Am I manlet?

Am I manlet?

> 5'8"
> 160 lbs 195 bench 235 squat 325 Dead Lift

Where to cop that shirt op

Yes. Manlet is only about height. You could be the strongest person in the world and would still be a manlet.

I'm also a manlet btw.

Anything below 6'0 is manlet

sorry famalam

being manlet at 5'8 is strict to north america and nordic and saxonic countries.
Go to south america or asia and you'll be normal.

6 feet is almost freakish in northern brazil, for example.

all of my gym mirins were for manlets, they all had really handsome faces so who cares if they are only 2-4 inches taller then I am

>go through entire adult life thinking I'm 6'
>get a physical
>doctor says I'm 5'11.25"

H-h-his height thing is wrong, r-r-r-right?

close enough to say you are 6

Memes aside. Manlets are 5'8 and below, lanklets are 6'3 and above. Golden range is 5'11-6'2. 5'9-10 is average and nobody notices your height.

the true definition of a manlet is a guy who thinks less of himself because of his height

-motherfuckin ghandi

Anything under 6'2 is a manlet. End of story, fuck your strength/value/accomplishments

All relative to the average then?
So in countries where 6'0" is average I should add 2-3" to all those figures?

For a second I thought I'm looking at a Run DMC shirt.

>golden range is 5'11-6'2


I'm 5'9 (182cm), tho I feel taller than most people in my country.
I wish I was 6 ft +
When will I learn.

5'9 is not 182cm bro.

>I'm 5'9 (182cm)

182 cm is 6 feet.

Are you sure? I used an online calculator and it said 5'9

Golden range for what?

Its true. Not talking about woman right now, but you get the best proportions and the best physique in the 5'11" - 6'2" range.

>Are you sure?

I can do basic arithmetic, yes. I am not an idiot. And besides, just type "182 cm in feet" into google.

5'9" doesnt mean 5,9 feet

It means 5 feet and 9 INCHES.

Thats 2 different measurements.

Yes merica is dumb, this system is so flawed and retarded.

5 foot 9 inches is not the same as 5.9 feet.

Nah bro, here in Uruguay most of my classmates are 6 ft, even girls are between 5'5 and 5'9.