>tfw tired of being a skeleton
>tfw living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no gym
>too poor to buy equipement
>the only thing I have ils motivation
What can I do?
Tfw tired of being a skeleton
You don't have 100 dollars? That is all you need to get a bench and some weights.
Hell you don't have a single bar of any kind you can do pullups on?
where there's a will there's a way.
Theres tons of stuff you can do, even BW training is hard if done correctly
>the only thing I have ils motivation
clearly not faggot
Use rocks, wood, metal and do squats n shit
Pick up heavy shit around your house, like your moving but for an hour or two
Swim in a local lake
this. look up Convict Conditioning and eat big
>tfw skinny manlet
>tfw too poor for a gym membership and quality food
Forever a gains goblin
I know it's a long term investment but I really can't afford it right now.
I've got some cast iron bars ans such but now what?
I do pushups, crunches and pullups in my stairs ad vitam?
How the fuck do you set up a program with random weighted objects?
I do construction work every saturday and swin an hour every sunday.
You realize these people are on steroids right? One of the methods of treating aids (an epidemic in Africa) involves steroids. These individuals either either personally stole steroids from a transport vehicle that was en route to assist aids victims, or purchased the steroids from someone else that stole them.
You're glorifying people who stole medical treatment from people who are dying horribly. What the fuck is wrong with you.
>I do construction work every saturday and swin an hour every sunday.
How about do some intense shit more than twice a week then faggot?
Because I'm not a neet you moron. And that's exactly what I'm asking
>only NEETs can spare an hour every other day
I feel you man. I used to fill a bucket with heavy stones I found in a lake and just lift them and keep increasing the weight, filling a jerrycan with allot of water also does the trick. Maybe try prison workouts.
Surely a dumbbell and a barbell aren't out of your reach? Start with about 30kg (65Lbs in Burrger)
Also, in the mean time you have your body. Push ups, sit ups, dips, squats, Burpess etc.
You can get inventive too. Water Jug, the big kind; fill those up and curl them, press them etc.
Youre never gonna make it, just accept being in shit shape for the rest of your life, your attitude sucks
Yeah, i know, but thats not the point of the picture. The point was that if people poorer than dirt in africa can build and make a gym, some first world guy can aswell.
Ho I'm sorry I haven't figured you had reading comprehension.
Let me rephrase it
>me wanting workout program
>but me not have room where people lift
>but me not have special lifting thingies
>me already do physical work
>but two times a week is not enough
There, you got it now?
I've stopped smoking recently and it raises my agressiveness and lowered my patience
More like
>me wants workout program to trick brain into thinking im doing good
>me actually doesnt want to workout at all and makes up excuses to do so
>me not willing to put in effort and/or sacrifices in order to get shredded
Yep, thats you.
Physical work twice a week, dont let me fucking laugh. I work in construction 5-6 days a week and I still go to the gym afterwards
Sounds to me like youre a little baby that needs to grow the fuck up
3 options:
>Work more so you have money to buy your own gear
>Drive/Cycle an hour to the nearest gym, there has to be one somewhere
>Invest heavily into BW training, make your own pullup/dip bar
Huh, the guy cearly stated that he wanted to really work out because two times a week isn't enough.
What the fuck are you trying to do?
>Huh, the guy cearly stated that he wanted to really work out
What did OP mean by this?
Thanks, I'll research more into it
Nearest one is at two and a half hour drive but i use my bike to go to work (half an hour ride)
>Dr moron, construction worker, psychanalyst, insecurities projector
>100 dollars
I live in the great southern memeland and it cost me
$1000 for a bench and a decent amount of Olympic weights.
Now I need another $700 for a power rack.
Also, unrelated, could I fit a bench press into a power rack or should I just buy a flat bench?