What's fit's go-to fruits? Mine is pic related, even if it's expensive as shit

What's fit's go-to fruits? Mine is pic related, even if it's expensive as shit.

it's pretty cheap in china

lol fruits in MY keto diet? Fuck off.


Mah nigga, my favorite too.

Protip: Buy the plants, easy as shit to grow

Red Grapes are my kryptonite

Jesus that thing looks like poison.

Best fruit besides bananas coming through.
Too bad they usually cost like 15 bucks a pound.

U wot.

They can be under 2$ a pound here, and our dollar is shit.

If you want them fresh, they are around $8 a lb in oklahoma

In Mexico, too

Blackberries and cherries boiiii

Not a fruit but I am hooked on eating pumpkin leaves.

Blueberries are shite m8
Dragon fruit kicks the shit out of it any day of the week

Dragonfruit doesn't even taste like anything wtf is going on in this thread

What kind of shitty dragon fruits do you buy?

Bananas, grapes, strawberries

All pretty damn good, each good to eat with the others. Bananas would be my number one though. And grapes and strawberries are super low cal.

>$15 a pound
what backwater country are you posting from? they're $.54 here

Kiwi are pretty dank too

Normal ones, the taste is pleasant I suppose but can't compare flavorwise to most other fruit. The best thing about it is how it looks.

bananas, raspberries, strawberries, they are all god tier

For what purpose? It has like no flavour

I like to forage for autumn olives since they're abundant here.
Pomegranates are pretty based but they're so fucking expensive where I live and are usually of a low quality.

>sweet isn't a flavour any more


Ripe yellow mangos make my cock hard


ITT: plens

Pineapple masterrace comin thru



If sweet is now "plain", what does rice taste to you? "Nonexistent"?

Specifically these types of apples

good taste

Taste mildly sweet but pretty watered down

Rice has a mildly savory grain flavor, pleasant but not exciting either.

Honestly I'm still butthurt over the first time I tried dragonfruit. Was kinda like spending tons of money on a 10/10 only to get her home and find out she is boring in bed.

I fucking love dragon fruit. Only down side is that it gives me white shit

I eat too much of these I think. So convenient and handy though... And why eat a bar that is the same size at 250+ cals when I can eat a banana for just over 100 cal.

Fucking love pineapple.

have you ever had it in an asian country?
they had it in literally every hotel and it was all i ate for breakfast

My nigga
Flip mangos are prolly the best mangos I've had

Make jizz gains too

the fuck is that pokemon shit

It's a dragon fruit. Tasty as sin desu fampai

pitayas are delicious but the red ones taste better ime


Patrick, sardines aren't a fruit

>implying it even tastes like ANYTHING

+1 Bananas

Also Green Apples, Olives and Grapes are a favourite of mine.

Mfw i bought a mango and didnt lnow how to eat it so i threw it away. Fucking magic fruit. I dont want to skin you and shit wtf.

They're not even particularly sweet.

It taste like a compacted watermelon, and not diluted in water.

> cut off top and bottom fleshy part
> cross hash slice
> flip
> eat
> cut the skin on the remaining part
> eat flesh off and spit out the skin

Where the hell do you even get dragonfruit? I've literally never seen one in my life, wouldn't mind trying one looks cool as hell.


how fucking plebé can you be

Granny Smith is clearly superior

For pies maybe, and subhuman pigmen

if you have a local asian market market that's probably your best bet

OP - Dragonfruit is terrible. Tastes like nothing but looks cool. If that's your favorite fruit you have severe issues. Everybody knows dried Calimyrna figs are goat fruit.

Cantaloupe. 275 cals in an ENTIRE large one. Super filling, tastes good and you can eat as much as you want. Half didn't fill you up but you're cutting? Fuck it, eat the whole mother fucking thing, who's counting? Not the damn cantaloupe that's for sure.
Also organic kiwi. For reason it matters that's it's organic. I don't know why. But fuck, non organic kiwis suck ass.

>ITT: I've never taken advantage of the fact that I'm white and can bag an Asian qt that has dragon fruits and other Asian sweets ready at my whim while rekking dat Asian pussy

Oh and grapefruit of course, that's a daily staple of mine.

Bull fucking shit, it's like a pear's grainy texture without 99% of the flavor of the worst watermelon I've ever had. Mango and orange masterrace if you want actual fucking flavor.


This and tomatoes

Put some Tabasco on it

My mouth is watering

I only get frozen fruit because fruit is too expense

buy seasonal, you cuck

Eat it like in the fucking pic jeez

user, that Asian pussy was rekt long before you showed up. Shit looks nasty. Even negress horse pussy looks better


Avocado is a fruit, right?

Also does anyone else think dragonfruit tastes like semen? I can't be the only one.

>Anything other than cherries
>making it

It's just you bro. Taste like a hint of lime for me watered the fuck down

Looks so good

if semen is as tasty as dragonfruit i've gotta start sucking me some penis

hilarious.. youtubed it.. takes like a year for a plant to grow. Into a fucking TREE. LOL.

tasteless as fuck

i eat like 3 bananas a day. and then i buy whatever else is on sale. blackberries, strawberries (favorite), blueberries, cantaloupe..

>Implying semen isn't already delicious

sadly 99% of the female population disagrees with you

>not being a faggot

only 2 posts about cherries goddamn


>shows promise
broscience right there

>tfw allergic to apples, pear, cherries, and kiwi

I eat a lot of strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, bananas, grapes, and oranges though.

>tfw pineapple and chicken
Truly a combo for the gods.

>Contains bromelain which literally eats you from the inside thereby killing your gains

>Making it

Pic related is the only acceptable choice

I prefer Pink Lady apples myself

ma nigga

best answer

I've been really getting into these guys lately, they aren't really that sweet but I don't have much of a sweet tooth so it's ok.

>eating fruit in asia
you fucked up

bananas also managed to turn any shit tier proton shake/smoothie into at least acceptable tier

>Getting 10 lbs of various fruits for a dollar
>can wash, rinse and cut it yourself
Fruit is the third best thing in Asia, after qt azn girls and qt azn twinks.


can't make this shit up, fucking broscience faggotry


it has bro in it's name, I am pretty sure it's good for us even without googling it.

The gooks have amazing fruit m8

mah nigguhs

I usually eat oats with bananas

but my favorite fruit is Durian

Durian would be a top tier fruit if it didn't smell like shit while I eat it.

I learned to ignore it. But its kinda scary because it smells like a gas leak at home.

>tfw almost getting drunk when eating too much durian

$2 lb frozen at costco best kale smoothie sweetener