Training mask

What sort of meme is this ?
Do they actually work ?
What is the science behind this ?
> in b4 bane post
> in before just breath
You are all grown ass man, don't act leike sperglord discuss plz

Other urls found in this thread:

They just stop you from breathing as much

So basically you'll break down less glucose and produce more lactic acid

no they do not work

no, this is bullshit
the effects of low oxygen are seen on the body are seen when you spend 100% of your time in high altitude.
living in a high altitude with no training at all >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> training for 1.5 hours a day with a meme mask on

with respect to physiological acclimization gains

wrote my undergraduate thesis on high altitude physiology

doesn't work

if you want to improve your cardio/oxygen usage go live in the mountains and train for over a year.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Its just an excuse to wear a ninja mask over 12.

So I just have to use the mask the whole day then?

It's not really breathing in thinner air, it's more like breathing through a straw

Go train in Nepal for a while

What about altitude chambers? I thought the Olympians "train low and sleep high" so they can get the red blood cell gains at night and get the muscle and cardio gains during the day.

the pressure is what causes the physiological adaptation not the difficulty in air available.

it'll probably over work your inspiration muscles and fatigue you faster.

2-4 weeks should be enough

but the problem is the adaptations disappear as soon as they appear at regular altitude.

Am not gonna lie if they were not 80 Good boy point I would buy them

Yes, because you are ugly

altitude chambers work similarly to living at high altitude, but the fact is the body needs at least 2-3 weeks of constant disruption to start seeing increases in hematocrit. there's a reason the biggest olympic training center is in colorado springs.

the mask itself works by limiting the amount of air you can breathe, not the partial pressure of the oxygen youre breathing in. look at this graph

Always curious if it would work for those of us who train with breathing apparatus. I do low intensity cardio a few times a week with an SCBA

Most that use them think it will help their blood carry a higher concentration of oxygen to extend the amount of time before they get tired and get cramps

You'd literally have to wear it 24/7 for days or weeks to get any measurable effect.

The one day you stop, your body will switch back

It's great to cover up all your mouth herpes.

you carry a tank as you run?

>> in b4
>> in before
Baneposting commencing.


Some people have to wear them, for medical reasons. Taking it off would be extremely painful.

They work for the mercenary... the masked man.

>You are all grown ass man
So would you say I am a "big guy?"

For real though these are just the newest meme. You may as well just tape your mouth around a tube. All it does is reduce the amount of oxygen your blood receives.

>be OP
Why do they wear the mask?


Some people who fell for the meme and bought one will say they're great. Lot of loyalty for a customer.

They do a fairly good job of simulating high-altitude situations, but the only time you'd need one was if you stranded on a mountain after a plane crash... With one survivor.

Unless you're a professional athlete or are competing there's no point in using one of these. Yes they work. Do the research yourself.
For you

Here we go, the aspies have arrived. Thread is over, OP had his answer anyway.


They're good for retarded faggots, so they'd be extremely helpful... For you.

Uh, you don't get to ask friends
>we're not OP's freinds

They're supposed to simulate hypoxic conditions, but they don't actually do that. They just make it harder to inhale, so it works the muscles of inhalation. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well congratulations, you got your answer! What's the next step of your master plan?

Leaving this thread obviously.
With no serious posters!

Remember that screencap of the Veeky Forums post where the guy talked about walking on the treadmill while holding a barbell? He said he was ripped and did it just as a joke, but he did it so often that other people thought it must have made him ripped so he started seeing hamplanets doing the same.

I get the feeling that some /k/ommando was just fucking around one day working out with his WWII Nazi gas mask on and some people felt that it must make some legitimate gains.

He's a big guy.

This seriously make so much sense

For you


Why does he wear the mask?


Do you think that guy feels in charge?

Is this also the designated dubs thread?


saw some fucktard in the gym doing half reps of body weight exercise wearing these. My sides went missing when he did half reps push ups

biggest does not mean best tho

this cant be real, please tell me hes just fucking around

a meme like weighted vests.

The sort of things retards buy so they can seem hardcore as fuck like the guys out of their japanese cartoons.

Not SCBA guy but as another Firefighter it's what we use in the field, so a lot of go-getters train in full Bunker gear as well as airpacks for some reason.

usually "train like you fight"
to get uncomfortable with the gear on your face

One of my friends have these.

He goes to the gym, puts it on and plays basketball for like 5 minutes, then that's it.

Since he got that mask at least 3 other wanna-be try hard's got them. Its almost an epidemic of those ugly things.

I don't know if they work or not, but whenever I see someone lifting with one on I walk up to them and ask:
"If I pull that off, will you die?"

>What sort of meme is this ?


>Do they actually work ?


>What is the science behind this ?

some hack pulled some shit out of his ass

You will learn the secrets of the ripple at an accelerated rate! Just do Starting Hamon by LISA LISA

Nigga its not like its more/less oxygen. It's LITERALLY room air. If you just want the weight take a backpack and put 10 kilos in it. Also, a lot of the fat Firefighters I work with use these bane masks thinking it'll help them train harder/lose weight faster. Fuck me.

my sides

>implying baneposting is the best thing to happen to this shitty Nicaraguan interpretive dance forum

It's to simulate exercising in high elevation areas. These places have less oxygen. Getting used to moving around with less oxygen will make you more efficient at moving when you have a surplus of oxygen at lower elevations. It's the same logic behind ankle weights. Running with ankle weights will make you faster when you eventually take them off.

That said, you look like a total douchebag with this mask and it isn't worth the gains.

>Mfw the meme-mask fad already came and went with all the actual athletes, and now the only people who ever wear the things are dipshits who do nothing in them but their normal brosplit and 20 minutes of light jogging on a treadmill

Just strap a huge dildo to your forehead, it'll send the same message to everyone who sees you with a lot less discomfort.

Swear to God i saw a dyel wearing this in the gym today in a wife beater while legit double arm flexing in the mirror. He either has huge balls or just lacks the self awareness to see how weird he looks
Guy almost died running with one on.

>Out of breath
>Almost died

The gas mask is obviously dumb as shit, but you're a puss senpai.

Just post that Anderson Silva webm


They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

I have one and I only use it when I run. I know that it doesn't simulate high altitudes, and I know that it can not increase your lung capacity. I only use to help with my running. After a while of running with it on I felt a difference with it off. It helped increase my mile time.

Elliptical and Stair climber.

I don't wear bunker gear, but I might carry a hose bundle or a set of irons if we are doing real stairs.

My boy uses one, he says it works. He has a 500lb squat, 295lb bench right now and has barely been training on and off for 1-2 years. But he played football

For you

works for what? restricting oxygen intake? i seriously don't get the point of these

My Jojo

use a snorkel op.

"and if you aint tough dont wear my logo,and if you aint fly you cant play with my jojo"

Idk much about physiology but I think you would get more of an effect by just donating blood and then trying to do some cardio. Idk

You mean *isn't?
Because baneposting is definitely the best thing to do on a masking tape application strategy forum.

Underrated kek