Are the hodge twins actually like..fucking retarded? Like do they have a mental disorder?

are the hodge twins actually like..fucking retarded? Like do they have a mental disorder?

They're half breeds so... I'd say so :^)

>first post best post

You, my friend, are the one with a mental disorder. If you can't see through the humor and see that they are actually very, very smart business people, you probably have a mild form of autism. Congratulations!

>Firstpostbestposting yourself
>on such a shitty post

I mean ur welcome to leave any time

They're both high school dropouts.
But good for them. They learned how to make money.

Yeah , narcissism.

Back to >>/reddit/ my friend.

what humour? these two faggots saw any Terry Crews role ever and copied it to youtube. people are dumb so they hand over money.

nah that guys right youre a fag

>Someone doesn't agree with your shitposting
>Simply tell them they belong on reddit
I bet you're new here and you're only saying this because you saw some anons using it in the right context.

If anything they are actually smart. You´re the dumb one for not realizing that its all an act.

They literally give the viewers what they want.

Another user here, it really wasn't funny at all

>inying it was meant up be funny

Kys cucks

> Be hodgetwins
> Legit retards
> Make money from people who think we're not

How the fuck do you think it's an act? Have you seen these dimwitted fucks in the real world at all? Legit autists

What the fuck are you talking about?
What does them being retards or autists has to do with anything?
If you don't like the content, if you don't understand the content, don't fucking watch it. Fucking hell with you people

>Have you seen these dimwitted fucks in the real world at all?
No, have you?

What I have seen though is their videos on their more serious channel about relationships and so on when they dont have their act on. They are just regular dudes.

theyre just niggers

Don't argue with him man, he is the retarded one, who thinks everything that's not per his taste is retarded.

This. Tell it straight to these faggots here:

gee sorry we're not as perceptive as you, ken-sama :^)

it wasn't funny, samefag

You realize they are in their late 40's , almost 50 yrs old

Their memes just rake in money and that's okay.

>On your own post
Pick one newfriend