>tfw you realize in the store you are no longer M but L size
Tfw you realize in the store you are no longer M but L size
>tfw you realize you are no longer an XXL but an M
When ur a manlet at 160lbs and wear a medium knowing youll never wear real man sized clothes
finally getting fat? :^)
Whenever I fold my washing now, when I fold my short, I can't help but think:
"How the fuck do I fit into these? Surely only one of my thighs should be able to fit at most..."
>brother is obese
>one of the leg 'holes' on his shorts has enough room for more than my entire body
It's a great feel senpai
the best feel homie
>tfw went from a size M to a size L-XL
>tfw even some size XL shirts and jackets are too tight around my chest and arms
>mfw been a XXL for the better part of a year, now XL fits again
>when you realize that you are too thick for your shirt, but because shirt size is determined by the bone structure of your collar bone, you are doomed to never fit in clothing again
Ayy fucking twink shits
Had this great feel in October, now i cut too much, gonna bulk this summer, fuck ottermode
fucking fatass
fatty pls
L to S here
feels fuckin amazing, man
>recently tried on a S shirt
>Fit well, not tight in the slightest
>Actually look nice in it
Somewhere between medium and large here. Shopping is suffering.
>tfw you're a manlet with a broad chest and M shirts look too tight but large shirts don't fit the shoulders and you look like a fag
>tfw u have about $2500 worth of clothes that don't fit anymore because you were a hypebeast fatty
he wears L, awww how cute..
American or Euro L?
Just asking because American L is Euro XL, S is L and so on
>tfw you realize you're an M but you're fat
>tfw you realize a few days ago you bought M clothes, but are losing weight so will have to lose weight and then get bulk to fit well into new clothes
This is my motivation
Aus M btw
> not wearing kids L so that the sleeves rip and the collar choking you accentuates your throbbing jugulars and facial veins
>tfw she spreads her ass and vagoo
>tfw dropped from 32 waist to 28
>all my jeans are way too loose now
Can a tailor fix this? Tighten up from the waist down?
yes he can, but probably won't be very cheap
>tfw large shirts are too small
>everything in wardrobe moved up a size since lifting
32x34--> 34x34
m short --> large shorts
large shirts --> xl shirts
6'2, 200lbs. feels good
you wear 34x34 pants at 6'2?
>All M sized shirts are tight around the sleeves
>L sized shirts look like baggy dresses because of the way they hang over my traps and pecs
From an XL to L and soon to be M.
That's got to be bullshit because I'm 6'5" 190 and I just had to get 36x34 pants. My 34 waist pants were too tight.
Manlets, when will they ever learn.
> mfw 6'2 and XL for multiple years and now they look small on me
XL to L
Want to get into a medium.
I see you're going for the fat """powerlifter""" mode there OP
mfw sleeves are too tight
Damn I have a small pants size 29x32. When I bulk i usually get up to size 32x32.
>TFW blessed wit small waist genetics.
I'm at that weird sizing between large and medium
So in other words, I need a 'marge'.
being 6'2'' @ 200lbs.
wish I was shorter so I can wear a medium and look right, jk
Can confirm
Me in medium
And large
6'1 1/2"
Longish torso
i wear a medium and it results in
>tight sleeves that come up to mid biceps
>too short so I look like some scrub who got hand me downs from my brother
But wearing a large, it motivates me to get bigger.
I'm bulking for life. I don't plan on cell teching so I might as well ride the natty + soft but strong look.
From XL to L my BF is below 20 now at least! Not sure how I'll get to M always having been pretty big not just fat wise and being 187 cm tall
tfw xl sometimes don't fit my chest and shoulders
tfw american XL is sometimes too small for me. I miss south african sizes were clothes were made for genes like mine
hnng dem childbaring hips
I am 6'3 225 with 34 waist and probably gonna drop to 32 when I have cut to 210 10% bf.
>tfw bought a basketball jersey 2 sizes smaller than what I wear.
>sub-conscience got me to buy it to work out enough to get it to fit soon.
One day.
get some pecs and traps then faggot
how do you fit into a medium and large? I am 6'2 and some XLs are too tight
Cheaper to buy new jeans.
I'm 190 lbs
SS for 10 weeks only
You misunderstand. They so large that they overfill the shirt while the rest of the shirt is loose. I'm very barrel chested, it just hangs over me away from my abs.
ah true, hanging from them not rather than over makes sense. Yeah not much you can do about that
I know but usually a 6'1 frame wouldn't fit. I am 210 but lower bf and more muscle I guess. I haven't fit into a medium since like grade 7 though
>tfw you never buy clothes because everything is tailored for manlets
I've been lifting for 2 years and I've run into a problem with shirts, when I wear certain shirts they fit nicely on my back, chest, waist, etc but around the shoulders the sleeves sometimes "flap out" or they are baggy around the shoulders and it makes me look dyel as fuck, my shoulders are my best body part when wearing a tank but they get lost when wearing a shirt usually, any advice bros ?
tfw when sleeves on on t shirts are startin to hug arms.
132 poon newbie here
>tfw broke but don't fit in old clothes anymore
>tfw 6'2 220lbs
>wear small shirt
>tfw I was able to set my belt one peg smaller
>tfw I feel fantastic
how is this possible?
Went to Veitnam and got some shirts made. It's nice to have something that isn't cutting off the circulation in my arms.
XXXL to S to L, took me 4 years thou
>tfw dropped pants size for the first time ever
It was only from 42 to 40, but I'm on my way. I'm gonna make it.
Tailored clothes are the sign of a true man. Got a fitted suit once cause my body doesn't work for separates and looked like a fucking millionaire.
still a manlet tho
American "small"
its not, unless you like wearing skin tight shirts that show half your stomach.
6,2 180 M tall.
This. I have to buying a size bigger because the shirt isnt long enough
just wear the too tight M like every other buff manlet. everyone already knows you are a manlet so it makes no difference
Buy a belt.
you had that expensive of clothes when you were fat holy fuck