
Alright Veeky Forums I have a question for you. What is your stance on smoking (cigarettes).
About two months ago I turned my life around. I started eating completely healthy and working out, so I could get back to where I was in HS. So far i've lost about 28 lbs. Went from 315 to 277. All I drink is water and I also do cardio. My best mile time as of yet is 7.28 seconds. But the most unhealthy thing that I still do is smoke.
Should I stop smoking and break down and get a vape, or is it ok to have that one thing that I can still enjoy on a personal level? It takes me about two days to go through a pack, and I smoke American Spirit menthols.

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Smoking is retarded. Stop it

It's bad. If you care about your future, stop. Vaping is the lesser of two evils, so at the very least vape instead of smoking.

Try chew or cigars nigger

lung cancer is uncurable as fuck

Heart disease and smoking are heavily related as is obesity. I highly recommend you find something else to enjoy, lose weight, and quit smoking.
Shooting guns
martial arts

you need something that calms you down but isn't terrible for your body. Seriously smoking causes as many diseases and disabilities as obesity.

nicotine helps you lose weight because it makes you not hungry. Swap the cigs for nicotine vape and smoke as much as you want

Lungs were meant to breath air not smoke. Also my room mate smokes American Spirits and it makes him smell like ass constantly. It's seriously the reason we're not better friends. Seriously wine would be better for you.

I've been smoking for around 3 years now, have never been really that addicted to it as in I haven't had any trouble being without it even for a week. Just now suddenly around 2 weeks ago tobacco started to taste and smell like shit, I don't even feel like smoking at all or grave for it. I've rolled one or two to go for a smoke with a friend but after taking a single puff instantly throwing it away.

Am I fucking dying or what? Nothing else has changed other than the fact that I'm on trenbolone right now but I really doubt that has anything to do with it. You don't just suddenly start disliking heavily something you used to be fine with.

You're gonna gain all your weight back if stop smoking, but it's totally worth it as you will be able to workout longer and harder. So don't be discouraged when it happens and just workout more. We're all gonna make it brahs.

>Should I vape or smoke
Those aren't the only two choices and vaping is gay as fuck

>best mile time as of yet is 7.28 seconds.
sounds like you're fine

really though,
I smoked half a pack a day for almost 3 years and bought a nice vape kit (Aspire nautilus mini + innokin mvp 20w), was able to quit smoking in 1 day. I have the occasional cig, maybe one a month, but breaking the habit was easy with a vape. It's not the same, but getting the nicotine will stop your cravings, and the flavors taste good (adirondack vapor placid is fucking amazing).

after switching to vaping I tapered nicotine from 12mg to 3mg over the course of 8 months (could have gone faster but was not really in a hurry) and quit for my GF's bday in February.

looking back IDK how I did either of them, they're both pretty gross.

Or vape a little. Don't "blow clouds", just use a basic ego setup or whatever they've got now.

snus is GOAT though.

Snus is my secret shame.

I smoke occasionally, like a pack every few months or so

I haven't been able to develop an addiction, i guess i'm lucky

So if you can smoke occasionally, it's probably fine especially if you do cardio

Lots of smokers spout off bullshit like “Cigarettes calm me down, help me focus, etc."

No they fucking don't.

Cigarettes don't do anything. They just make you feel like shit unless you smoke more cigarettes. What you're experiencing isn't a “nicotine high“, it's the contrast between minor nicotine withdrawal and feeling normal. Stop being retarded.

At least pot gets you stoned and is significantly less harmful on your lungs over time. If you like the sensation of smoking, at least have fun with it. Just don't become a stoner. Read: smoke only occasionally and when you're already doing something fun.

This, so much this. I quit nicotine heavily about a week ago, was vaping 6mg nic about a tank and a half a day, quit cold turkey, and now I'll have a ciggy or two when I'm out on weekends drinking and it's perfectly manageable.

ex-smoker reporting in.
1-2 packs a day. was lifting at the time. got so bad that i couldn't run anymore. 2 fuckers broke in and ran off and i couldn't chase their asses. this isn't traumatic or anything, just another day at my roomie's old apartment. i quit for many reasons but that was another reason that was realistic as it gets. now i lift less than before and train more, which was the direction i was going in anyhow. but the idea of lifting for something has furthered my personal need to not to smoke cigarettes. even at base levels your overall athleticism and ability to move is lessened if you are a cigarette smoker. i guess that's my point here to side with the quitters.

You sound like you never smoked a cigarette before.

There is a buzz and I still feel it and I have been smoking for almost 10 years. Although I don't smoke much, a pack can last me two weeks or more and I keep trying to quit so sometimes I go a few months without them.

yes they do. cigarettes calm the user down and help them focus. this lasts only a few minutes at most.

>smoking almost 10 years
>still get a buzz

You just proved my point. Like I said, it's not a buzz, it's what being normal functioning human being feels like. When you're not smoking cigarettes, you're experiencing minor nicotine withdrawal.

Took a few pulls from a blunt this weekend. Im fucked arent I?

Okay you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Did you get all of your information from truth commercials? Nicotine withdrawal if you even experience it happens only a day or two after you quit cold turkey. You break your physical dependence on them quickly, the rest is mental. The buzz I'm talking about is during smoking just like when you drink alcohol or drink coffee. You sound like you're calling a hangover a 'buzz'.

spoken truly like someone who have never smoked a cigarette before, is this what you got told in the elementary about cigarettes?

The obvious answer is no. You should quit to rid yourself of the dependency, and the obvious health benefits of not regularly smoking

With that being said, there is no reason why you can't enjoy a single cigarette every once in a while. I smoke a few cigarettes a month. Cardio is a little less pleasant the day after but other then that I think it's fine. Everything in moderation, if you quit successfully and think you'll relapse after smoking a cigarette, don't smoke.

the wrap is what you want to avoid the most. bong rips are better for you than straight smoking, but vaping or eating are better options.

if everybody you knew who smoked blunts started avoiding blunts would that change your usage at all? don't allow a majority thought to necessarily be the reason you do something that can be avoided. but hey maybe i am being a dick. i can't tell.

Keep improving your cardio.

I'm serious. Start running eventually your smoking is going to get to the point where it will physically hurt you to keep doing it. you will keel over. you will hate yourself. you will want to die. and you'll know that it was all because of you.

And then you will stop.

Could be Lupus

>hopefully someone will read all of this sometime in the future.

same user here.
the way i quit was cold turkey. every time i got the urge to smoke (to the point i thought about looking for cigarette butts) i would start exercising. ofc in public i contained myself until i went home. eventually this method became a staple in my thinking, no matter what don't give up and no excuses. this was like a distraction from the need for a cigarette. i started focusing more on another addiction which was adrenaline through physical exercise.

i kept the whole thing to myself in a modest way because for me, bringing other people into my personal business such as this only distracts me more from what my actual goals are. no excuses.

this way i was able to be 100% honest with myself that i was over being dependent on cigarettes so that i could let those thoughts flow without the craving. the journey of quitting a drug you are highly addicted to is a finding of oneself in a way for a period of time. now i rarely get the urge to smoke. a few times a year at most. i turn down blunts too. no excuses.

the precise habit i have with weed does nothing on a noticeable scale to my performance. it took me like a year to get over cravings. i've also avoided living with smokers which was a must. i live with one now but there is no issue for cravings with me, i actually dislike the smell. same with being around smokers in public. there are no fucking excuses, if the thought of you quitting comes up in your brain then you should already be doing it. find your specific path out of that lifestyle using realistic goals that suit you best! no excuses!

Vaping is for fags though

>smoking cigarettes

>Tips mouth fedora

love me some head spins tho

To all these people posting about nicotine withdrawal, consider the case of caffeine. I've mostly cut out caffeine after drinking tea and coffee since I was about 13. The difference in my day to day mood since I quit is like day and night. I'm no longer "dependent" on coffee/tea, this dependency enforces negative thought patterns. My overall alertness is higher than ever. I feel generally less tired throughout the day. Back when I used to drink caffeine heavily, the alertness it brought me after a cup was just returning me to my current functioning state.

This is the case with any stimulant over a large enough time span unless you continue to up your doses. You begin to need the stimulant to function. Ignoring all of the health factors, I cut out things like this because for my body and mind to be a slave to anything, to function in its default state at all times.

>277 lbs
>been "working out" for 2 months
>smokes cigarettes

>My best mile time yet is 7:28
no its not

>age 13: I'll never smoke cigarettes ever, fuck tobacco!
>age 15: Let me hit that shit.
>age 18: buying a pack a day thanks to drivers license.
>age 22: fuck it, i'm over this shit.

I haven't smoked for 2 years and I just rode the wave of young adult choices just because.

> My best mile time is 7.28 seconds
> 468 miles per hour
> He doesn't travel at over half the speed of sound while training


>american spirit
that was the worst cigarette I'd ever smoked

If it was the menthols you deserved it. Yellow or Black box forever.

I'm a former smoker and can't say I recommend starting. I started because I worked in sales and found that the guys who went out for a smoke break with the boss got the best territory. Aside from fear of getting fat (which is temporary since you will be able to run longer) I eventually saw there was no reason to keep smoking and a lot of reasons to quit since it gets to below 0 temperatures in winter, your dating pool gets cut in half and people don't want to be around you when you've just smoked. It still took an iron will to quit. You don't want to be around anyone because they annoy you and you'll bite their head off for the smallest thing, but when you're alone, you'll want to smoke out of loneliness.

I actually quit because I got a bad cold that made it feel like glass was tearing up the back of my throat just breathing. It coincided with a snow storm that piled snow higher than my head over my part of town and I was down to my last cigarette.

when will this meme die?

It's so obvious tobacco shills were behind all the "mouth fedora" threads that just popped out of nowhere a few years ago.

I don't even vape.

Anyone who wants to quit but is finding it hard, read Allen Carr's Easyway to stop smoking.

I smoked 20+ a day for over 5 years and quit cold turkey without a problem after reading it.

No shill fuck you. Download it for free if you want.

To be honest OP, quitting smoking does usually lead to weight gain.

The average quitter puts on about 5 kgs in the first couple of months after quitting.

I'm not trying to discourage you from quitting since it's obviously the healthier option, but just to make you aware that you may find it harder to lose weight or even see some weight gain as a result of quitting smoking.