
Howcome I'm always getting my ass kicked and I can't fight back in my dreams?

I dream of fighting people a lot. Even my friends. Does anybody else do this?

Your dream is a simulation designed for you to take action to better yourself

I've had this before, feels like my arms weigh 1000 pounds and I'm unable to swing them no matter how hard I try

Because you're a true beta

Because you're an insecure manlet with low self-esteem.

Have had the same dream multiple times
bumping for interest

Can you elaborate, please?
I feel like that's what's up.

Who is this trashy Latina bish

5'11 185 but insecure sometimes yeah. Idk why.

Your dream wants to communicate something that is buried within you, and it communicates this via the dream image, which is an acceptable form of fulfillment for your conscious self. In other words, you can't fight irl, or you can't express something irl which comes to be represented by fighting, so you fight in your dreams.

I would guess it has to do with sexual impotence but that's just me :^^^)

I don't know man, but I think she's some sort of neese'.

I have a variant of the fighting dream, where I fight technically and viciously but my enemy is literally immune to my attacks, or they escape the submissions I put them in. The enemy is sometimes a monster or sometimes an old enemy from my school days.

When I used to lifeguard, I always had dreams where people were drowning or unconscious or dying. I always did something retarded in dreams, always forgot 911 is a thing, and always forgot how to do CPR.

Damn thanks smarty pants. May a fine thick asian sit on your face.

I haven't had sex in a few months, but I still jack off like a maniac, so prolly not that.

Maybe the something that I'm not expressing is myself??

Fuck. Me too breh.

this tbqh

you can't fight back because when you fall asleep your brain paralyzes your body to stop you from fucking yourself up while you dream - your subconscious doesn't understand this and translates it into you being unable to fight or land a blow correctly

because your heart rate slows down while asleep so your movements are slower in dreams

i dreamed about a old lady holding me down once and couldnt move and was using all my strength but nothing was happening, then i woke up and jumped up out of bed and found that it was just a dream and fell back to sleep :/

i was upset in the morning knowing that this weak old lady held me down and made me feel weak! i know it was just a dream but it felt real to me........................

some day she will visit again ill be ready brah!

are you a 12 year old?

no im 23 and strong as fuck and will fuck your sisters and mum

So then stupid serious question, what is the best way to defend yourself if your body is paralyzed or slowed in dream?

Doesnt it hurt when you get hit or scratched in dream?? I do but I know it's not real but i swear i feel pain.

believer your a god brah and youll make it

Sometimes have dreams like this where I'm being chased by multiple people or "monsters." No matter how hard I fight or run I'm always too slow to hit or too weak. I try and counter by grabbing something to pull myself faster to escape or even realising I'm in a dream and can give myself super powers. You know energy blasts from my hands. Cool shit right?! Nope enemies get faster or laugh at me for trying a god dam hadouken. Eventually wake up and wonder when I'll be able to defeat the shit that manifests itself in my head while I sleep.

I see it now

There's lots of way to interpret dreams, but I like to think of them as an abstract representation of your inner struggles. The deeper the issue, the more convoluted the dream.

So, in your case, I guess it can be: I got beat up at school and now I have trauma associated with it, and now my subconscious is trying to prepare me for similar situations.

Or, it could be issues w/ abuse, domestic or otherwise. Or it could be something related to you failing at a task, or being too weak for some event in your life, which, may or may not be a physical altercation. You have to search within yourself to answer that question and try and decipher what "getting my ass kicked and I can't fight back" means to you, personally.

Same, or I'm running from a wild animal or something and my legs feel like they are moving through quicksand

Yep, this is the real explanation. Though it might seem that it bores people out as they want to give a philosophical explanation to their dreams.

Get naked and pour syrup all over yourself when you go to bed, no one's gonna fight you then unless your dreams take place in the bay area

Look into lucid dreams. After performing a dream check and realise that I am dreaming. I go to the gym and do SS.

The trick is that grappling works great in dreams. No joke. I once dreamt some Goober was fucking with my car but when I tried to punch him nothing happened. So I greco threw him like 10 feet.

practise lucid dreaming.
i had that too, OP.
most of the time it just felt like i was underwater or something, i was almost unable to throw a punch, i had no strength at all.

after i did lucid dreaming for weeks/months i am now able (most of the time) to control my dreams and even summon weapons. pretty neat when some faggot is trying to attack you in a dream and you summon a pistol and head$h0t GG.

three methods that worked for me:
1. reality checks.
ask yourself some times in your daily life "is this real, am i dreaming? how did i get here?"
you will do this in dreams now too, in dreams you almost always get teleported to the place where the dream takes place. if you notice that in a dream, you will turn lucid a lot easier

2. set an alarm clock in the middle of the night, stay awake for a couple of minutes and then go back to sleep concentrating on the fact that you will sleep and dream now

3. lay on your back meditating, focussing your thoughts at your third eye while looking through it. (imagine you have a third eye between your eyes, on your forehead)
if youre "gifted" you will soon feel vibrations through your whole body and you will enter sleep paralysis and halluzinate.

most of the time you will feel now the strongest feel of dread and fear you have ever felt in your life. strange things will happen, creatures might enter the room, you will hear sounds. you will be unable to move most of the time.

the fear also comes from the feeling that almost everything can happen now. any second the most horrifying monster you have ever seen can enter the room and scream at you. ( or a hot chick can enter the room and suck you off )

>Functional REM sleep strength

many people see this lady while in sleep paralysis.
she is sitting on your chest while you are unable to move.

Yeah always some sort of conflict on my dreams. But not just people. Im talking giant ants, cyborgs, demons, Cyclops, zombies all that sort of shit.

>>you will soon feel vibrations through your whole body and you will enter sleep paralysis

why the fuck would u want to enter sleep paralysis

"easiest" method

I think it's because you are laying on your arms, or they can't move under your blankets. I'm able to kick really hard in my fighting dreams. Ask my wife.

i know that, but the way he types is just retarded

Is this the Asian chick who posts on fit?

Damn, that sounds like a lot of work man.
I think I'd rather just sleep and get my ass kicked than wake up in the middle of the night and meditate.

IDK man i just pulled it from an unrelated board.

i have fight dreams all the time but i win even in circumstances where i wouldnt stand a chance. i am a 5'9 manlet.

idk about an old hag, but i've woken up and couldnt move and felt like if i let myself fall back asleep I would die... like a sinking feeling... so i tried to stay awake...

okay man, then convince you this way:

you can summon chicks too and fuck them. you can even orgasm ( as you can also feel pain)

i am able to feel things almost just like in real life with my fingers, cock, etc.

also its pretty neat to be able to fly in dreams.

No offense, but would you say you've an arrogant personality?

Honestly, that sounds way too good to be true. Of course I would do that shit if it meant having that experience of banging a chick in my dreams every night. I'll def look into it though.
Lucid dreams...

Kandy Dang is her name

yes dude haha how the fuck did you know that? ive been in a few fights. won some and definitely had my ass beat a couple of times.

i have had one lucid dream my entire life, i used to have sleep paralysis all the time. it was a hell of an experience though

Like.... sleep paralysis? careful there user

She's fine asf