>lose control, binge on apples, bananas and cranberries
>no deficit today
Goddamnit. Cutting general thread I guess.
>lose control, binge on apples, bananas and cranberries
>no deficit today
Goddamnit. Cutting general thread I guess.
It's ok, user. I binged on strawberries and bluberries today. No regrets.
>start off 190
>cut down to 181
>have a couple cheat days, but remain in caloric deficit
I know it's water weight from beer, and extra food still digesting from pizza, but fuck, feels bad man.
These threads are the perfect support group
>Tfw haven't lost a pound in 4 days
>Still seeing body progress tho and making lifting noob gains
Blaha said there is no point cutting, better turn into a 250 pund beast. only insecure closet homosexuals care abot being skinny. and real men want to b alpha as fuck, and that means getting fucked by alphas ( like in Rome time), so if u dont get fucked in the ass by a 40 year old, then there is no hope for u, rather just murder urself u freak of nature !
Not cutting but trying to bulk very clean.
>have a friend come over for a coffee today
>buy a four pack of small double chocolate muffins
>eat two
>fucking 660 calories
Now im hungry af. Ive gottwn my proteins but want to eat my delicious tuna pasta waiting in my fridge. What do? Attack the pasta and call it a cheat day?
Anyone else find cutting really easy ? If I eat alow carb high protein diet , with a lot of fiber as well, I don't even feel like eating though I can physically sense my body is hungry
Are you guys using myfitnesspal?
How do you gauge your daily net caloric intake if you're weight lifting?
I have mine set at 2050 kcal I'm usually +- 150 cals but it doesn't my current exercise except for steps.
tl;dr how many calories are burned working out?
Nice buddy. I'm a week into my diet and I've lost 3 lbs. I've definitely noticed that in my later sets I seem to have no gas left in the tank...
Burn those cals off with some ol' fashioned weight liftin desu.
>apples, bananas and cranberries
literally how? how many did you fucking eat?
Just came from the douchehouse m8...
I meant total senpai
>I binged on strawberries and bluberries today.
How? You would have to eat like a kilo to make a significant impact
same here
i honestly find bulking harder, as in, sometimes i'll undereat on a bulking day
There's a strength training option under the cardio section to gauge calories lost.
Not sure how accurate it is though; I'm doing high weight low rep so I assume it's less.
Are you skinny build?
I'm starting from 245, cutting is 9000x harder than bulking for me. Although, bulking is what I've been doing for the last 24 years...
This. I'm a former fatty and now I find bulking harder.
yeah im coming from the other side
Started my cut 1 month ago started at 190 and now at 180. Think i can be shredded at ~170? I can post a pic at 190 if anyone cares, pic related is last night at 180
i care, post.
What did you look like at 190?
I ate 1,6 kilos of the stuff throughout the day. It makes an impact.
thx 4 interest, pic related at 190 in mid/late march I think.
1 Month lifting and dieting progress.
A-am I going to make it?
2 medium apples, 2 big bananas, a fistful of dried cranberries.
About 500 cals in total.
I know it's not a total disaster but it completely wiped out my planned 500 cal deficit.
damn dude your cut is really working I can barely see you
>posts the thumb
Bananas and dried fruit are cut killers. Apples are good though. If you only ate them you could have jogged for 30 min and be in the clear.
I notice it most in your abs. Keep up the good work m8
i would definitely be excited for 170.
good luck bud
Been cutting for three months and lost eight kilos, but don't feel a lot less fat. Starting to worry I've been losing muscle as well, so I might cut less aggressively.
>Been cutting for almost one and a half year
>Last 3 months
>No weight lost
>No lifting done
>Increased vascularity
>no visible loss in muscle mass
wtf is wrong with me
Thanks guys :)
best of luck to you all too
That's what happens the moment before the Left4Dead bloater explodes
RIP user ;_;
yes. when I had a high carb, high protein and low fat diet I was always hungry now that I switched it up a little I don't. I just feel like empty.
Everyone plateaus at some point. Just make sure you at least stay still, don't go backwards. Once you're stable, grind forward again. Forward is the only way, senpai.
what % do your run your macros at now?
>x general thread I guess
stop it
run along, faggot
>have nights where I lie awake hungry for hours
>usually eat some cottage cheese snack to help me fall asleep
>wonder what cottage cheese and pudding mix tastes like
>end up eating 700 cals, putting me at maintenance
>weigh self in morning and find out I'm ahead of schedule by 3 lbs
>low carb, high fat
stable energy levels but black hole level emptiness in stomach
>high carb, low fat
physically tummy is nice and filled up, but energy levels crash and feel faint after an hour
>TFW just started trying out paleo diet to clean bulk since gut is getting out of control and summer is coming around
>no dairy or grains allowed
>Constant struggle to eat 2600+ calories a day
Where the fuck do I get calories from? Fish and vegetables and eggs aren't cutting it. I shove like 4 bananas and a cup of almonds just to make up most of my missing calories daily,
I'm debating just going into a full cut since eating would be easier, but I'm not happy with my current weight, cutting would just make me weigh less.
[spoiler]Currently 5'11" 175lbs[/spoiler]
Use whey instead
Faggot general thread, I guess
>who was protein
6' flat. Hate being 6' because on Veeky Forums everyone whos 5'10-5'11 probably just says 6', i feel like 6' is kinda unbelievable. I gues I could say 6'1 but then id be lying :/
I usually do
j-just had a lost of self control last night..
im at 25% carbs, 45% prot, 30% fat. Though sometimes I displace the carb ratio by just a bit though no more than max 5% difference. Before I was retarded as hell and did no fat and it made me had hunger cravings that were destroying me. I follow Keto now though which I think its working for me, appetite control anyway.
last two days, I've had a bowl of raisin bran, 2 eggs, and 2 brotien shakes. I like to chew gun to get rid of hunger
Bad pupper
Need two shirtless before and afters famalamborghini
Can't properly judge else
That shit is expensive as fuck here, do you literally live in the jungle?
>chew gun to get rid of hunger
It gets rid of more than that user. No need to end it all just yet.
>Chew gum
>to get RID of hunger
Are fruits actually bad for cutting? I'm a fat ass and I heard fruits are healthy for you, so I usually eat some in the morning as a light breakfast, yet Veeky Forums says otherwise.
What's the real deal?
user why ;_;
Depends on the fruit desu.
Dried fruits and bananas are full of calories. Great for bulking. Apples aren't so bad.
All of them are full of sugar.
Ignore almost everything we say. Fruits healthy as shit. Just don't eat that canned or pre cut shit.
Fruits have them micronutrients, but are also like 90% carbs w a tiny bit of fiber, so in terms of macros they're pretty shit. Don't not ever eat fruit like Veeky Forums might make you think, but don't be eating like 10 servings a day thinking you're being a real healthy guy like any other normy would think.
My TDEE is 3142 apparently.
If i'm running a 2200 kcal diet am I going to lose weight faster or is it unsustainable?
>dried cranberries
Dried fruit usually has added sugar, buy them fresh or frozen.
explain this to me desu
You will lose weight faster and it's only unsustainable if you don't have the willpower to do it.
I don't know any science correlation, but whenever I chew gum I get hungry as fuck. I try to avoid it whenever possible. I always just thought it was the same for other people.
well my logic is that I can't eat food while chewing gum, and as soon as I spit it out, I'll pop in a new piece
6 lbs in two weeks but the hunger... goddamn
I've been drinking over a gallon of water a day to fill the void.
Unless you're gonna eat a whole lot of nuts and bananas, eating 2600+ calories a day on paleo is going to be rough.
And since you're trying to lose gut, that's not really plausible. It sounds like you just want to cut.
I'm the same way, chewing gum is like pseudo-snacking to me. I have heard that it fools your stomach into believing that food is coming and your body reacts by lowering your PH in anticipation of digestion. That could just be broscience though
Protein isn't a fuel.
>Too autistic to carry the joke
Damn you. Go eat your gun. See if I care.
Prove it
It works for me man
enjoy your muscle loss.
> be 182
> jog to 154
> cut to 140
Literally plateaued. I eat about 1000 calories a day and I can't loose any more.
height and body fat %?
You're forgetting about neoglucogenesis.
This endless cut is going - I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel brehs.
>Started at 375 back in October
>Currently 264
>The lightest I've been since the 8th grade
Just a few more months and I'll have finally escaped obesity.
5'9 proud manlet.
I have no idea. It's mainly concentrated around the stomach so I have a 'joggers body' with iron thighs and a pot belly.
Anyone knows a good appetite killer? Something top grade like DNP? I'm trying to control my diet natty but can't handle the free drinks and food at my work. My office is literally next to the kitchen and all I think about is fucking free food.
Have absolutely no problem with self control outside the office building, so I need some kind of the artificial solution.
green tea boiled for five minutes with a lemon squeezed in it
Thanks anons
Is it really that necessary to track your macros on a cut as a fatass? Currently 180 and need to lose 50 more pounds. I suppose I could use it to shed those last few pounds for when I'm near my goal weight, but I'm unsure if it's really all that necessary at my size when I'm eating mostly healthy food while staying at a calorie deficit.
Im getting so sick of this cut. Im doing everything right, im in a calorie deficit and im losing weight. But i still look the SAME!! I´ve lost in total 10 kg. The first 4-5 kg changed my body a lot and i looked a lot better. After that ive lost another 5 kg and i look exactly the same, I still have massive lovehandles. What am i doing wrong?
>I like to chew gun to get rid of hunger
Are you lifting?
Not at all, unless you lift and then its just protein
You don't need to track them, just make sure you don't eat garbage like fast food
>What am i doing wrong?
You lack patience.
it was a shit joke anyway m8
Should it be hot?
Have you tried lifting weights?
Yes of course. Been lifting since i began the cut in december. Pretty sure ive gained some muscle mass
>Bulking on paleo
Is that even fucking possible?
Option: Lift heavier weights. continue eating calorie deficit.
Fug you