19 year old

>19 year old
>170 cm
>107,5 kg
the feel when i was normal just the last year
>169 cm
>75 kg

Maybe you should stop eating you turd

u dun blowed up

Gain more weight so your boobies sag. Youre almost pepe mode

>not following the american dream
>i eat junk food 3 times a week (school and shit)
halp ;-;

the pic doesn't show my boobs how they really are :(

Nigga what the fuck happened? 30kg in 1 year? DAYUM

SS+GOMAD, but without the SS.

nice work bro; really admiring the mass, keep up the good work and post progress pics. looking forward to seeing you get even bigger

Made me kek

i really want to change bro but i am a massive faggot i can't stop it :(
also TOP KEK :'(

It's obviously genetic you fatphobic holocaust denier

nope, i am a faggot it's different bro


Are you on antidepressants or any other medication by any chance? Plus, 75kg and 169 cm is not normal dude, that's still really fat.

stop complaining about being a fatass and start eating less and working out you fat retard.

my taste buds just died of boredom.

IIFYM is the way to go brahs

Hey Veeky Forums i'm 180cm and lost 5kg in about 2 weeks, from 90kg to 85
But i haven't noticed any difference in my body, when is my belly going to start disappearing?

I want to rub your belly for good luck

>Are you on antidepressants or any other medication
>75kg and 169 cm is not normal
ik but it was something for me also it was 70 not 75 my objective was 65 but i left my country for my studies (living alone ) and stopped my diet (ducan diet)

fucked around and got a double dubs. also this.

it's very hard to notice changes without taking pictures of buying clothes that didn't fit before.

Heck, my brother went from 260 to 200 and i was shocked that i couldn't see a difference until i saw a picture from back in the day.

I've lost 31lbs in the last 7 weeks, i don't really see a big difference in the mirror yet. but i'm wearing a pair of baggy jeans that barely fitted before and a shirt that i wasn't able to wear since highschool, the gains are there, just keep going.

Indeed. Uset do barely fit into 33 size pants and now theres Shitload of space for my ass and legs

Holy fuck negro stop treating every meal like it's your last.

No excuse to get the big.

Read the sticky, take some effort to lose that disgusting African drum attached to the front of your body, and bang hot chicks (or dudes if you're a faggot)

Seriously that's fucking straight up repulsive.
As is that weight gain in one year holy shit.

I was in a very similar situation three weeks ago :
>20 yo
>179 cm
>109 kg
The thing is I have always been pretty overweight and I decided to try being normal sized after taking a good step in obesity (BMI hit 34)

I have always been eating too much, I always took a double serving and portion way too big. I've been in a calorie deficit for 3 weeks and lost 5kg
All I had to do was cooking my things and not doing too big portion. A typical meal for me is 200gr of meat and 100gr of pasta (not cooked). On the calorie counter I even have room for one tablespoon of cream/butter with the pasta and I eat apples/bananas whenever I want since it's pretty low in calory