Get that gf yet Veeky Forums
Get that gf yet Veeky Forums
I have a gf.
People tell me im punching way above my class. She also gets hit on constantly in the street.
The funny thing is that I have legit diagnosed autism.
I'm not sure what kind of supreme assburgers you faglords have that you can't find a girl to like you.
I'm pretty sick of women desu senpai
>25yrs old
>never had a gf
What do you do when you get a gf?
I just wouldn't know what to do.
You get the succ
I would prefer if i got out of the closet and find me a gymbro bf
>tfw no qt muscle gymbro to cuddle with after working out
Got my first GF around January and it's amazing. She looks great, is super cute and makes me laugh a lot. We work out together sometimes which is great.
And the best of all: sex, everytime I want. Plus I get a lot of BJs as well as she really gets turned on by blowing me.
It's great guys and I'd recommend it to everyone of you
Fuck, no.
>never had a gf
>asked a girl out
>i have decent gains and shes just a fucking 5/10 body (but 7/10 face)
I feel so fucking ashamed.
I guess the fact that im in Veeky Forums implies that i have something really wrong about me.
If this is true, may it last. You are a lucky person.
>Had a gf for three months
>Broke up with her because I don't really want anything serious
>She still wants to have sex like once a week
>Keep telling her we're not gonna have a serious relationship, she's okay with it
Feels good, man
Fuck no, i cant do anything but stare at the cute girls and only when they are not looking at me.
How the fuck is lifting even supposed to help me get a gf? I could easily grab her and take her to the designated rape cave but i do not think that counts.
>be 194cm
>have gf that is 184cm
>cheat on her constantly with shorter grills
I can't stop myself
Follow your instincts. Follow who you really are.
Have you tried smiling and saying hello?
thought I did. turned out to be a slut
no i do not even know her name, at best i'd probably just spill spaghetti and get rejected
rather just wait 8 more years till wizardry
Why don't you just fucking TRY?
Your ancestors figured this shit out all on their own
They tried, they failed and they tried again
You just kind of have to go up and talk to her the next time you see a girl who you think is attractive. Not knowing what the fuck you're doing is basically par for the course. The entire point is you need to realize that talking to her isn't some impossible task - it's actually very easy once you stop imagining it being some insurmountable barrier requiring Herculean strength.
because i take rejections badly and if anything that will destroy my gains
i dont want to make a fool of my self because if she is attractive she probably has a boyfriend and if not she is probably a whore, really dont have the mental strenght to get out there without atleast a sign that she might like me back
So you worship her and call her a whore in the same sentence
I broke up with her because she was a gains goblin. It was all a waste of time guys. She wanted my attention all the time and freaked out when I'd swing from manic to depressive. Haha, who wants a gf anyway?
>i take rejections badly
What you take much worse is going around every day thinking of what could have been
5 minutes of feeling bad from a rejection >>> A lifetime of feeling bad from not trying
Practice talking to people more, cute girl are people and if you can hold a conversation with a cashier you can hold one with a girl. Practice smiling in the mirror and greet everyone you see tomorrow with a smile and a hello.
because she is good looking , other men before me would definetely have appriciated her looks
more like weeks of feeling bad and a permanent mental scar on why i should not aproach women
Yeah I do.
I love her a lot but she has severe anxiety and it stresses me out pretty frequently.
But I'm a destructive and spontaneous person all the time so it balances out, but still, it's stressful.
Have you ever actually approached a woman and been rejected?
It's nowhere near as bad as you make it sound
Usually it goes like this
>Hey girl
>Bla bla
>Sorry, I have a boyfriend/I'm busy that day
>Okay, bye
She's not going to kill you or anything
If you're nice in approaching her, she's 95% certainly going to be nice back
Same here bro. We're fucking done for. It's over.
What pisses me off about it is I'm not doing much wrong. I'm a little awkward but I'm in decent shape, solid hairline, straight teeth, tall, fairly intelligent, super funny (per brother and sister), handsome (gay dudes love me) and have done some fairly interesting things. Yet I'm single as fuck.
You're probably not trying
Don't mean to be an asshole, but that's 99% probably it
How many girls have you seriously flirted with or hit on the past month?
>find out my ex is single again
> end up having a vivid wet dream of fucking my ex-gf
>wake up and beginning text her
>realize she isn't gonna fuck me EVER again and decide not to send
I thought i was over her. fuck this life. Can't wait till this cut is over
not him, but i eyefucked the hell outta this slim fit asian lady on the bus, she was tossing her hair and everything, making lusty eye contact for 10 seconds off and on.
>grew up shy, now permantenly shy
didn't take out my headphones.. almost certain if i said something i coulda got with her
You need to use basic psychology on yourself to change your habits
People do it with phobias, here's the trick:
>Realize what scares you
>Start exposing yourself to it, LITTLE BY LITTLE
So if you're scared of talking to strangers/girls:
>Start extremely easy
>First, make eye contact with lots of strangers
>Second, say "hi" randomly to people
>Third, ask random chicks for the time
>Fourth, strike a conversation with someone at the store
>Etc etc
Then finally hit on girls properly
This shit is not hard, you just need to get out there and do it
also, never approached a chick on the street or asked out any cashiers or anything.. only fucked two ladies at 25, got called cute a few times.. still think people are mocking me
Why? Who cares? She doesn't even know you. Look, if you look good most girls wouldn't mind sleeping with you, and if you just talk to them about whatever mindless bullshit and then ask them if they want to go get coffee or drinks or whatever and get their number, either they say 'yeah that sounds cool' or 'sorry I have (some reason she isn't trying to get dicked down) and its nothing. If a polite rejection from a girl you met five or ten minutes ago fucks with you that hard you have major issues and need to get that shit fixed.
not him but I don't even bother hitting on girls because my life situations sucks
>22 and just started community college
>barely make $200 a week with my part time job
>live with my mom and younger sister
>don't own a car
>Don't have any friends besides the bros I've met off Veeky Forums and my co-worker
I'm working on these things with self improvement but the anxiety of the girl finding out how much of a loser I am. just makes me forget trying
Not hum .It's the humiliation and shame of rejection. Especially when you see her mostly everyday
You sound like a creep.
>why is this serial killer staring at me and not saying anything
>that buzzword
i had an occasional gaze at her, not undressing her with my eyes. her eyes were penerating me bud
be grateful you guys are young.
anyone my age is either divorced, has a kid, or wants to get married.
all I can do for the rest of my life is fuck random sluts. it's all over. im doomed to be alone, only with girls that like me cause im fit.
Not him but I know exactly what you mean. I know that the worst thing she can say is 'no' and I'm ok with that but how do I even get the balls to start a conversation in the first place. What do people even say when starting a conversation with a stranger especially a qt stranger?
>tfw no filipina GF
How old are you? 38?
Be like me and wear band t-shirts
pic related works it used to be my dads
your GF is the liquor isnt it
I got fit a little too late I guess, although I look young fortunately...babyface finally turned into a regular face
but yeah, im fucked. all I can do at this point is random hookups. which seems ok, but dating is pointless. any girl my age wants to get married and younger girls wont date an older guy.
oh well, i'll just have fun and lift I guess.
Mate, you are NOT old at all. There are sooo many girls that want to pretend to be young and are content with only a bf.
Maybe you're not looking where you should. 25yr olds will dig you big time. Hang out in the more young areas.
what point does shyness cross into creepy?
>girl comes over
>have a great time
>she is beautiful
>she says she plays this co-op game that I really enjoy
>"So we can play together if you want?"
>Sorry user I have to go
Fucking dreams
How do I into hitting on girls properly?
I just want to have fun
fuck kids, I have a niece and nephew and that is good enough for me. now that im fit I want to enjoy my life as I was a fatty when I was younger.
settling down feels like a waste.
Got a gf now, been about 2 months and all going well, cooks me three course meals occasionally and is 19 and I'm 22 so getting that prime tang. However
>I constantly want to break it off with her
>I only enjoy the thrill of the chase and when I get the girl I become bored af
>Kinda needy when I can't get a girl and know this is unnattractive as hell
>Girls I can have I don't want, girls I can't have I become madly infatuated with
>Bit of a pussy when it comes to breaking it off with girls as my mother was a psychopath and constantly attacked my dad and step dad and worried girls will do the same
>Ended last two relationships by text and one girl came to the club with a knife in her bag so even more worried about breaking it off with current gf
>Current gf is nothing but pleasant and cute but can't shake the feeling of wanting to be single but I know when I'm single I will miss her
Just broke up with her. It was ~6 month relationship after 19 years of being like everyone else, wishing to god I had a gf. Not really sure if it was worth it. Sex was good, enjoyed good times with her, but also had to deal with a TON of emotional bullshit from her. Girls go way crazier when they no longer totally feel the need to impress you.
All Im saying is its not the best thing in the world. If you want to keep your sense of independence, stay away from sucubbus that will ruin you eventually
Literally so many 25 year old hot girls that have established themselves professionally and want an older guy out there man.
Girls like an older guy. Just don't give a shit about age unless they're like 18 or something stupid, and if you don't, neither will they.
30 y/o dating 26y/o here
hang out where? I dont even know where i'd meet people that age.
Talk to them in random places, like the supermarket and shit, or through friends of friends
I just can't bring myself to ask one out, it's like I don't have the motivation to do it. There's this one shy qt in my class who is pretty quiet/keeps to herself and I catch her looking at me from time to time and she can't help but smile whenever we talk but despite all this I know I will pussy out and never go in for the kill and she'll eventually move on. Saddest part is I've gone through this exact scenario countless times. How do I do it brahs?
That picture though...
Show me a hot girl and I'll show you a guy who is tired of fucking her!
Does anyone else use flavoured straws for their protien shakes
>Tfw gf
>Tfw don't feel the need to sleep around for the first time in years
>Tfw she liked the look of lifting and now has decent stats for a noob
>Tfw she supports my dreams
>Tfw actually happy for the first time in a long time
>Got to move away at the end of the academic year to chase dreams and she can't come with me
the only girls that want older guys want a sugar daddy/wealthy guy, and im not rich.
im not poor, but im not driving ferraris. the only thing I have of note is a fit body, but so what: even 18 year olds have that.
>tfw pretty gf has a blast playing portal 2 with you over the weekend
We're all gonna make it brehs
I dont know where you live, but here in Madrid, for example, the city is divided by ages. There are places like Tribunal where only 20-30yr olds hang out, and bars and all that is designes for young people.
Im sure where you live has something similar. Generally places where beer is cheap.
Gf of almost year and a half.
I'm turning 26 in a couple months though.
If we end up breaking up, I'll be left with the rejects to choose from (unless I find a college girl)
Sorry man. You just got a shitty one, that's all. There are others with the good sex and funtimes, but without the batshit insane factor.
Force yourself. If you can force yourself to go to the gym you can force yourself to ask her out. Just pretend its not up to you
idk what to do anymore.
I dont want to be the old guy at the club or whatever. I look young, but im not. and I dont want to date someone elses used goods/divorced girls.
im just going to lift and focus on myself, if I end up alone then so be it, who gives a shit.
That's not true, and you know it.
The problem isn't women younger or older: it's that you have an attitude problem. Work on that while you're getting fit.
In my case I wouldn't even know what to talk about, so I don't even try.
>friends of friends
Ha ha, y-yeah! Sure!
got a gf now
>bit chubby which is fine with me but petite but plans on losing weight
>since shes like 5'4 she only needs to lose like 10-20 lbs to see a huge difference
>doing weight watchers which is already helping and plans on doing summer cardio
so yea things are good
>tfw want to bang older asian milf
>tfw she seems into me
>tfw dont know how to advance
what is my appeal over a younger guy? getting fit is easy, anyone can do that.
why would a girl date an older guy that isnt rich?
I have a great gf. However the constant urges of fucking other chicks is almost unbearable. It's the only thing I can think about (I have already done it, many times) I have a problem. Most of the times I just fuck them once and then I never fuck them ever again...
Very funny, you dickbag.
How do I start a conversation with qt's on online dating sites?
'Hey you ok' seems pathetic and lame to me.
just saw my ex gf (4 years together) this weekend after we broke up 3 months ago. cried all night like a faggot.
its simple user
What's attractive in masculinity is maturity
What's attractive in femininity is youth
True, if you can handle loneliness, then it's really ok. But being yourself is how you end up with THE gf.
Do what you like most, and if you can do it interacting with others, the more likely youre gonna find and get her.
Bit noone thinks "the old guy" of a fit 30yr old. Trust me, you are FAR from old. If you are fit, you have 70% of the work done. Chicks WILL dig you if you at least pretend to have self esteen.
There are chubby dudes out there who dont even have half your chances. And who still get the girl just because they seem to be cool about everything.
So, if you are fit, not ugly and have self esteem, the world is yours, mate. Get out there and have fun. When you turn 45, you will regret not making the most out of now.
at this point im pretty sure all that matters is looks
no girls gave a shit about me till I got fit. ive always been well spoken, smart, and funny, but all of that was irrelevant till I got in shape.
never start with HEY on online dating sites
honestly make a fake girl account in another state and see what the other guys are saying and just copy the guy who seems like he has experience
that's how I got laid from okcupid
literally stole this guy's profile and just changed a few things :)
I dont even know what to do on weekends, I go to the gym twice sometimes just because im bored.
cant do much by yourself, and drinking at a bar alone will only make me depressed I think. and realizing that ive missed my opportunity to land a decent girl at a young age is kinda sad.
I really, really regret not getting fit sooner. im still going to train cause I enjoy it, but I feel bad that I didnt do this at say, 21.
oh well, learn from my mistakes guys.
>at this point I'm pretty sure all that matters is looks
incorrect. Still, my point stands - females find mature-looking men with strong MANly features attractive.
>I dont even know what to do on weekends, I go to the gym twice sometimes just because im bored
I don't know what to do with my free time either. Guess I'll do PPL soon so I can train 6 times a week.
>tfw started with online dating sites
>eventually it became a game to try to get nudes and responses
>get bored of any girl that seems into me
ive got numbers off those site but i just lose interest
I hope we all are
Ive never met a girl that has had the same interests as me or me actually thinking "oh wow this person is great". Sometimes I meet dudes who's personality I really like as in I adore them.
Why hasnt there been a single girl over 23 years that has had this personality?
Do they not exist?
>inb4 gay talk
No, im not attracted to dudes.
talk to more girls lower your beauty standards
my gf is a 6/10 but also plays bass for her band and is recording a demo atm
Mate, what do i have to do to make you realise 30 is NOT old? It has been said here in this thread. Mid 20yr olds dig 30yr olds. If you were 45, i would say "bro its ok, youll be fine", but no. You have to be strong, and at leaste pretend to be hapy.
What is done, is done. Regret will get you nowhere. Just keep on moving, talk to girls at your gym, go out once in a while with your friend/s.
Want advice? Join a group of something, anything. Hiking, art class, anything. Just try new stuff.
I know how easy it is to say this and how hard to actually do it. But you just need to try.
on the bright side, having a shitty social life has resulted in me being in the best shape of my life. pretty cool what you can do when you dedicate yourself 100% to fitness.
I like your optimism, but it's old to most people. im expected to have kids and a house at this point, and all that other shit. I dont care about kids right now. all I know is people are treating me much nicer now that im fit, so im going to keep training hard. not just for that reason, but I enjoy it.
meeting people after school totally blows though.
>get gf
>random girls now approaching me
In the end, the best advice i can give is that there is no "good" or "bad" choices. Because ALL choices end up with you dead. Remember, life is a joke. Sometimes its hard to laugh, but it will NEVER stop being a joke.
I myself laugh at my "sadness" constantly. One moment i feel hollow, another im laughing at self cringe.
Had some good chemistry wtih a girl, and we flirted a lot, but it seems like she's just fooling around. Better luck next time, I guess.
I'm in a similar boat. I thought getting in shape would give me more confidence. I'm still DYEL but I look way better than my former skelly self, but I just can't see it
Body dis morphia I guess
Fuck, i feel you bro. Been there.
>he fell for the chemistry meme
don't do that EVER it just sets you up for failure
fuck off, why even talk to girls if you dont feel chemistry?
>This thread
Y'all need RSD
I'm gonna assume you're `18 or underage. so i'll be nice
>why even talk to girls if you dont feel chemistry?
because my friend you're a male WE USE LOGIC not "chemistry' thats usual based on some stupid horoscope they saw on their fb feed/tumblr made by some indian getting payed $1 an hour
Girls like to do things based on their present emotions regardless of the past/future consequences
which is they can go from texting you all day and telling you're their personal secrets. to ignoring you and acting like you never met before in your life.Nothing wrong with chemistry but as a guy you need to try and use your head or you're gonna keep getting fucked over based on muh feels