I feel better now

Will do senpai

Yeah my description was vague but I think trappy is right saying it's my SI joint

>As in how much weight or how often?

I was squatting 185lbs 3x5

Not very much but I'm a skelly and haven't been lifting very long so no bully pls

Trappy is never blatantly wrong, and while I do agree its highly possible, ya never know just by looking at a picture with the area circled. Another user is correct. If theres a bad link in the chain, you have to climb your way up the chain and figure out the source of the problem. Your hip pain could be an indirect result of another issue you don't know about, or it could directly be messed up. And unfortunately not every Doctor can identify this in a single visit at first go.

If you are going to the doctor, then what help would you like?

stretch what though? hamstrings? glutes?

I'm not sure what you're getting at here?

I don't know what the source of my pain is and I can't describe it very precisely, so I'm going to see a doctor to ask about it, why is that a bad idea?

Well you posted this thread, why? Do you need help? Do you want us to give you some advice on stretching or what.

Just starting a discussion about squats and hip pain to see if anyone has any valuable information to share with me or anyone else who may be lurking this thread.

I was just being nosey, I wasnt asking to try be a dick. I actually have the same problem you do and, oddly enough can go passed roughly the same weight your at now. got to 3x5 @95kg then fucked my back up doing dumb shit not weight related and now stuck at 3x8 @ 82.5kg

Well then you are in luck.

The entire body works as a system. When you squat, or really perform any multi-joint movement, it becomes quite technical. As with other compound movements, they're easy to explain yet very difficult to execute in a precious and efficient manner. Of the most popular compound lifts, i've made many arguments as to why the squat tends to be the hardest to perform. While a deadlift can ONLY be performed with the highest perfection, as the deadlift leaves no room for error, the squat has more devastating effects on the body if both are compared when performed inadequately. There is no other movement where the axial load is that great. Simple as that. The squat is the most technical of all movements (excluding ALL oly lifts)

Since the body moves and performs as a system, all parts of the body must be working together. Let's say for example you have knee pain when you squat. If you examine the problem, chances are the knee is in pain because of another reason. You don't wake up one day and all the sudden your knee is in pain, or your wrist, or your hips for that matter.

Your knee could be in pain due to inadequate ankle flexion, causing your torso to lean more forward in the squat. With heavy weight, this could put unequal pressure on one knee vs the other due to your missing ROM in your ankles. Your knees could also be in pain due to highly imbalanced muscles, where the hamstrings are too weak under the load and your knee flexion is suffering. Etc etc etc.

Why is your hip in pain? Chances are faulty squat pattern. Maybe you have bad hips genetically? Maybe you have another limiting factor that is causing a problem with your squat. Lots of these questions can be answered and researched with the help of these sources(next post)

stretch your hammies

Ebooks regarding Posture/Pain/Normal range of motion for ALL joints, problems associated with those ROM's, and ways to increase them.:
- amazon.com/Muscles-Testing-Function-Posture-Kendall/dp/0781747805/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1461616031&sr=8-2&keywords=Posture and pain
- amazon.com/Essentials-Kinesiology-Physical-Therapist-Assistant/dp/0323089445/ref=pd_sim_14_7?ie=UTF8&dpID=51IKBmuurTL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR135,160_&refRID=033WAS46EXZV89NSPZ8H

Also amazing info in these videos:

Kelly is a very smart guy and knows his shit. He really does - His exercises are easy, powerful, and quick. They work, that's it.

Godspeed and goodluck at the doctors

Or maybe it's just his SI joint.


Still good information for anyone - He wants a general discussion and i posted lots of resources and info that apply to anyone.

I sure hope you mean physiotherapist

look up a vid on utoob and make sure you walk correctly, not kidding

Sounds exactly like something I've been dealing with right now. Pain in the back of the hip. I've really been trying to zero in on my form and it's helped a lot, though