How's my back, Veeky Forums?
How's my back, Veeky Forums?
looking fucking big juicy and sexy. 6'4 master race my nigga.
you're pulling your shorts up to hide those love handles. so yea, it looks fat.
big, juicy and sexy.
lets see your back pic retard.
Basketball shorts and manbun/10
ok here u go newfriend
nice hairline you fucking ugly ginger.
stay mad fatty :^)
Nice desperate attempt to cover your disgusting saddebags with your shorts, you fat fuck.
this fucking samefagging holy shit
ur cute babe, wanna meet up?
this is my cute face
my max squat is 325, and I've torn my meniscus and MCL playing college football, and had to get surgery on both, so my legs are lacking. I know girls mire most places I go, I've litterally been at a party just talking to my friends and girls just comes up and pulls me to the side a starts making out with me. This has happened twice, I fucked both of them probably only saying 20 words to them. A girl literally pulled over once and asked me if I needed a ride. I said "yea" hopped in, and after about 5 mins of talking she asked me if I wanted to come over to her place, and I ended up fucking her. Trust me, girls mire everywhere I go. So yeah, I guess you could say I lift.
>max squat 325
Both my knees are fucked up and even I can do better man, come on now.
I'm not hating, but your chest is very 3D on this pic
How about that bulge? Confirmed fraud.
I'm talking about kilos, amerifat.
>325kg squat
How much do you weigh out of curiosity.
user pls stop impersonating me
yea I know, although it's kinda just the angle in that photo. Still have a big chest, even tho my max bench is lmao2pl8 so idk why or how
You look fat.
lbs you retard
You're a good memer, my friend. Well memed.
:^) Had a good laugh myself
Yup 440 lbs. About to start my cut.
you are impersonating an person who was impersonating an impersonator.
how does it feel?