Lifting for women

>lifting for women

Could there be a flatter ass?

Every straight man lifts for women to some extent.

Sure, look at tay tay

Women are a distraction. It's achievement and enlightenment I seek.

The "I lift for myself and only myself" is really the most fedora Veeky Forums meme.

It doesn't matter, she has great legs, feet, hair and skin, looks really tall too.

>dem legs
>good face

luckily, ass can be built

>good anything
degenerate detected

That ass is fine desu. All this focus and propaganda about ass and anal sex is making people lust after fat fucks and crave anal, spreading aids.

The globalist illuminati (or whatever you want to call it) agenda is literally so fucking obvious that even skeptical people like em are seeing it.

I dislike anal and appreciate asses. Not huge, fat, nigger, cellulite ridden asses, but round, firm and shapely asses.

enlightenment doesn't exist fucktard

you got it confused with niggers


Unenlightened sheep detected

Asians are the brethren of caucasians

Is that a 400lb dumbell shes leaning on?

>superior intellect
>superior skin
>outlives whites
>outlifts whites in middleweight and below
>most fertile and populous race
>skin more resistant to UV damage
>can be born with beautiful pale skin
>or tan beautifully
>or have that golden yellow tone that all supermodels go for
>superior hair quality
>less likely to suffer hairloss
>less likely to have breeding hips that all the pasty skinny fags on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums seem to have

You are literally subhuman.

Also I forgot
>only look visibly old once they hit the age where people start losing their sex drive (50-60)

>never grow past 5'5 unless genetic freak
>>superior intellect
chinky countries only let the best students' results count towards the """national average"""

rest is

it's only 300

>never grow past 5'5

Nigger, I'm a 5'11 king of manlets and all my Chinese and Taiwanese friends are 6'0-6'3 (I can't get along with manlets for some reason).

The manlet thing is a myth and only applies to south east asians, nips and gooks who are more nigger than asian.

mongolian/hunnic doesnt count as asian anymore :/

Wrong. Huns were manlet turks (the romans said so). Mongols were massively assimilated by the North Chinese. You are talking a 1-1,000 ratio. Southern Chinese don't have much mongol in them at all.

Mongol features are small eyes, large, round faces, huge, round cheeks and very large cheekbones. Chinese have slimmer and narrower faces.

I think height is heavily affected by lifestyle. For example, all the military members of my family are tall or really built looking. The ones from the countryside are shorter.

My southern Chinese friends all have short parents but living and eating well in Australia meant they got Veeky Forums and tall. At my cousins house in China they ate a lot but it was mostly vegetables with very little protein. Also the kids hardly get any sleep because of their homework.

>wears heels
lmao fucking manlets

cool didnt know that

Nigga, they conquered us, got assimilated, cucked, then invaded. Now we have more Mongols than Mongolia (5 million in China to 3 million in Mongolia) and all those Mongols claim Chinese nationality. We are the true inheritors to the now Chinese Mongol empire. :^)

It's great, even better than how Alexander the Great started wearing Persian clothes and recruiting Persian soldiers and getting Persian wives and forcing all his soldiers to breed with Persians after seeing a superior culture.

>I think height is heavily affected by lifestyle. For example, all the military members of my family are tall or really built looking. The ones from the countryside are shorter.

Lets take this logic here. I've noticed that all firemen are fairly tall and well built, therefore being a fireman will make you tall and well built. Basically, you're a retard.

i thought he first meant that poor diet and sleep when growing up yields low height, but look at Africa :^)


Are you retarded? Look at the OP picture you stupid faggot.

>superior intellect
No famalam