Why is this the DYEL's favorite machine?
Why is this the DYEL's favorite machine?
They can't do pull ups.
But the real DYEL machine is the weighted ab crunch.
because you can lift the most weight with the least amout of technique on this machine as dyel.
Hate this thing, feels awful compared to assisted pull ups.
I'm new at this, it never dawned on me this is like a pull up but somehow more lame. If I can do 10 pull ups should I do those instead of this?
Dude, why can't I do pull ups. I 100% use because of it. 6' 190lbs
I'm not even weak, I just can't fight gravity once I'm hanging on the bar. I think my arms are retarded.
typically yes
>Use this when I started going to the gym
>Year later end up at a gym without a smith machine
>Had to deload by like 60% and learn proper form
Fuck everything about smith machines. Biggest trap in the whole gym.
That machine is why you can't do a pull up. Literally, hanging motionless from the bar (dead hangs, flex hangs) is better.
>work gym only has this abomination
>elbows and shoulders killing me
>have to take 2 weeks off to heal for every week working on this monstrosity
>get fed up and find a real gym with free weights
>never have shoulder or elbow problems again
Death to anyone who thinks those things are a good idea.
False. DYELs love all the machines.
Quit the lat pulldowns and start doing negatives to failure.
I don't know why I never thought of doing negatives. I'll try that next pull day. Thanks user.
>can't do pull ups
>I'm not even weak
I hate to break it to you...
i do pullups and then lat pull downs
The lat pulldowns are one of the only respectable machines though.
And people love it because it's easy to cheat.
Get a band. Like big ass rubber band that helps you pull yourself up. When you get a decent amount of reps, use a smaller band until you can star doing them without assistance.
Another approach is a shitload of negatives, lowering yourself down as slow as you can each rep and feeling for muscle contraction in your back.
Lat pulldown machines will get you good at lat pulldowns
Chin ups and variations of chin ups will get you good at chin ups and variations of chin ups.
Eh, I've seen some huge dudes fuck up some pretty easy shit because of their crap ass form. But I see your point.
I'm weak as shit and do 1 plate chins at 185 bw. I also think I can do a muscleup but there's shit above my power rack. Probably can't though.
Just keep trying. I couldn't do anything in high school when I was 145. I did my first one at work doing physical labor without training them when I started gaining strength.
while we're talking about machines, what is it about this thing that draws all the bitches to it? It's not even the really hot chicks, they're all doing some bogus core shit and glute bridges.
It's always fat and/or older women
Works the vagina
this shit too. there's one of these back extension machines at my gym and it squeaks when someone's on it. without fail it's either
>some elderly person
>a fatfuck
>some skellington dyel
or any valid combination.
There is always a 40+ y/o saggy woman using this machine, no exceptions.
I usually avoid walking over to that side when it's in use because they're just airing their vags out and it smells like ass. Pic related.
That shit helped me to get mi first pull-up .
I sort of figured, like some kegels shit. probably turns them on.
I guess those are the people that subsidize your gym costs though.
>vag bellows
fucking kek
is it weird that I like to do pull-ups/chin-ups and then use the lat pulldown machine?
weighted ab crunch machine is retarded though
The weighted ab crunch machine is THE most in-use machine at my gym hands down. All the old people and black people love that shit.
>is it weird that I like to do pull-ups/chin-ups and then use the lat pulldown machine?
I do the same, chin-ups then lat pulldown
>Doing pullups/chinups then going to the lat pulldown machine
user. What the fuck. That's like bench pressing then going over to the smith machine to OHP.
It's a popular one among DYELs, but at my gym it's also popular with the bodybuilders. I'm the only competing bodybuilder at my gym who doesn't use it, actually, and many of them don't even do pullups.
are you retarded?