/Mirin/ general

>walking back to cubicle after break
>feeling like shit, lost in bad thoughts etc
>little skinny beta girl worker staring at me
>tell her hello
>her: "y-youve been looking buff user"
>for some reason this makes me feel better and smile
>chuckle and flex arm at her as i walk by and laugh
>she turns red and covers mouth giggling
Thanks little spookette

>those legs

>those arms

Hes over SIX feet TALL and has a 9/10 FACE with a nice FRAME

Did u smash?

>New girl at my job
>Working for 6 weeks
>Seen her only 6 times
>Every time she's been hitting on me
>I didn't notice like the autistic sperglord I am
>Asked her number recently and got an awkward response
>Asked advice on Veeky Forums
>Turns out she's been wanting the D all along

I'm such a fucking idiot, if I didn't notice a slut hitting on me all along, how many other chances did I miss?

Sounds like she wanted your digits as well

Man even sluts are expecting me to make the first move.
I'm still a virgin tbqh and found out she's a major slut and chances are great I'll lose it this weekend.

I'm just wondering if I should fap beforehand or not. I don't want to cum too fast because my reputation is on the line.

>Turns out she's been wanting the D all along

How do you know?
I wouldn trust the respones you got in the last thread.

Girls are retarded.

I once had one who hit on me all the time and EVEN KISSED ME.

Guess what, once i started pushing she went all "meeeeeh".

Fap before and also if you think you're gonna blow, just start thinking about something completely not sexual.

rippetoe describing hip drive in the squat works for me

I've seen her today and overheard a conversation with her best friend. Turns out she fucked more guys than "she can count on two hands". Takes birth pill, you name it. Shit, even her nickname is literally "slut".
She felt my arms, always touches me and laughs at the dumbest shit.

I don't know, but I think chances of her wanting to fuck me is greater than not.

I would defo fap right an hour before.
The bangin will be less pleasent for you, but you will need to jackhammer that ass, which in return is better for that slut.

Thanks I'll try that. I hope anxiety won't cause a limp dick

she might be exaggerating if she knew you were there (girls are fucking retarded like that). Either way wrap that shit up twice son

Yeah they knew I was there and was listening. I really don't care tho, it's more obvious she's down for the D than not.
She wrapped her arms around me today too so I think she's waiting for the final signal.

Either way it feels real fucking good knowing there's someone out there wanting to fuck me.

Then just think about zyzz and scoobingers, it will work


These "mirin" threads are a fucking joke. It's all shit like:
>f-female c-cashier smiled at me :)
>65 year old woman complimented my arms!
>a girl asked me for a lighter haha i didnt have one but it shows she trusted me and was interested maybe giving an indication she liked m-

LMFAO at gymcels. These are things that happen to EVERYONE.

I'm 5'9", fat as FUCK, I have a face even a mother couldn't love and as and guess what? Cashiers REGULARLY "smile" at me, I OFTEN get asked for lighters or directions and NONE OF IT MEANS SHIT!!! Fucking LMAO. Face it, attraction is determined by GENETIC factors. If you don't have height, face and frame, you're FUCKED. And yes, girls at clubs will talk to the UGLIEST GUYS ALIVE. Don't think they ACTUALLY like you for a SECOND.

I have to hook up with a girl like 3+ times to even be able to stay hard enough for sex. Sometimes I cant even masturbate alone it's so bad.

>hurt my chest at work
>ask female coworker to feel it
>she gracefully pets it
>looks like she just wet herself
>"oh you've been working out haven't you..."

Fuck brehs. Pretty sure I have gyno but damn my chest is thick solid tight

It's more about motivation than anything, I think.

Fatties who never got female attention are getting into shape, and people are treating them differently. Maybe they're legit mires, maybe not, but it doesn't really matter, the point is they feel better about themselves, and will continue lifting as a result.

you responded to pasta

You'll find a way to fuck it up dipshit

You bit that bait hard my friend.

Are you happy being a meme/pasta?

Xd Le FaCe HeIgHt FrAmE sHiTpOsTeR rOfLmAo Xd Le EbIn ShItPoStErInO oN lE FiT bOaRd Xd GyMcElS xD cHaD xD

> successfully flirted today
> +10 confidence

nah Im gay but going through a dry phase so that unexpected mire made me feel better

> be me
> playing outside
> wearing sweat pants
> skinny 6/10 "those pants fit your butt perfectly"

thanks rippletits!!

>go to the gym around the same time most days
>4/5 times I do, there's a girl on the first elliptical closest to the entrance way
>for a few months every time I'd come in she'd look at me and continue her workout
>now whenever I come in, she looks at me, gets a big smile on her face and looks down without the smile going away

I'd talk to her but I've already got a gf.

Kekd because probably true. Not that I don't believe in the guy, I just remember always fucking up when I was a virgin


Its a fucked up situation because stressing about getting limp dick will probably give you limp dick.

Just chill out and enjoy yourself man

>dry phase

This is nerdy as fuck, but I'm proud of you user.

>Just start thinking about something completely not sexual
didn't work for me
>first i thought about my parents dying
>then i thought about cute puppies
>then i thought about that time i was embarrassed in public
And then i came. My dick just didn't give a fuck about all the noise

>go the club
>wearing a tight black top
>pump from arm day muthafucker
>friends are dancing, i dont dance, im a bodybuilder, my joints are precious
>just chilling with my drinks
>four girls next to me, typical loud, obnoxious, sexy, nice dress wearing types
>blonde smiles at me, looks real shy, shes the mumsey, but sexy type of girl that looks like shes never sucked a dick before
>start talking to her, shes a nurse
>bitchy brunette moves to my other side, and starts rubbing her breasts against me
>dick starts getting hard
>blonde girl looks like shes about to cry
>brunette says you dont want a girl, you want a woman, my hotel is around the corner
>leave the club with skanky girl, go to hotel and fuck her
>half way through doggy my dick slips out, shove it back it, didnt realise it went into her ass
>she doesnt flinch 1 second and continues moaning like a whore
>tells me after i fucked her that she does porn
>go back to club and friend is shouting at brunette whore, "why you always taking Kellys man, your a bitch"
>continue drinking, laugh, tell my friends, they refuse to believe me, show them the video, everyones fucking rating me but jealous
>all - because - of - the - muthafucking - GAINZ

>At gym, time for lat pulldown
>Weight 90kg, pulldown 96kg
>Need help to get it in position as it's heavier than me
>Get workout buddy to pull it into position
>"haha wow, when you lift more than you weigh, that's how you know you made it"

Did my third v7 on the gym yesterday. All the other good climbers cheered me on and gave me fist bumps all around. Felt really good

>not going for the blonde
Smh tßh senpai

you would realize an ass from a pussy, ass feels more like a donut around your shaft, pussy has feeling everywhere.

ofcourse i realised i put it in her ass, my point was my gf cant even handle a finger without squirming like a spaz, this bitch took a 9 inch dick like it was nothing. she has the look of a girl whos used to taking money in exchange for being fucked out

Post pics stallion

i fucking love this guy. keep up the good work bro

id love to but shes white and im not, and i cant be dealing with the fucking bullshit that will follow

at least make your stories somewhat beliveable

Nigga idk what they're on about but you won't cum fast if you're using a condom.

No need to fap beforehand

>shows his friends
>not his Veeky Forums familia

"h-hey guys my dick is 9 inches"
no it's not lmfao

ok its 8, bitches dont care tho, i tell them what they wanna hear, all psychological, unless your chinese with 3 inches, then your fucked

the best thing is that that story is 100% true. dont get me wrong, i havent had another porn whore demand sex from me since, and this was about a year and half ago so whatever, but its a happy memory

*sigh if only I wasn't beta and actually talked to my gym crush. She always looks at me. Has an 11/10 ass.

showing my friends a vid of me fucking a whore... is the behaviour of a cuck....


Post a pic of the broad then

>down 14 lbs since January
>feelin good, trim my beard down and shave my neck
>my god the face gains
>lost one of my three chins
>sister comes over the next day
>'omg user, you're definitely losing weight! will you be my trainer?'
>laugh, since I can deadlift more than her body weight and I'm twice her weight

Best day I've had in a long time brehs. We're all gonna make it.

>be on the 5th mile of my run at around 10ish at night
>cruisin down the last few blocks before i get back to my dorm
>stop and a light
>convertible with 5 sloots stops next to me
>yells to me "YOURE REALLY CUTE" and then starts giggling
i shoulda asked if any of them were archaeologists.

>cute enough to get a ride?
Cmon user

isnt he a celebrity

You cheated on your gf? You're a shit human being.

yep, im a bastard. even put a pic of me and the whore on facebook.


little backstory

>be in frat
>frat has another dude with my name
>they put buff in front of my name to clear up confusion
>people literally know me as "Buff user"


>at another frats party
>hanging out outside, talking to some brothers
>girl approaches me "hey! You're buff user!"
>we talk for a while
>get her number
>hit her up next day
>go to another party
>we meet up there
>talk, flirt, eventually kiss
>walking to her dorm
>her roommate came home early
>kiss her again, and we decided to meet up later in the week

Also this
No he didn't he doesn't have a gf

My brotege mires me all the time. You guys need to get some.
>Saying shit makes you feel smart
>Get mired
>Become a second father and watch as your child grows up into a true gymbro

my favorite part of this is the part where it happened, go back to theredpill you 5'4" smeagol-looking persian cunt

>be me
>enjoying sweet noob gains combined with dbol
>new haircut
>visit senpai
>cousin (15) exclaims "pecs" and feels my chest for 10-20 seconds
>asks if I've been working out
>flex arm "you tell me"
>"oh my god"
>holds my arm as we walk along the street with her friend later that day
>touches my abs at dinner

>tfw parents named me Bagwell

So basically if I want to last a marathon, I need to fap beforehand, use a condom, and think about nothing but Riptoe lecturing me on hip drahve. Man I'm ready for this shit. Totally going to ace this virginity thing in a few years.

I used a condom the first time and could not get off to save my life, after a while I just wanted it over and acted like I came, then next time I fapped i came so much it looked like I'd fired a caulking gun full of cinnabon icing

hahahhahaha. ive lead a good life.

btw im 6'1, people sometimes mistake me for an arab, but im a little bit more exotic

dont think about it too much

Have a beer or a shot before, calms the nerves

>at home
>chillin with housemate and her bf eating dinner
>her bf is a good bloke and is also fuckin jacked (twice as big as me)
>talking about lifting n shit
>talking about dips
>he tells me that you NEED to do bench to get a big chest
>housemate (his gf) says 'user already has a big chest' poker faced
>feel bad and quickly move on from subject

if this is all thats needed to turn girls heads then why the fuck am I lifting?

i don't even have his genetics


lol. international fame, millions of dollars. yeah man, thats all you need.

why would i want a ride i had a run to finish nigger

And thats why you dont bang anybody


Hey, without fail here he is again.

not realizing that sex is WAY better cardio than the last mile of your fucking run

dear god no wonder Veeky Forums doesn't ever get laid

>playing outside

confirmed underage

>saving thumbnails

confirmed newfag

>Not asking of they are studying literature
>Because you look like you're a fan of Dickens

>past sunday
>wasting time around the house
>in a decently fitted shirt
>mom's renter comes over to drop off a check
>working on social gains, I greet him
>"oh wow user did you lose weight"
>oh uh yeah I worked on that over the winter, took some real fat off
>"you're looking good lean and muscular"
>oh uh well this isn't much of anything I still have a year of real muscle building to do
>"don't be so humble user you're doing alright!"
>oh thanks I'll keep working at it
it was okay though. I swear next year I'll be even better.

Get that shit boii, you fuckin made it brah, you fuckin made it.

I think he just cropped already small reaction pic, don't be a fag

bad pasta

oh and this was my first mire from a non-family member.
kind of validating. family will usually be positive, but the public doesn't owe you that

>Little spookette

Is she like a little emo type bitch? Fuck that spookette, nigga.

>what is a weighted pullup

Sorry, user. That story never happened.

I do those too. 3x5 weighted pullup, 3x6-8 lat pulldown

why not have two gf?

>be 23
>be doubles for a month
>chick next door sees me one day running in the yard
>no one home, she says "oh boy youve been busting ass, can you give me a boot camp session"
>i invite her in the house
>i tell her to brush her teeth
>she asks what?
>tell her i only instruct properly clean women
>she comes out says shes ready
>i say step 1 blindfold step 2 get on your knees
step 3 suck my dick.

she did it all.

now we fuck consistently and she is my little bitch

The funny part is that this pasta was never not true, it's just perpetuated by people who legitimately think they can turn into Pussy slayers by getting on roids, it's just not gonna happen.

If you were honest with yourself for a minute then you would see that there are guys who are tall, have a great face and an athletic build and to top it off they're curlbros, but guess what, they get all the Pussy

here's your (You).

Yes, yes ofc

>since I can deadlift more than her body weight

What an achievement.

> HEIGHT FACE FRAME guy is a fat manlet who couldn't get laid if he was richer than Bill fucking Gates
NOW I understand where all the bile is coming from. Thank you. I thought you were just a regular Veeky Forumsizen who was annoyed that some people don't work as hard as you. But now I realise you don't even work out AT ALL.

Thank you for enlightening me. I mean, your rants are still childish and misguided, but whatever floats your boat.

oh LOOK it's this GUY again
