How is a push-pull program better than a brospit?

How is a push-pull program better than a brospit?

you work everything twice a week

protein synthesis lasts up to 48 hours so if you hit something every third day it's never not growing

right senpai?

Gotta confuse the body, right babe?


He's right tho

He's right, however an upper/lower split is even better than push/pull.

I agree with this. Been doing most u/l since starting. I'm on Candito 6 week and it's been phenomenal.

Easily one of the best advanced beginner/early intermediate programs there is.

Upper/Lower=more leg volume
Push/Pull=more upper body volume

I don't know if I'm still early intermediate any more, I'll be squatting 500 in a few weeks

I do phat with just dumbbells and machines since I'm a useless cripple who can't barbell squat, barbell row,dead lift or clean bc sciatica and I make good gains

If you're not familiar it's


I've run a ppl for about a year, here are some pros and cons

build evenly,
easy to get a workout done in about an hour,
If you can hit 6x a week nice progress,
works well with a hyperthrophy program

lack of progress if less than 6x a week,
It gets kinda old fast,
push is usually chest, shoulders and triceps, really you need to toss shoulders to leg day to even out the lengths of time you are in the gym each day
Your big 3 wont progress like a strength program

Full body powerlifting routines >>> meme splits

But senpai, c6w is a powerlifting program AND an U/L split.

Very few powerlifting programs are actually full body.

I see your guys logic, but riddle me this:
"Literally every big guy I know just does a brospit. "

I just add plenty of abs, calves and forearms on the leg day. Gotta get dat dragonball tier physique training forearms and calves cray cray

And how many of them are on gear?

Steroids both increase the length of the elevated protein synthesis and how much you can gain per workout.

Steroids. The biggest, most shredded dude at my gym does a brosplit. He also uses steroids. That or those dudes have been lifting for years and most people will make progress in spite of programming, not because of it.

Could be, but also the only ppl I know useing push-pull are dyel faggits who fall for all the other fitness memes.

Why is Yolandi so disgusting

kuz she keeps it zef

I have never in my life seen anyone mention a PPL. Every normie is like "brosplit 8-12 reps muscle confusion LOL"
When I tell people I'm doing a PPL I have to explain what it means, even.

upper / lower split four days a week is GOAT.

I'd never heard of this. Just looked it up and it's extremely similar to my existing U/L. I'm gonna change my program up to fit this regimen
thanks anons

It should allow for faster progress.

Because every big guy does shitloads of volume on their brosplit.
When you do 10 exercises with 8-15 reps and go to failure each time, everything just hurts.
Bodybuilders go for "the burn" for a reason.

But do you want to be a bodybuilder?

If you want to get really big, sure, do a brosplit with 15 exercises from all different angles and go for "the burn".

But if you want to be strong, healthy, athletic and reasonably big, do a balanced program with proper progression and focus on the main compound lifts.

It all depends on your goals.
And even if some people might start and think "I'm going to be a bodybuilder", we still tell them to do SS or SL, simply because we know that most people actually don't want to become bodybuilders and simply want to be strong, healthy and good looking.
Some might like it so much that they go into powerlifting, but the majority of lifters are just recreational lifters that do it to be healthier.

And a Upper/Lower split is the best way for a natty recreational lifter to train.

It's not. All depends on your goals and current fitness level.

Pick one

fucking max payne


Is the best for natties

Don't you fucking dare post that Sami Järvinen pic.

A: squats, bench, OHP 3x5 - dips, triceps extensions, lateral raises 3x10

B: weighted chinups, rows 3x5 - deadlifts 3x3 - pullups, curls 3x10


tell me whats wrong with this routine Veeky Forums

made amazing gains and really helped me progress in strength and size.
yes its upper body focussed but i squat 3pl8 for reps now and my legs and ass are already big enough so fuck that

Can someone post their upper day routine? I do alternate 3 back and 3 chest with shoulders at the end. It kills me. I can't find a decent routine online.

fucking pleb

100% true.

Sometimes a normie DYEL will do some retarded fad program, but almost every DYEL I see in the gym does a brosplit or just random shit with too much weight and poor form.

A rose by any other name

Nothing really. Would probably throw away tri extensions and pullups, as they are pretty redundant.

So, I recognize you now. You're the white monkey poster.

Upper lower rest push pull rest rest.
How about that?

needs less rest

not the guy who posted that but I seriously don't get how people find her attractive she looks fuck all retarded with that haircut and it really doesn't seem like an ironic thing, is it cause she's half nude/nude on stage most of the time

wasnt me, but it seems i have started something

she a tiny teen who likes to rave
also perfect cheekbones

"teen" In her 30's

1. Pick one.
2. Progressive overload.
3. ?????
4. Profit

Good genes

You're weird. Go fap to Oprah if you're so concerned.

ofc broswallows are more economical and efficient. plus if your balding, acne-ridden gymbro bf can do a brosplit and see results because of the roids, his loads must be anabolic, like the rest of his existence. if his load is anabolic, you should swallow and get those fraud gains