N-no hommo
>being a fag isn't a choice but having sex like a fag is
>has sex with men
pick one
Like that's anything new
Women's studies major
Focus on white men and how bad they are
Fuck this shit. Fuck the OP for posting it.
We are the devil m8
Author. Would patriarchize/10
I don't get it.
Questioning the pertinence of sexual identities is a thing I can understand but how can you chose to have sex with guys and still define yourself as straight?
What does being straight mean?
>What does being straight mean?
Have a penis and world domination
It means you can be even more special and unique than a boring old regular gay.
I'm not straight, white, or even a guy* and condescending SJW retards have turned my sexuality into a meme. Fuck them. They don't speak for anyone.
* debateable
No. You wouldn't.
If you must, well, enjoy having your life ruined.
>its just a hole bro, doesn't make me gay
the memes were always real, user
Are you fucking kidding me? I literally can't even...
If a man has had sex with a few girls and has had girlfriends, but once or twice experimented with his male friend, would you consider him to just all of a sudden be bi or gay?
Many "straight" men will say shit like "Gay people can do whatever ever they want, but if they do anything to me I'd kick their ass". Would you consider him to be straight, or would you consider this person to be a little insecure faggot who's afraid of his fantasies he's had of other men?
A man who acts on his fantasies can still be straight because they understand how sometimes he feels a certain way, but still seeks sexual and romantic relationships with women.
I knew it! Heyy boyss who wants to fuck? No homo ;)
How is fucking a man's bumhole and occasionally holding hands and locking eyes with him gay exactly?
>having sex with other dudes doesn't make you gay
>not wanting to have sex with other dudes makes you gay
>Veeky Forums
women do this shit all the time i dont see the problem
just typical western homophobia at it again
I'm 100% gay and I occasionally fuck some vajayjay, am I straight?
Only if it is a masculine vajayjay
A straight man with a weak ego who goes out of his way to make sure you know he's completely straight may not be completely straight. But it doesn't make him, or men who ever experiment, gay or bisexual.
A man who seeks relationships with women but who has experimented with men is certainly not gay. He's not necessarily bi either because he still seeks women but experimented under a certain condition(s), he could have been drunk, horny, curious, whatever
>i want to fuck whoever i want but i'm still straight
Literally worse than biscums
yes, he certainly is at least bisexual.
What is wrong with gays? Do they not understand that straight only people exist?
Shit is getting real man. It is just like in 1984. Words stop meaning anything or are actively disbanded and put under umbrella terms. Even doublethink is everywhere.
>criticize a female in any regard
>criticise male in any regard
>any advantage of white male
>any advantage of non-white male
>as a man call out injustice of SJWs
Male tears
>as a man call out injustice towards minorities
Feminist (still a fucking shitlord tho)
>identify as a cock smoker to get into SJW cunnies
Gay and later bi male
>actually smoke cock
Curious hetero male, absolutely normal
>masculinity on white people
>masculinity on non-whites
Enriching, exotic
I want off this fucking ride man.
I'd call him a faggot. Bi is a meme for faggots who don't have the balls to admit they're faggots.
Clown world.txt
We live in a world where nothing actually means anything anymore and everyone's shit is all retarded.
By "pure coincidence" we are in the west at an all-time low in terms of happiness and every single lifestyle disorders under the sun, from depression to GRIDS is on the rise.
We are all fucked and there is naught to do but wait for Christ to return.
Welcome to clown world.
>not abandoning the west for greener pastures
>implying the rest of the world isn't being actively judaized as we speak
Are you kidding? The japs, despite being pretty much the only humans among the sinoid race are BY FAR the most fucked. They work themselves to death for the international finance jew and jerk off to cartoons instead of having children, truly disgusting and sad.
The comments on that article are the fucking worst.
>Why white men, are you racist?
>I think you're uncomfortable with the truth of your white sexuality coming to light.
What the fffuuggggggggg
Fuck everything
Its not gay if you are doing it for the gains.
Your bro have some powerful brotein so give him a brojob and get the gains.