This is the dude you're lifting for

>this is the dude you're lifting for

Other urls found in this thread:

Looks disgusting without all those camera angles to hide his man face.

>implying that's not what it's doing there

looks bad no matter what, famalam

Id still bang 10/10 no homo

That trappy?

pretty cute in my opinion...would still marry...

Who dis?

Not me bby

And no I'm also not warmfreshpaint

i-i still love you.
pls marry.

You're right it's probably even worse when you see him in a 3d environment like real life.

>n-no thats not me at all, I s-swear!!

Not even close to similar to me kek

Jesus Christ, almost fell for the trap meme.

It really does look similar. You're being awful defensive.

and you can now, thanks to our overreaching judiciary

Nice arms faglord
>this is the """""""girl""""""" giving you tips on Veeky Forums

>Thinly veiled thread to goad Trappy into posting full face shots
>D E V I L I S H

Looks pretty much the same to me.
Lighting, make up and camera angles go a long way.

Dame ..

kek it's not even the same hair or eye colour bby

I only train lowerbody

>has to hide horrid man face with anime girl pictures so we can't see how ugly you actually are

I want to have a ladies night out with trappy but she's probably way too busy with med school.

Christ you are straight up a dude with makeup on you aren't even half passable

Fuck that man face

would you mind posting something lewd that I may wank to.

I'm tall as fuck (5'9) and lean if that helps ;)

Pls post with face. Im also trans and love your attitude so much

>also a fag

what a suprise

Lens and dyes, pretty usual for transvestites.
Show legs bitchboy

>tall as fuck


But honestly you look pretty as far as I can tell.

Kek I love that movie. Best classic american giant monster movie ever.

To be honest I just don't manage time well and spend it all shitposting on Veeky Forums.
But I usually take the weekends to go out with friends so if you're free on saturday~

wew lad

there's some pics on


That imgur is old bby

we need some armpit shots

tell me traps where to find natural looking wig that doesn't cost arm and leg

Brutal. Those fucking zygos lmao

Please be in Washington....

Literally OP's pic, ewww...

you repulsive dog


Stop deluding gullible virgins

>ywn fuck trappy

How come this faggot hasn't been banned yet? All he does is posting lewd shit and pics of half his face and his little dick everywhere.

Gimme a break, makeup could probably hide the scars in pic related.

its the most disgusting cry for attention ever

it makes me rofl that this retard actually gives advice on fitness

>All he does is posting lewd shit and pics of half his face and his little dick everywhere

Except not

Nice man-hands, you hideous cunt.

go suck his man cock some more desperate faggot lmao


Ok, I have a question. Are you just an internet attention trap but prude irl, or do you actually get held down, fucked raw, and cummed inside in real life?

>tfw you will never cum in Trappy's armpits and have her walk around town without cleaning it up

someone post that comic about Veeky Forums and /pol/ bawling over trappy

kek, you have the worst ass on this board.

kill yourself.

>dem under-eye bags

Yo, more sleep, less blue light.

Get f.lux to red-shift your desktop/laptop.

She's up all night sucking dick, every night



I like this version better

You look like my last girlfriend. This troubles me.

Did you suck her feminine penis?

damn traps no help what matters most, i need wig advise


pic related?

This pic is really weird tbqh.

I don't know bby, I just grew my hair out.
Maybe /lgbt/ can help?

That pic is kinda old, I'm better nowadays...

nah still got them zombie eyes kekk

I wish
Also that pic kek kek


>do you actually get held down, fucked raw, and cummed inside in real life?

I wish, barely had any sex at all so far.


Would you let a cute girl lick your armpits, stomach and perhaps benis?

you remind me of dodie clark

>You'll never leave the nuts hanging out of trappy's ass

Wait that's a boy??? Wtf? Is this some new western trend? Why are westerners especially white people so fucked in the head? Majority of furries are white, homos(the degenerate kind not the normal ones), serial killers and otherother degenerates whites?

idk, I only really feel attraction to men.

Is that a prairie slang for hard fucking? Because I'm a Canuck and I have no idea what "leave the nuts hanging out" means

what if I just shoved you down because, despite being a girl I'm 70kg at 20% bf and much stronger than you and proceeded to work my way down from your soft white neck to your rock hard nipples, your goosebumped stomach and down to your small but surprisingly erect benis. we could do buttstuff to!

you're also a virgin aren't you?

If by nut you mean semen then you're just a subhuman nigger


Trappy actually has a 16.5cm dick

how do you pick which dudes to go after? being a trap


holy shit dude, he's talking about sticking his benis in trappy's ass


>implying nut = benis

almost like you don't stick your nuts in the hole when fucking

just leaving the nuts hanging out implies going balls deep

Fucking degenerate faggot. If you ever come to north America, us straights are going to rape you until your pelvis is shattered and your hole is just a slimy cum filled gaping crater no number of squat plugs could ever fill. That will teach you to be a faggot.

Trappy, will we ever see the full face of the woman we obsess over?

Excuse me? I'll have you know I reproduce asexually by budding

The problem is that you had to rape a transsexual in order to get laid. Fuck off cunt, I'm trying to get some boypuss and feminine dick here, your kind is literally unwanted.

I've been to the US once and this didn't happen, I want my money back

poor dogo

w-weww :xx

I'm probably the worse person to ask this sort of thing, considering my rate of success in dating life is drastically low.

But it's mostly guys approach me first. Though I've approached a few guys too, but it didn't work out in the end.

Why even use third world country measurements?

>mfw 15cm dick
>mfw Trappy has a bigger dick than I do

what type of guys do you like? is it chad thundercock

This brings up a fantastic question

How does one measure their penis
A) Top
D) Other (explain)

Brotip: If you pick C you have a tiny pinus

still looks like a guy in the pic

lol u closet gay

>considering my rate of success in dating life is drastically low.

find someone from Veeky Forums bb.

To be fair I measured that before HRT, a long time ago. I don't even know nowadays, but it's definitely a lot harder (pun not intended) to get 100%. I mostly just stay around 70-80%, if even that much.

Just a guy who likes me back senpai.


u still look like a guy bro

Big dick traps are pretty niche desu.
Good thing I'm into that.

trappy, is drinking 4 liters of soda a day on a cut bad?
Just had some strawberry pocky and the sweet tooth won't go away, it's raging and throbbing for more.

You need someone to fuck the cravings out of you, doughboy

Just cut the soda out for good.
If you're craving for sugar drink juice, but natural made from the fruit not bought in a box. And don't add too much sugar.
Or just go with milk for the gains.

This is obviously not that important for cutting, as for losing weight all that really matter is the amount of calories.

But lowering the intake of sugar can help a lot with feeling satisfied during the day, craving less food, and well, health in general.

You'd be kinda disappointed tho, as I said ever since HRT my erections got pretty soft. ;;

Oh shit, forgot to say diet soda.

Goddamn this picture is so nostalgic.

But no I don't think I'll be posting my full face simply cause I don't wanna get doxxed.