Marry, fuck, kill

Marry, fuck, kill.
Veeky Forums style

Marry Deadlift
Fuck Squat
Kill Bench

Marry DL
Fuck Squat
Kill Bench

marry squat
fuck bench
kill deadlift

You can't kill deadlift.

Kill squat
Kill deadlift
Marry/fuck bench press

I'm too young to have a bad back...

Marry Bench Press
Fuck Squat
Kill Deadlift

you fool you missed your chance to say
>you can't kill what's already deadlift


Marry deadlift
Fuck bench press
Kill deadlift

>The Press is my mistress

Marry diddly
Fuck Bench
Kill Squat

Are those 45s? They look especially thick.

Marry deadlift
Kill bench press
Fuck squat

To get the best lean physique

>being lean and t-rexmode

the worst possible option moron

Marry deadlift
Fuck Bench press
Kill squat

Marry squats
fuck deads
Kill bench
Heavy compounds or go home

Trex confirmed

or you're faggot.

marry bench
fuck deadlift
kill squat

>he doesn't do heavy bench
Let me guess you're a dyel that can only bench 2pl8

Marry Deadlift
Fuck Squat
Kill Bench. Seriously, it's not even that important of an exercise. Dips are easily better.

Marry Squat
>not glamorous but always there for you

Fuck Deadlift
>gives you the biggest lift, but you always regret it the next day

Kill Bench
>will fuck you up if you look at her wrong, and all the bros got there before you anyway

Marry squat for life
Fuck deadlift on the side
Kill bench press, weighed push-ups and dips are better anyway

Marry deadlift but secretly cheat on her with the press
Fuck Bench
Kill Squat

You can not kill what is already dead.


Marry squat
Fuck bench
Kill DL

Fite me irl fegits

this, well said

One is the fucking best, one is the fucking worst and one is the fucking hardest.
Marry benchpress
Fuck squats
Kill deadlift

Some say, deadlifts are for back day, some say they are for leg day, I say they are for another day.

Marry Deadlift
Fuck Bench Press
Kill Squat

deadlift is a keeper, bench press is sexy af

But does another set, harder and stronger


>not being autistic
>quoting brosciencelife
pick one

Marry Squat
Fuck Bench Press
Kill OHP

>implying you could kill deadlift
>implying deadlift wouldn't kill you

No homo

Fuck Bench. Marry Squat. Kill Deads. Proceed to lift deadlifts' corpse. Get jacked for my awesome threesomes with bench and squats.

>not being autistic
>knowing he was quoting brosciencelife
Pick one