Women think this is a literal 10/10.
Why are you so worried?
Women think this is a literal 10/10.
Why are you so worried?
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares what women think in the first place?
Because I'm not rich and I have no status or a large social network.
A mega celebrity IS a 10/10
Only full on skanks who only like money. Nigga is ugly as sin.
he's what they call busu kawaii desu desu
I have hooded eyes without the long face and shit lips
so im not too concerned famalam
He looks like an eagle/lion.
>I enjoy casually chatting with friends about a man I will never, ever meet, talk to, see in person, or have any sort of relations with sexual or otherwise who I also find attractive. >Its literally impossible that he will ever spend money on me.
>What my friends don't know is that I only say I find him attractive because he has money
So how long do you have to spend on /r9k/ for your brain to start functioning in a manner where this makes ANY sense? I know you're desperate to believe that women are subhuman but it'd help your case if there was a shred of logic somewhere mixed in with the feces you fling
Yeah, because I only mentioned money in my post...
So replace the word "money" in my post with "status" or "social circle", you're still a sadkunt with zero life experience either way
only cool thing about this fag is his voice.
i'd consensual rape so many bitches if i had his voice, my god...
its just a normal Receieved English accent
me and everyone i know has one
I guess I'd be worried if that meant that the next generation will look like that goofy fucker.
Thanks Freud
>me has one
lol no. he has complete command over his voice
its the eyes.
women dont want shitty brown eyes.
I thought about that. But is "I has one" any better?
do i say "myself"?
What's his name again?
it's have, nigga.
You sound stupider with every post. Does getting blown out turn you into a potato? Or does being a potato make you easier to blow out?
Chicken and the egg.
I and everyone else I know have one?
sounds weird man
>Chicken and the egg.
what came first, the bro or the 'ch0n?
Barnacle Cucumberley
Bendthedick Slumbersnatch
He's not my type, but I tend to like guys with interesting facial structures. Like Dean Ambrose, Robert Englund, ect. Or I like their personalities. They tend to range from hating the world and angry, to increadibly funny and perverted.
Frumpy, sleazy, funny, angry. I like interesting guys who aren't 100% focused on their looks or intellect. Cucumber man has interesting features, but he's got the personality of a squid.
But, I'm not a 10/10 by any means, so maybe I've just accepted the fact I should only be attracted to people for who they are, because looks are not a priority atm.
What was his name?
Ben n' Jerry's Cucumbersnatch
>Dean Ambrose
He doesn't have that weird of a face though. If he'd goddamn comb his hair he'd look like a pretty normal person.
I miss SHIELD Dean, back when the character was actually violently insane. LoonyToons Dean is tedious.
Benadryl Cunderthunt
Yes, in England you're dipshit "Brain Damage" voice isn't good for anything. Dumb ass American women eat that shit up.
I swear, you could walk up to random American woman, and with your flaccid-face accent go "Fancy a spot of dick?" and you'd be able to fuck at least half of them.
A shame that every female with a British accent is absolute boner repellent.
Can we talk about his face?
He looks so funny, but I can't put my finger on why.
It kind of looks like his face skin was stretched over his skull, giving him an alien look.
ayy lmao
That's because women are attracted to wallets, not men.
If this guy wasn't rich and famous he would NEVER get laid. He would be a 30 year old perma virgin like much of Veeky Forums.
>perma virgin like much of Veeky Forums.
hey! don't speak ill of your fellow bros on the 'ch0n
I'm not, I'm one of them. 28 year old virgin here.
let's see
>plays charismatic and intelligent characters
>charming and funny in interviews
>nice accent
are you guys retarded? women aren't as shallow as to think that he has a 10/10 face
it's all the other factors that make him attractive
Say it with me. Women are attracted to power. Social power and financial power has supplanted physical power in our culture, and women's psychological attraction has adjusted accordingly. It doesn't matter what combination of factors lead one to the power, as long as no other characteristics are too far outside of their own deal breaker norms.
Then why do they like to fuck sandniggers and niggers ?
>women aren't shallow
women aren't shallow
>women aren't shallow
>women are treated to gain power through their choices in men in patriarchal cultures, since they are discouraged and blocked from aeekingnit themselves
>seek out powerful men
"OMG women are such shallow bitches"
As long as a woman's social value is basically determined by the man she can "bag" rather than her achievements , which is slowly changing, why wouldn't they be picky af with partners if they can be?
For some reason I thought I'm on /v/.
meh. /v/, Veeky Forums, /hm/, /pol/ - what's the difference nowadays anyway
Back to tumblr please
>if i make daddy mad, maybe he'll pay attention to me
>get girl
>she's cute, think she's in my league but she is a bit overweight
>she's adamant I am too good looking for her
>gushes over me when we snapchat
>creams herself over n over when we fuck
I dunno guys
Just fuck them good n be tall and they'll think you're 10/10
This. It's all about attention
Being famous helps a lot. The human population is so huge that almost everyone is pretty much a nobody.
Instead of being in a small community where we actually know each other, we need to simulate it by fawning over anyone who is recognizable to many people.
For fucks sake, even fictional characters get more love and respect than more deserving people
fucking kek
Fucking kek
Is this guy jewish?
He looks quite similar to Judenberg, and neither germanics or celts are supposed to have fat, narrow lips like that.
He does have fairly remarkable symmetry though, even though I would personally say his features do not harmonize very well with eachother.
gos to so
Kek there are girls in their early 20's right now in my country who tweet about vid related being hot.
Obviously he isn't, but he's the trend among Spanish teens today. It's all about status/charisma, even if it's unconscious.