Keeping gains through cardio

Hey bruhs, I plan to attend a muay thai camp in Thailand. I'll be training anywhere between 5-8 hours daily... There's a gym at the camp and I'd like to keep as much of my gains as possible. What do?

Just train, you wont lose gains.
You can make some if you hit the right pharmacies if you get my meanig

Nah bro, I'm looking to stay natty, and even if I didn't I wouldn't stick myself in bumfuck Thailand.

Also, any other bros ever been here to train? I'm looking to train in the Phuket region. Looking for tips on entertainment, touristy things, anything really.

Going to tiger bro??

Here's the thing you gotta do to keep your gains if you do a lot of cardio

1. Eat more

There we go

Do the tour of phi phi island and James Bond island and any pharmacy can get you whatever you want. I went with a few friends and one of them went up to a random pharmacy and asked for stanozolol or whatever it's called and they gave him a bottle of pills no questions asked

Your muscles will get smaller if you don't use them but on the bright side, you can always regain muscle size once you're done training.
But don't muay thai gyms have weights and stuff in them usually?

Eat more.

Stick with the basic 4-6 compound lifts.
(Bench, ohp, squat, deadlift, row, pullup)
As they will hit all the muscles.

No isolation lifts what so ever.

Youre prbably gonna be too fucked to want to think about lifting.
Eat and sleep my man

keto = cardio doesnt kill ur gains

I am going in June to a mt camp too
where and when are you going ?

I was there half a year ago in phuket training muay thai at both Sinbi Muay Thai and Sumalee Muay Thai. I highly recommend Sinbi as training camp.
There is like 9-12 thai trainers there for you at every session, its good shit. Every session is 2 hours btw and you train twice a day except for sundays. Imo this is too much training to train every session but if you´re there a short time then go for it.

Sinbi also has this great atmosphere of people that are there to connect and get to know eachother, if you can I recommend living at the gym appartments since thats where you will get to know people.

Rent a scooter, you need a scooter in phuket or else you cant go anywhere. Southern phuket is for tourists and northern phuket is for thais. Entertainment is basically Bangla Road in patong.

I stayed in phuket for 3 months, if you got any questions go ahead bro.

Also, dont fucking forget to buy your electrolytes. They are these small powder bags filled with magnesium and sodium for 5-20 bhat that you put in your water. If you dont buy these you will probably dehydrate.

You usually take between 2-4 of these per day while training

I will go there for a month in june.
Any tips to have a good stay? Something you wished you knew before going ?
Not op btw

I highly recommend renting the gyms appartments which is 10-20 meter off the gym since you will get to know sooo much people doing this.

Dont train every session in your first week, your body needs to adapt to the heat and if you dont you will probably get sick(which I did). Most people I knew had problems sleeping their first week also.

Its okay to miss an afternoon session. Take the morning session and then go out on your scooter and go to the beach with other people that you get to know. Because its freaking awesome in thailand.

There is random police stops during different times of the day all around southern phuket to get tourists who ride their scooters. Even though you have a drivers license you are going to get fined. The fine is usually 500-1000 bhat(500 extra for not wearing helmet). If you see a police stop, just turn around your scooter and find another way. The police doesnt give a shit, this is just a way for them to get more money in their pockets.

Thais are probably the nicest people Ive ever meet, enjoy it mate. Also dont forget drinking enough water because you will down 6-8 liters every day

Also this is pretty good to know if you want to save money.

Thai restaurants are usually 40-100 bhat per meal, a tourist restaurant is usually 150-450 bhat for a meal.

And one last thing, try to find the cheapest way to buy water asap. Buying these big 6L water bottles 40 bhat each isnt worth it in the end. Close to sinbi there was this water station that you could fill up your bottles for 1 liter for one bhat.

At other places(and this is what the locals do) they buy these huuuge 20 or 12 liter water bottles for like 120 bhat. When you want a new one you just go to the same place and ask for a refill and you get a new huge bottle instead for 20 bhat in exchange for your old one. When you later return the bottle because you are leaving you will then recieve the original 100 bhat back as a deposit.

Thans I appreciate
Went to koh chang and Bangkok once with family but this time I'll be alone.
Knowing I have no drivers licence should I still rent a scooter or will it be impossible or too risky ? I used one when I was with my family who rented them two years ago.
Money wont be a problem as the Swiss franc is pretty strong and I'm going with a large budget.
Anyways I've been training martial arts for a while now so I should be fine, although I never train so much as I will so I take your advice.. I kinda can see myself being too enthousiastic wanting to profit doing the most classes I can and become sick in the end.
I'm going to a really commercial gym and that is what I was looking for, at least for a first time experience so I should meet some people there.
Cheers again

I'm a boxer, with no experience in Muay Thai. If I was to pursue something like this, should I do MT for a time first?

I didnt have a drivers license and I got caught probably 5 times. Its just pay your fine and then ride away with your scooter. After you have paid your fine you will recieve a note that makes you immune to getting fined again within 24 hours, so save the receip of the fine that they will give you. Its this big joke but thats how it works, they need the money to apparently pay for their police education or something like that.

Top kek, I didnt and I went there as a complete noob and they taught me how to kick/knee/elbow. I would recommend that you start stretching your legs though.

Could not afford a whole month immunity getting charged 30 times but a few times will do

I can learn to kick/knee/elbow here. Is the experience worth the money? I feel like it would be all martial artsy and shit

humility is important to improve

Fair point

my arms actually got bigger when i started training mma seriously. don't worry about it too much, just find some time to do bench + pull ups + squats. no need to hit the arms directly too muc, they'll get plenty work from muay thay

Just turn around if you spot a police stop

Its definetly worth the money.
>martial artsy
No, a normal session looks something like this
>15-20 min warmup
>10 min stretching
>20 min sparring(if its a sparring session) or sparring
>20-25 min pad works with thai trainer
>20-25 min bag work
>end session strength work like 100 knees/kicks to bag
>10 min stretching

There isnt much technique training at all desu.

That sounds pretty fucking cool to be fair. Might save to go next year.

Easily best experiance of my life.

Also if you go to full moon party, wear fucking sneakers on the beach. You dont want to cut yourself up on some beer bottle.