I need you advice Veeky Forums

I need you advice Veeky Forums.

I used to weight 286 lbs (130kg) a year ago,i started working out hard and eat right, right now i weight 216 lbs (98kg).
I started lifting about 6 months ago, i can honestly see results in my arms, legs and back.
well desu i can see progress everywhere except my chest.

I do 2 chest days a week, Bench press, fly, dumbbell press, push ups, cables, butterfly, i do every fucking possible chest workout that exists.
But i can't see any fucking progress!
I got sick of my bitch titties and went to a doctor to check for Gynecomastia, the results came back negative, it's not gyno, it's just fat, i don't know what else to do, i run 4.6 miles (7.5km) 3 days a week, i lift everyday i don't do cardio, good progress overall, 0 chest progress.

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Arms progress, for example.

The only option is to lose more bf.
Cut more, your lifts will stall a bit, but the extra fat will go in time.

You can try yohimbine to liberate fat that you just can't shift

I'll give it a look, my trainer recommend me Limpo 6, it's the same thing right?


Bulk back up and don't do all that bullshit, just stick to heavy bench, pressing and maybe incline bench/flies

as you lost weight, did your dick got longer ?

Nope, but at least i can see it now

You look like me at some point in my history. So i will tell you the only way to get your body fixed:

Cut down! I dont know how tall you are, but try to get to 75-80 kg if you are around 180cm. Get your bodyfat really low, and then slowly build muscle.

Dont try recomposition at your actual weight, dont go for a bulk. Just keep cutting, you will need to lose a lot of weight until those tits are gone. I am 183 and my fat tits started to disappear at around 85-80 kg.

mine did when I hit 185lbs from 264, I didn;t see that start to happen until I got to 195

I must have had 2" of pubic fat that was the last to shift

Are you fucking sick in the head. You're telling this blob of mass and tissue to bulk up?
Tell him to do GOMAD while you're at it

His problem is that he has no muslce and is small and weak.

You need to keep doing what you are doing. Iknow you've put in some amazing work already but you're not done yet.


You do not tell a guy with OP's body fat to start bulking up. Gaining even more fat at this stage will fuck him up long term

congrats on the weight loss but thats pretty shit muscle mass for one year of work.

can you elaborate further?
Do you have strength gains, but no mass gains or don't you have both?

Chest and gut are the hardest to lose, because that's where the majority of the fat congregates. Need to lose more bf and increase your intensity when working those areas. Also jesus bruh, what a hair spread. Shave that down for a bit for aesthetics.

I don't see why he would want to be a skinnyfat skele twink, that's all that will happen if he cuts.

Youre simply working out to preserve the small amount of muscle you have. Cut down the fat and then start building muscle! I know it sucks to not make progress on the big lifts, but you have to complete your fatlossjourney before you can start packing on muscle. Trying to gain muscle now will only make you bounce between bulking and cutting in shitty BF country (18-28%) forever.
Do it right, cut down to 10%, bulk up slowly to 16%, cut down again, bulk up again...

Read that: bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/initial-body-fat-and-body-composition-changes.html/

And if he bulks he will become a repugnant amalgamation of fat and muscle. As a general rule, you should not cut unless you're at 12% range. If he bulks further he'll have to spend a LONG time cutting. You're giving him shit advice, all because of vain appearances. Don't let the Veeky Forums memes and shortsighted ambition factor into the goals for your body

Not him, but a skinnyfat skeleton twink is the liquid between a landwhale's gas and a zeusmode's solid. He needs to focus on losing body fat first and foremost.

Also he can't do sublimation and shit, we're talking water style, not CO2. He'd bloat up like hell if he bulked right now.

you should not bulk*

I can deadlift 100kg x 10
also Bench 60kg x 10

jesus senpai-san wtf is up with your mantits thats def gyno.

I'm way fatter than you are and I don't have tits anywhere near those.

Listen to everyone that tells you not to bulk. You probably have more muscle mass than what you let on, but you still wont know it if you don't cut to a certain degree. My advice is to drop to at around 180, and gauge from there. That way, you'll at least be able to tell without having all that fat clouding your progress.

Also, you might be overtaxing your body. Have a couple of rest days for recovery. In the mean time, post your routine on weekly basis.

Ok ok i get what you are saying, but how should i do it? should i stop my 4 days lifting routine and go back to cardio 6 days a week?
If let's say i still wanna lift (i enjoy it a lot), should i lift less weight and more reps or more weight less reps?
What about the little gains i had, should i just let them go and keep losing fat or is it possible to keep them somehow?

Waiting for answers, i'll read the link you gave me in the meanwhile.

It's not gyno, I think. His fat depots are just very inconvenient. Gyno brings with it puffy nipples produced by the lumps under. This, OP does not have

That's exactly what i told my doctor, i see people at the beach, at the gym, at the pool, fucking landwhale man, and 90% of them have much smaller chest than me, how the fuck does someone who weight 20-30kg more than me has smaller chest fat?

Basically he said what this user did
He was 100% sure of it.

You probably have high estro, men really only store fat in the gut and waist.

Can you show me before \ after pics?

I used to be vegan (4-5 years ago) and ate a lot of soy, how do i get rid of estrogen?

And the fat % isn't really helping in this regard. More fat brings with it less Test, generally. OP, if there is one thing you should take from this thread, it's to cut further.

You'll feel liberated when you're low %, I promise you

And please don't neglect cardio. It expedites the process immensely

Don't eat carbs.

Lose the fat, do cardio coupled with lifting. Eat healthy fats like nuts, oil etc. Stay away from shit food. Eat a good load of ginger or grind it into tea, as recent studies have shown it can improve your test by large amounts

Keep lifting, just accept that you wont have big gains in strength and muscle size and dont make that your priority yet. Just continue your cut, it worked well until now.

And jesus fuck, just hop on steroids and don't be a fool about it. Do your research, take your PCP and regular visits to the doctor

Dude seriously? roids? look at me.

Holy shit it's actually true, i found 3 studies that confirms it, i'll buy ginger today.

Even more reason to hop on roids, user

> This is what being vegan gets you

literally. why.

If you decide to bulk...

If you go too hard, you will balloon back. I guarantee it.

Well you know, i was young and misinformed...


I wish /fraud/ general would actually explain how to do it properly instead of trolling and post shitty maymays

extra skin dude. from being so fat

Op said hes only lifted for 6 months

loose skin will prevent your from being an aesthetic fuckboi, all those sikk kantzzz are built from skelly mode, rarely do former fats have the same chance
seriously, find new reasons to lift for or prepare for disappointment
get strong, strengthen your mind/financial situation, take up a hobby or sport that being fit/strong/endurance/health complements like boxing/wrestling/judo/MT or something and having a fuckboi body doesnt help in.

loose skin goes away by itself after cutting bodyfat% low enough and when filling out a bit with muscles, unless you were morbidly obese and/or you are trying to cut extremely fast.

I was at almost the same starting weight as the OP (120-125kg), and I have no loose skin now.


Eat at maintenance and start doing the exercises right. You're probably hitting tric and shoulders more than chest cause you don't know how to connect with your muscle groups.

Just keep doing what you're doing and you'll get it. I'll give you 2 years alone, 8 month with a partner who knows his shit.

Good luck OP.



eat less.

I just bought a lot of ginger, how should i drink it? just cut it and put it in hot water or boil the water with it?

Don't let the post die, I want to know too

You're full of shit and don't know what you're talking about. If he cuts to skeleton first he's gonna waste time he could be gaining muscle and it's gonna take twice as long. Why cut just to bulk just to cut again? Not everyone wants to look frail and thin.

I'm 1.75 m(68.898 inches) and 90kg (198,416 lbs) , how much weight should I lose to start bulking?

It will die soon user, and there's nothing we can do about it.


Please shave for the love of god.
You look like a fucking summer school rabbi.

oy vey

Are you me?

Fuck off my boobs are bigger than yours, pleb.


I have the same exact tits
Everything gets flatter except my chest

even if you're right, he's gonna be all stretch marked up. The only people that get away from being a fatty unscathed are those people that are naturally stocky as fuck to begin with.

my stretchmarks have become pretty much invisible. But it depends on how overweight you were, of course.

I cut down to 175 from 290 at 6'3" btw
They were no smaller, lifting is slightly helping
I'm back at 190 and just going for strength at this point


So much effort, but fine, here you go.

6 months ago, I was ~120kg (264lb), now down to 81kg (178lb). Swimming + cutting, have also started serious resistance training 3x a week, four weeks ago.

Stomach in neutral position, not puffing out the chest or sucking in the stomach here.

The stretchmarks are not entirely invisible, but under most lighting conditions you cannot really see them, or they are very faint. Used to be bright red. In diffuse outdoors lighting, they are totally invisible.

Hips are naturally wide, but there's still a bit of fat on them (I always got fat around the hips first, more than anything). I don't have my bodyfat caliper yet, but I'll probably try to go below 20% or so and stay there, which will probably mean dropping another 5kg or so.

> inb4 skinnyfat/hungry skeleton/etc

yeah yeah, working on it.

put the necklace back on ffs melisandre

Check it. You're running a lot. Most guys start to lose muscle mass in their chest and shoulders when they do a lot of cardio. 12 miles a week is quite a bit. If you don't want to quit running you're gonna need to eat more food. Can't build muscle on a caloric and macro deficit. So, eat more quality foods. Run less. Be patient, and do some manscaping. That alone will do wonders for your self image.

Your tits are wierd breh.


flat/incline bench press
more weight

desu user I think your body hair might make it look worse than what it is.