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Previous thread >bench press edition

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If I'm benching just to grow my chest and don't care about the numbers, isn't it better to ignore leg drive or keep feet on the bench?

Probably shouldn't have posted this at the end of the last thread, but if anyone has any tips or wants to show me how to be less of a retard I'd appreciate it

Hey I remember you. You give advice on routines right?

I copied this routine from the most "aesthetic" and muscular guy at my gym. He physique literally blows everyone else at the gym out the water. Like he literally looks better in person than Matt Ogus does with his half-natty lighting. So I know for sure he is on drugs. The guy works a normal job though, isn't apart of the fitness industry, just a dudebro at my gym.

I finally asked him for his routine and he showed me his phone and I copied it all done into my phone. I know it's 100% his routine because I've literally watched him training several times before over the last few years and it matches up exactly with what I've seen him doing.

It's pic related. How do you think I will go on it? Been lifting a few years myself, natty though. I've not really got that great of results from doing scientifically proven routines, hence why I finally caved in and decided to copy this guys routine.

Fuck you trappy and your diagonal mid-pec bench press form

Pic related is greyskull lp without neck harness stuff and with some accessories. Issue is I have little to no idea what I am doing as far as adding accessory work. What accessories should I be doing in addition to or instead of these? Feel free to bully about routine being retarded, just do me a favor and specify what is retarded so I can change it.

forgot pic

Leg drive allows you to lift heavier.
They do not lower the contribution from the chest. In fact, they make the upperback platform from where your chest presses from "tighter" and more efficient, so the chest loses less power during the transference of force from its contraction to moving the weight.

So basically you're just putting in even more overload on your chest muscles.

That's the best way to bench for both a stronger bench, and to keep your shoulders safe from injury.

That pic doesn't have much info on his routine at all. What's his set/rep scheme, how much volume does he do, what's the progression scheme he uses...

Anyways, if you wanna get started on learning more about programming, you can check the "routine tips" section on fitsticky.com/novice-programs
If you want to learn even more, you can check the Practical Programming (3rd ed) book and the Strengtheory website.

>NOT wanting a think neck
what's wrong with you???


>That pic doesn't have much info on his routine at all. What's his set/rep scheme, how much volume does he do, what's the progression scheme he uses...
>Anyways, if you wanna get started on learning more about programming, you can check the "routine tips" section on fitsticky.com/novice-programs
>If you want to learn even more, you can check the Practical Programming (3rd ed) book and the Strengtheory website.

I just came off a year of 5/3/1 BBB so I know about programming n shit, I just haven't see that great of results from it, even though I've got stronger from it, it hasn't shown that much physique wise. I am heading into my 4th year lifting now.

The way he does the routine is

-7 days a week lifting (only rest if need)
-2 lifts per day
-pyramid sets upwards to 1RM, do as many sets as possible in 45-60minutes
-add weight upwards for 2-3 weeks of the routine, deload on 3rd or 4th week.

The way he does the sets is like this

Bench set 1 - 60kg
Chins set 1 - body-weight
Bench set 2 - 80kg
Weighted Chins set 2 - 10kg
Bench set 3 - 100kg
Weighted chins set 3 - 15kg
Bench set 4 - 110kg
Weighted chins set 4 - 20kg
Bench set 5 - 115kg
Weighted chins set 5 - 25kg
Bench set 6 - 120kg
Weighted chins set 6 - 30kg
Bench set 7 - 125kg
Weighted chins set 7 - 35kg
Bench set 8 - 130kg
Weighted chins set 8 - 40kg

He just keeps going up and up and stops after 45-60minutes or so. This is the same for every other lift in the routine. He doesn't count reps, but he stops 1 rep before failure.

I'm kind of nearing my linear gains, and starting to do olympic lifts. They're very enjoyable. The issue is that I'm a still a skeleton with 115/160/255/315 as my 5rm.
So... what do I do? Do I do hypertrophy routine or strength or how do I add in oly?
I did oly + a normal SS session a few times, it killed me completely - total exhaustion.

I'll be back later guys, got an autopsy to do right now kek

Giving it a quick look but it doesn't seem bad, just to the main stuff all before accessories (don't leave squats and deadlifts for last)

This is probably the best graphic I've seen for bench. You'd have to watch 15 youtube videos with about 30 minutes of bullshit fluff to learn that graphic otherwise.

shameless same fagging pls stop trappy

Keeping your feet on the bench less will make it harder to move more weight, which is what you want for growth, so I would say to let your feet stay on the floor but dont use a crazy leg drive

What do you do if you can't progress on SS anymore?
My lifts stopped going up and I would still class myself as an advanced beginner, so I'm not sure if I just fucked up the starting weights or something.
Should I restart SS and look into the later stages of it some more or try something else for a bit?
I'm almost a week into madcow and it already feels much better only doing one working set per exercise

>What do you do if you can't progress on SS anymore?

You move on to an early-intermediate program like Candito's LP, Texas Method, Madcow/Starr's model, etc

ty bby appreciate it.

Does anyone have an example of a good intermediate DUP style program for strength & size? The concept is interesting to me but I see almost nobody talking about it in these generals

>you want to use less weight for gains
are you ok

I think he means that the harder is to move the weigth the more isolated are the muscles you're using, just think what is better for bodybuilding: a preacher biceps curl with slow movement or standing biceps curl using leg drive.

Can I get a rate on this workout?
Monday: Chest&back (barbell)

Flat bench press: 8x12
Incline bench press: 4x12
Decline bench press: 4x12
Pullovers superset with decline flies: 4x12
Wide grip pullups super set with wide grip lat pull down: 4x12
Close grip pullups super set with close grip lat pull down: 4x12
T-bar rows: 4x12

Tuesday: Shoulders, biceps, triceps

Shoulder press (dumbell): 6x12
Shrugs supers set with goldberg shoulder raise: 4x12
Lateral raise (dumbell): 4x12
Bicep curls (barbell): 8x12
Incline dumbell curls superset with hammer curls: 4x12
One arm isolation curls: 4x12
Tricep pushdown superset with overhead extension: 4x12
Tricep kick backs: 4x12
Close grip flat bench (barbell): 4x12

Wednesday: Legs

Squats: 8x12
Legpress: 4x12
Hamstring curls: 4x12
Leg extension: 4x12

Thursday: Chest&back

Repear Monday's workout but use dumbells instead od barbells.
Back workout is same.

Friday: Shoulders, biceps, and triceps

Repeat Tuesday's workout but use barbell instead of dumbell for shoulder press.
Biceps and triceps are same.


No one on Veeky Forums writes out a page long question, let alone to a mentally ill faggot.

We know it's you answering your own questions with a proxy.

Squat 3/25
Bench 3/25
Chinup a lot

Dead 1/10
Press 3/25
Curls 3/25

Squat 3/25
Bench 3/25
Chinup a lot

3/25 means to do 25 reps in 3 sets leaving always one rep in the tank
Set 1 - 100kg x 10
Set 2 - 100kg x 8
Set 3 - 100kg x 7
Total reps 25

I already know how to do the lifts and dont like doing a lot of shit in my workouts.
What is your opinion on this?

Trappy. I'm a simple guy. Always been on the flabby side (not obese by any means). My goal is to have a firm slim body. By no means ripped. My question:

Will swimming alone on a deficit help me accomplish this? Do I have to lift for this simple goal?

Squat is starting to stall more often(SS), and I want to do front squats because fun.

Could I do Front Squats on Wednesday?

My Squat is apparently "intermediate" for my weight.

>bringing the bar to the chest
why wont this meme die?

Yes, you can. I'm pretty sure it's recommended somewhere on the startingstrength wiki to do TM-style recovery squats (or front squats) on wednesday

You don't need trappy to tell you that if you spend more energy than you consume you'll lose weight.
Also read the fucking sticky.

I respect both your answer and your trips. To be more specific, it's ending up skinny fat that I want to avoid. I'd rather be skinny firm. Are ab exercises needed for this on top of swimming plus deficit?


A: DL 3x5
Lat pulldown 3-4 x 8-12
DB row 3-4 x 8-12
Facepull *
DB hammer curls *
Curls with ez curl bar *
Forearm curls *

B: Bench press 3 x 5
OHP 3-4 x 8-12
Incline DB press *
Incline DB flies *
Tricep pushdown *
Tricep cable extension *
Side lat raises *
Front lat raises *
Shrugs *

C: Squat 3 x 5
Romanian DL 3-4 x 8-12
Leg Press *
Leg extension *
Lying leg curls *
Calf raises *
Leg raises*
Decline crunches*
That thing on the cable where you lean to one side 3-4 x 12-15

On the second B routine I start OHP 3x5 and then go to bench 3-4 x 8-12

That looks like way too much fucking volume for anyone

Fuck you trappy
You have no gains to speak of and just parrot contradicting advice on an authoritative tone

Some muscles you say need alot of rom, some you say none, and all because your stupid ass can't comprehend that different people are different

And you don't even have any god damn muscle

I'm progressing front squats on RD of TM

Does it make sense to go


To just try and get a 2.5kg increase as quickly as possible without any real kind of programming.

I did 5x3 for a few weeks and just swapped to 4x2.

Opinions on my routine?

I was thinking of moving a few things around, but its got me some pretty solid gains and strength gains. Its 3x5 when cutting on main lifts and 5x5 when bulking.

I've just added lateral raises to improve my OHP, but not sure if its on the right day? I was also thinking of adding a more lower ab aimed exercise instead of doing cable crunches on both days.. thoughts?

My stats are-

OHP- 47.5kg x5
Bench- 75kg x5
P rows- 77.5kg x5
Squats- 117.5kg x5
Deadlift- 155kg x5

5'10 currently 76kg at around 11% body fat.

Squats- 3x5
Bench- 3x5
P-rows 3x5/ B-rows 3x5
Skull crushers- 3x8
bicep curls- 3x8
goodmornings- 2x10
Cable crunches- 3x12

Squats- 3x5
OHP- 3x5
Deadlift- 1x5/ 2x3
bench- 3x8 at 10%lower
Lateral raises- 3x8
Pull ups- 3x10
Cable crunches 3x12

Hey Veeky Forums, so I have decided to completely ignore my legs for a while to focus on my upper body. I fell for the SS meme and now I have a t-rex body. So this will be my routine for the next 3 months, what do you think?

Bench Press 3x5
Chest Flyes 3x5
Shoulder Press 3x5
Lateral Raise 3x15
Overhead Triceps Extension 3x5
Triceps Pressdown 3x15
Barbell Row 3x5
Lat Pulldown 3x5
Shrugs 3x5
Curls 3x5

I workout my core every morning so I don't need to worry about that at the gym. How does my routine look?

No, but you might as well

hey trappy ^_^ nice to c ye

4x8 DB Chest Press
4x8 Leg press
4x8 DB Standing Overhead Press
4x8 Rows
4x10 DB lunges

How is this for starting

>new sticky!

Why do you faggots insist on doing this? What the fuck is wrong with the old sticky?

Harsh's sticky was a steaming pile of shit and this is no different. Stop attention whoring.

Im doing Candito's strength/control program and ive been doing it for 5 weeks now, seen some very good gains etc but now thinking of doing the strength/hypertrophy progam, anyone here done it and can recommend ?

The hypertrophy variant is pretty solid, though honestly it seems like overkill for the lower body.

TC suggested to try out hypertrophy upper and power lower - speed deadlifts/powercleans/explosive barbell shrugs. Worked out bretty gud.

>so I have decided to completely ignore my legs
Bad decision, you need posterior chain activation no matter what.
>I fell for the SS meme
SS should be pursued for no more than 6~10 weeks. Sadly there's some user/tripfag continuously suggesting it no matter what.
I doubt you actually overdeveloped hamstrings or quadriceps, you probably simply neglected the upper body.
>my routine
What is that supposed to be? A single routine for each training day? AxAxAxx? People like you should really meet a PT. Too many exercises in a single training anyway.

>ottermode via swimming
CICO and you're golden.... almost. As a matter of fact, you'd be better including something else (that "flabby yet not obese" is suspicios. BMI?). This something else could be callisthenics (expect limited and lagging gains) ( ) or two light fullbody/week (best time investment imho).

the simple fact that he went as far as registering a website with such a name... shows how much he's begging for attention. Considering his case, it shouldn't be a surprise.

>for starting
>no squat, dumbbell lunges
mmh. Did you write it yourself or someone actually recommended it? Age/sex/BMI?

No squat rack at the gym, just shitty smith machines so the leg press replaces them. I plan on MWF, W I plan on nixing the lunges and leg press for deadlift and farmer's walk.
135 lbs
BMI: 20.5

You should at least do some calisthenics if you don't want to look like shit when skinny.

Is Icecream Fitness 5x5 a solid beginner routine?
I fucked around with an upperbody split while going from chubby to dyel so I'm not a complete beginner.
Mainly looking to develop strenght and max out my noob gains without becoming fat.
Pretty much blue all over according to symmetricstrenght.

my mistake, 5'8"

what about this one i designed myself, doing it for strength and hyperthrophy

3x5 bench
3x5 squat
3x5 military press
2xf dips

3x5 vertical row
1x5 deadlift
2xf chin up
2x10 facepull
2x10 alternate curls

Same as monday except incline flies instead of dips 2x10
And doing leg raises 2x10 after flies

3x6 pullups
3x8 romanian deadlift
2x10 lat pulldown
2x10 rear delt fly
2x10 bb curl

Recovery seems fine, dont do any calf work as they are big and strong af already and dont do extra tri work since theyre already sore. Only 3 weeks in thou

3x8 for all of those sets and it looks better

Switch leg extensions and leg curls for freeweights, maybe fromt squat, or a free weight hamstring exercise

>no squat rack
goblet squats + dumbbell squat? Usually those are considered the best replacement for proper squat.

Whoops I meant 5'7

manlets, when will they learn

Don't believe this guy I'm actually 5'6

Farmers work is literally forearm isolation, yknow

I might put them in but for right now I'm more comfortable with the leg press. How is everything else?

It also works your core.

and shoulders

How is this for someone coming from bodybuilding style programs that wants to add strength over the summer and into next year? My lifts are 175/255/315/335. H/L designate heavy/lighter sets.

Day A
3x5 Barbell Squat (H)
3x5 Standing Barbell OHP (H)
1x5 Deadlift (H)
3x8 Incline Bench (L)
3x8 Pullups (L)

Day B
3x5 Barbell Squat (H)
3x5 Barbell Bench (H)
3x5 Rows (H)
3x8 Dips (L)
3x8 Chinups (L)

this seem very odd to me

Any reason why I shouldn't superset my swolertrphy sets after the strength stuff (531BBB type stuff)? Currently alternating these for 5 sets each and 1,5 or 2 minutes of rest to catch my breath in between:

Incline bench (x8) - weighted chinups (x5-8)
Abs/obliques (x10-20) - GHR (x10-15)
weighted dips (x6-8) - kroc rows (x18-20, and double rest) or powercleans (x3)

>hypertrophy upper and power lower
Thanks bud ill go with your suggestion

plZ halp


DB chest press uses triceps only as synergist and - besides chest - trains only the anterior deltoid.
Now, I don't know your level but considering we're talking about DB (and considering your weight) we're still quite at the beginning. I wouldn't neglect triceps. If you have cables you can add a simple exercise for those.
DB Standing OP... I'd add an auxiliary exercise for the sopraspinatus (again, considering the lack of complete compound exercise and the relative novice level). DB Front Lateral Raise may help. In an AB pattern (one day DB Front Lateral Raise, the other day the shoulder press)

Eventually, biceps (at least some push ups)

A: :chest and tris:
Incline BB bench - 6X5
Db bench - 4X10
Incline cable flyes - 4X8-10
Weighted tris dips - 3X8
Overhead tricep extension - 3X10

B: back and bi:
High rack pulls - 5X5
Dumbell row - 5X10 (swap with tbar?)
Pullups (weighted) - 3X8
Cheat curls - 2Xf
Hammer curls - 2X10

C: legs and shoulders:
Squat - 3X5
Leg press - 3X10
OHP - 3X5
Arnold press - 2X8-10
Side laterals - 3X10
Front raises - 3X10
Facepulls - 3X10


Could i switch db row with tbar? And general routine critique? Thanks

I'm still a beginner, just at 30 lbs for each DB I use.
I'll stick some pull-ups in there. Is it okay if I get them in hours after my initial workout?
I just go during my lunch time so I don't have more than about 45 minutes.

Flat Barbell Bench 3x5
Deadlift 2x5 (first is warm up)
Decline Barbell Bench 3x5
Chin up 3xF
Lat Pulldown 3x12
Leg Extension 3x12
Leg Curls 3x12
Crunches 3x20
Hanging Leg Raises 3x15
Plate twists 3x20
Plank 1x1

Barbell Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 3x5
EZ-Bar Preacher Curl 3x5
Wrist Rollers 3x40
Parallel Bar Tricep Dip 3xF
Dumbell Shrug 3x15
Seated Machine Fly 3x12
Rear Delt Machine Fly 3x12
Ez-bar skullcrusher 3x10
Seated Calf Raise machine 3x20
Adductors 3x12
Abductors 3x12

I feel like I'm trying to do too much at once. I try to hit everything at least twice. Takes me 1h 15 - 1h 30 for each routine, every other day.


Waaaay to much, do main compound lifts and then add some accessories..you roiding? Whats your stats and goals?

What's a good indicator of when you can move on to a PPL after SS or something? I wanna get big but my lifts seem like shit right now. I've been at SS for 3 months and my squat keeps stalling at 200lbs. My progress doesn't really seem crazy linear. I have to keep dropping weight and going back up

So if I'm 5'7" and at 150lbs what should my lifts look like before I move on?

Why all the hate?

can someone rec me a PPL routine to start out with? pic related is me. im skinny fat but already kinda strong, by that i mean im not a weak skelly. ive worked out before but never with a routine. also, should i bulk? for how long and how much? keep in mind i barely know anything so any info helps.

Don't drop weight, ever
This is where you are fucking up


worst girl

post yui

Because he's literally a DYEL dwarf who should be squatting instead of giving lifting advice

I don't think I have any pictures of Yui lifting heavy assed weights. Here is Rei, though. If you can't hang with Rei... well then you're wrong.

Fair enough, rei is pretty qt

Are you saying the advice is bad or just saying how she ought to spend her time?

Fuck off to /a/ stupid weab

>Don't drop weight, ever

Ok but how do i progress if I literally stall on my squat 3 times in a row?

Not roiding, my stats are pathetic so I'd rather not post them but my goal is simply to build muscle, right now I'm cutting so I know I won't make much progress but soon I'll be bulking and want to make sure I have a steady complete routine to follow. What should I cut out?

thats not skinny fat, that is chubby
dont fucking lie to yourself

Pic related. Its based on Coolcicada's PPL. making good gains, but I'm relatively new to weightlifting (4 months out). currently squatting 225 3x5, deadlifting 225 3x5 and benching 155 3x5. I was on a 5x5 routine till about a month ago. I'm not progressing on weight as much with this workout but I'm definitely getting bigger. Are my numbers okay? Should I fix anything? This workout gets me worn out real good.

Is this a good workout to do after ss?


Also could I do curls on push and pull day to get bigger arms faster, or is that stupid?

Any help?

you stay at 200 until you can at least do one set of the next step up. then you repeat.
if you haven't been doing that, going up in weight lifted, you're being a dummie
or you are leaving something out that you are not telling us

This "beginner to advanced" shit is always silly. Im not saying it won't be a good routine but the path to advanced takes years. -1 for stupid titles. That is a lot of volume for phase 3.

Yea. way too much volume. do more like coolcicada PPl or something with a reasonable amount of work. You will die with the 48x1232 lifting thing you got going on in your routine

I'm saying you can't trust lifting advice from someone who can't get 2pl8 off the floor. No matter how much they lurk r/fitness. SPECIALLY if they begin modifying well-established programs and trying to give case by case advice.

BUMP for help w my weak ass

yup. no modifying great routines for little things


Fair enough.

hey can anyone give me advice on what i have going on here?

lower upper x lower upper x x


pls r8. Also could anyone give me help on how I would taper this for a meet?

did you read the book

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