Tfw a grill is really into you and you are perplexed as to why that is

>tfw a grill is really into you and you are perplexed as to why that is

this is such a strange feel it feels like i'm being trolled somehow

meant to post this in a thread pls no ban

I dont know that feel


just go with it

>feels like i'm being trolled somehow

Don't even start down this path, user, just assume you're the great guy people see when they meet you.

Sorry but yes ban

Fake it till you make it fucker she doesn't know you're an autist, and from now on neither do you. Get me?

>tfw many grills were into you
>you dont even care
what is this feel
20 yo kissy virgo AMA

>girl seemingly dropping spaghetti

>confused why she's acting so weird

>assume she is confusing you for someone else

Fuck bro I hate this feel. I can't stand it when a girl shows interest in me.

>tfw you're studying in the library and the cute girl across from you smiles at you.
How do you deal with this brehs?

>tfw a girl with a bf is into you and doesn't know what to do

i can pretty much physically see the conflict happening in her head whenever i talk to her. it's adorable.
don't really know what to do though, i think she's afraid of being judged as slutty by her peers.

Never been there, but I recognise the self-loathing. You don't like yourself, and can't accept that someone else might.

I'll tell you the cure when I find one.

This OP

this thread has great potential. all I can say is I share what said

also GOAT tip from I cant even begin to count the number of times I've basically walked away from good looking, attractive girls who flaunt / throw themselves at me. I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with me. And it makes me feel even worse.

Well, it IS slutty, familam.

fuck that. free market.

no girl should remain with her BF out of social obligation.
i can however understand her situation and that's why i'm trying to play my cards right so nobody blames her.
not entirely sure what that will look like though.

Never tell her about it. Not even when you'll date. If she likes you, you worth it.

Impostor syndrome, you got it.
You're Veeky Forums now brah, get used to it

Get some self esteem for your own sake, shitty girls will take advantage of a great guy with low self esteem. That red pill enough for ya?

>it feels like i'm being trolled somehow
This is how I always feel when someone says I look good/fit
I don't see the appeal in myself to women or others

>be high school me
>beta as fuck but somehow manage gf
>this only further regresses my social aptitude
>break up with her end of HS
>don't get laid for 2 years lel
>approaching mid 20's
>face got better, also got a little gainz
>suddenly way more girls
>so many girls
>actually start having sex regularly with different girls
>social skills skyrocket
>actually have fun interacting with girls i.o. seeing it as some puzzle

We're all gonna make it brahs

>tfw a girl is really into you and you are pretty neutral about her
>fuck every week
>can start to sense that she wants to take things farther
>gotta let her down easy
>still wanna continue fucking every week

>walking to uni class
>streets are crowded af
>accidentaly step on the back if a girl's shoe
>she turns
>8/10 full qt mode
>looks me straight in the eyes and gives me a kinky stare
>start speed walking to my class, disn't even smile

She'll let herself down eventually, don't worry about it

>be me
>never acted interested in the opposite sex
>think of any romantic attraction as some sort of joke
>have a few female friends, but kept them at a distance
>one day one of them snapchatted me "I love you user" with a smile
>you won't get me with this shit lmao
>reply with "LOL"
>she doesn't talk to me for a month
>other friends confront me asking why I was acting like a dick and madeher cry
>mfw I know it's another one of their ruses
>blow them off by saying that I'm gay etc.
>everything went back to normal
Lmao fucking normies can't possibly think they can trick me with their stupid shit can they?

>21yo virgin
>get loads of interest
>tfw as soon as a girl shows interest I dont give a fuck about them
>tfw the only girl I ever loved stuck with her faggot ass skinny bf

When will the suffering end bros

Would you give up your claim on the North for this ass?

>girl is into you
>she actually wasn't and was just leading you on to laugh at you
