Where do you buy your clothes and what kind of clothes do you wear? I want something that looks nice but still shows off my gains.
I ask because over the last year I've outgrown literally all of my "nice" clothes. The only shorts that fit me are my gym shorts and my chest is too big for my button-up shirts.
If I don't get some new clothes soon I'll be wearing ragged old band t-shirts and gym shorts all summer.
Ryan Williams
T-shirts, jeans, cargo shorts, and sneakers
Liam Martin
All next level bullshit, since trying to act like a normal person would be moving backwards and impossible
Brayden Perry
>cargo shorts Oh god please dont be real
Connor Perry
Do what I do. Go out and people watch. Take photos of people wearing. clothes you like.
SOMETIMES you might be able to ask the person where they got it, if you're close enough to them. I take my photos from 40-60 feet away.
Brayden Cooper
Hudson Collins
but then what do you do with those photos after that?
Jackson Gomez
topman and h&m my go to stores for shirts, i like bluenotes for their chinos and jeans
Jonathan James
You compare the clothing to an online catalogue and pick the closest match.
Easton Evans
Rick Owens Raf Simons usually what I'm dressed in
Luis Cruz
>cargo shorts and sneakers
Jose Cox
Aaron Reed
Levi 513 slims with Steve madden high top chukkas (lighter color is better) and a t-shirt. Wayfarers or aviators for glasses. Welcome to the vagina train user.
Sebastian Perry
Most chicks say that what you wear on the bottom doesn't really matter. They care about upper body more.
Also, Nike's are the GOAT footwear
Colton Cook
My Levi and shoes game is fine, any suggestions for shorts? i'm not the type of guy to wear long pants all summer..
Jace Thomas
Daniel Cremieux. Soft as silk and they fit right to show off ass gains. Dillards always has sales. Just be sure not to buy all the frat boy colors like salmon, yellow, and green. Stick with a light blue, dark blue, and khaki.
Anthony Baker
Cargo pants on fit guys are the equivalent of flower print skirts on fat chicks pulled up to their tits.
Dylan Gomez
Shit from my local skateshop or rue21
Daniel Long
I just wear khaki/dark blue/dark gray shorts from skate brands like volcom.
Adrian Diaz
Yeah if you're actually exercising, not on a daily basis.
>still cargo shorts
Nathaniel Gutierrez
H&m v necks or the mossimo brand from Target, they fit well, tight waist and not very lengthy Levi 511 jeans or the flex jeans from american eagle are goat, seriously.
As long as you're fit you can wear pretty much any basic color and you'll get mires
Luke Howard
Those look really nice but do you have anything for somebody that can't spend $70 on a pair of shorts?
Bentley Baker
Go to Ross or TJ Maxx, senpai. They buy up the surplus inventory from places like JC Penny, Marshall's and Dillards and sell them for half the original price. Even if you don't find the brand he's recommending, you'll find something.
Gavin Carter
thanks pham, I hate those stores because they usually feel like going to a garage sale, but they've definitely got some good shit
Austin Walker
Cremiux and roundtree and yourk from Dillard's has been good to me.
Robert Watson
Salvation army (thrift shop)
whatever fits right, is cheap, and matches other clothes decently.
>Paying more than $2 for pants
Oliver Myers
I went through my thrift shop phase when I was a skinny ironic hipster in high school. I can pay for quality good-looking clothes now.