Social Anxiety

Anyone in Veeky Forums have experience with Social Anxiety and lifting? Did it improve your SA or has it stayed the same?

Remained the same.

Stayed the same but the level of attention got worse because the gains made me more noticeable

>meme "illnesses"
Social anxiety is code for "raised by a TV"

When I started making bicep gains I gained some social confidence until I pass by a guy with bigger biceps.

but overall no. Drugs and meditation helped my social anxiety

This desu


The fuck is social anxiety. Just stop being a fag

So? Doesn't stop it from being a problem. It's not something you can just will away.

It's literally something you can will away

It got worse. Before, I had no self-esteem and no ego so I just didn't give a fuck and didn't expect anything from my life.

Whereas now I am far more confident, and I have an ego and expectations of life. So when they remain unfulfilled it hits me 100x harder because I thought lifting would at least partially resolve these issues.

dem feels

Hmm nah. Have a mate with the real thing. Developed outta nowhere srs.
Suddenly he'd get panic attacks whenever he was in public and had to get therapy.
He's on meds too now and is fine.
Being shy isnt social anxiety, breaking down in public is.

>I don't understand what it is neither experienced it, so it must be easy
>just be yourself breeh

it helped mine out. Wasnt a magic pill but it definitely helped. I was always scrawny. Gave me bad self esteem. Now that i look good and get compliments, my self esteem is where it needs to be. I enjoy talking to people now and going out. Im not good at just going up to random people and being a chad, but if i know at least one person in a group, i can join right in seamlessly.

Eveyone deals with meme anxiety in a different way i guess, a lot of people say that they can't force themselves to go out etc because it doesn't work in the end, but it worked for me, i forced myself to get a job that would require me to talk, in this case i got a call center job, i entered a gym, and i started doing my own shit like grocery shopping

after 2 years i no longer have the meme anxiety anymore



brah it's actually terrible

I push myself to go out all the time

I feel a hot feeling in my head and it feels like it's going to explode when I'm near other people

Sounds like you're just being a fag

I do the same and I feel the heat in my head but my chest feels like it's going to explode and then I just get angry as hell.

Sounds like you're just an asshole. You don't have a face, just a big asshole in it's place you freakish mutant monster

>I'm a beta cuck and would rather blame some imaginary ailment for my failures in life than acknowledge my refusal to even attempt to do anything about the problem

Just end your life senpai

If anything the anxiety has damaged my lifting as I struggle to go to the gym and my selection of free weights at home is piss poor

A little bit. Helped a lot with confidence.

Exposure therapy was also my way of overcoming it. Forcing myself to interact with strangers.

Was made fun of for the entire of my school years, but grew up and realized I was just weak and awkward.

>conquered acne
>lots of friends
>still awkward but my friends don't care

Feels good, man.

I hope it does you waste of flesh

there's medical condition tier SA as some anons have described in this thread

and then there's "I'm a faggot terryfied of people realizing I'm boring as fuck" robot tier SA.

Fuck man, that hits close to home.

Just get on prozac. My boyfriend git me on prozac after we were together for two years and I honestly question why I hadn't done it sooner. Now I can make new friends, go to movie premieres, and don't feel nervous in crowded gyms anymore. It's a chemical thing user just get it fixed!

It got progressively worse until i stopped giving a shit, all throughout lifting.

like seriously embarrassment wont kill you

This too. I met this fag online who was like super boring in personality but was actually good at some brief discussions

I thought social anxiety was just a disease Tumblr made up to cope for their lack of social skills.

Don't get me wrong, I lack those skills, but I'm not a pussy about it.

Nah, social anxiety is a real thing. But you have to stop obsessing over it and associating your identity with your mental illness. Lifting wieghts will help, and abstaining from masturbation. You have to push yourself to failure though when you exercise, otherwise you don't get the full testoserone release.

social anxiety is a real thing faggots