What does Veeky Forums think of TRX suspension training?

What does Veeky Forums think of TRX suspension training?
I know it sounds meme tier, but if the resistance is high enough you could theoratically make gains.

why not just do gymnastic ring training instead?

>selling people truck cargo tie down straps with handles on them

Why not just do barbell training you fucking faggot

Why do people always have to try to be special snowflakes with these "new and exciting" work out bullshit when there is absolutely nothing wrong with the old and proven methods

t. 80kg squat

90 kg thanks very much

Aren't those just incline push ups?

Dont do it, 25% of users have the bands snapped on them and faceplant.

They're ridiculously overpriced for starters, however some knock-off brands exists at reasonable prices. Anyway, really good for core and balance training. Pretty shit for gains (like all calisthenics), but breddy good for variation and to improve your stabilizers.

Been wondering this as well.

What you are responding with is not related you dumb fucking retard. TRX are practically a worse version of gymnastic rings and if you are gonna go with that then why not go for the real thing? Why you gotta make this in a barbell vs calisthenics thing ?

>"there is nothing wrong with old and proven methods"
hahah who the fuck said that it was ? Flip your fucking fedora and kill you self

I mean, it's pretty much just even gayer bodyweight exercises that also cost a shitton of money.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.


I have this at my private gym, felt like a memer version of a plank

I did one class of this on a cruise ship a few weeks ago. It was okay, I guess, just for a change of pace, but I don't know that it really did anything that I wouldn't have otherwise been able to do with dumbbells/body weight exercises.

no one was talking about linux bruh

It has its merits. It could be a NEW stimulus for your muscles.

Is it ideal? Fuck no. It's some gay ass meme faggotry, probably sold by a Billy Blanks lookin' motherfucker.

It's a pasta you mong

It's not the best possible scenario so I dont care about it.

Theoretical gains vs proven methods.
Fuggin hell OP.

Perfect for mountain climbers and burpees, fucking feeling it like hell in the abdomen area. either than that it's just a meme, lads B^)

My gym has these. Worth trying after my lifts?