


is it achievable ?

Somewhere there is a photo of a Veeky Forumsizen who did SS for 36 months and had a perfect Herculean physique.

He was either the son of a God or on a heavy cycle of GH and Test

He had a level of lean mass and bf% that's achievable naturally, and lifts that were impressive but not outlandish.

Then he didn't have a perfect herculean physique

>linear progression for 36 months

Klokov is like that and he is on roids.

You talkin' bout doorbrah?

Don't have it but have a pic of my future waifu

That knife will slide through her hand and remove skin off her fingers, maybe nerves too.

Also, that nail polish is almost as disgusting as her nose.

t. Finn


>tiny micropenis
yeah, he's definitely natty

You talking about this?

>doesn't understand that thick trunks in the ancient world were indicative of a soldier or warrior.

The rigors of fighting and bearing weight while fighting creates a thick core.

could niggas like that actually exist back then because of higher test n shit?


Nah it's neither of those. I'm upset I didn't save it.


I will fight you for her.

No way lol

If you took Arnold and walked him around ancient athens or something would they think he was a god?

They'd probably think he was a big guy.

But isn't he a manlet?

he's 6' 2, about as tall as greeks probably thought gods were since they were all manlets


Ant eater for dick. Join the norm and cut