Chad General - THAD EDITION

ITT: Chads post stories, and give advice to non-chads.

Also how can this man be more based?

>is essentially named Chad
>football player at state school

Other urls found in this thread:

His screams are amazing

How to Thad-mode.

Pocket pussy x F

back to /r9k/ faggots

this should be the new meme

Instead of "Chad eats pizza while you're at the gym" it's now "Chad fucks his pocket pussy while you're jacking it"

You mean Kevin

You can't possibly be a Chad with the name Kevin

>Chad is even better at masturbation than me

when will Veeky Forums get it, Chad does the exact opposite of what you do

Do you work? That's great, Chad is NEET

You hit the gym? Good for you Chad is eating pizza

You have a gf? Chad doesn't

What if I change my name to Chad?

You think CHAD has all of the good ALPHA GENETICS?
no, when you're sitting there with your good face and frame, chad is WORKING HARD and getting those WELL EARNED SOCIAL BENEFITS AND WELL ROUNDED PERSONALITY.


Your name is Chad? Xszw's isn't.
Opposites bro

>Chad stories
I've dated three different girls who've modeled in legit magazines. Often catch girls staring at me. Was a varsity athlete in college and threw sick house parties with my teammates where group sex at after parties was relatively commonplace.

Lost my V-card freshman year of college, so don't despair about being a late bloomer. All that matters is now. That was a random booty call to some girl I'd met at a party but barely spoken to.

>how to be a Chad
Lift, have 14% or lower body fat, go out a lot, don't be a slob with your clothes and hair. Being tall helps but I know short guys who crush a lot by being super extroverted. You also want to have some sort of Nona fixes. Girls like guys who've been cleared or societally approved by other girls or some organization, and that's where the idea of being on a team or in a frat got so big in our conception of what a Chad is.

I only watch BMS to counteract the anime.

>wasting your money, time, effort for a legal name change

Not a Chad

wew lad

>Nona fixes
*Bona Fides

I don't like to throw around the cancer term a lot but this thread is shitty ass cancer, along with the people who play along with this shit

>I don't like to throw around the cancer term a lot
yes you fucking do

no u

bullshit Veeky Forums is essentially the new /feels/ and r9k just better looking

sure dude let's make it a meme, together

im with you braaaah